장음표시 사용
DE FORE Ub in to reat of I in distases of the human dy, it ma noto imprope togis in reade a succis idea ofit nature in a state of health. WHEREPORE, in orde to serma Just notionis the oh of man, it ought tot considere a a hydraulic machine contrivia illithe in exquisite ut in hichthere are numberles iubes properm
the severa humor subservient tothe various uses an purposses fide; an in particulis that subtiland remiskata elastic fluid, generate in the rata, and known by the me is animal piriis, alie instrument of sense and motion: whicli functions it neve could ec able of executing, were it notcontaine in proper organs rinis purpos the iam hi Creator has formex o sordiis fibres, the
mover: heresere the indas pla-Ced Mercit, as a uter and moderator, and is the essicient cause falli sense an motion. For ii ther his principi resides in thehead as in iis citade hether
it imis, e place, ut is dispersed
ia orere the sed , accordita to the opinion o Xenocrates, a discipleo Plato 1); it command withinus, and direct the whole. omour motions a Weli as u senses, Me two id internat and externat: in internes have notini the vitalpans, a the hean, lungs, stomachaia intestines, subject to them, ut like se est the nervous mem
bra S. io See Lactantius de opificis Dei, cap. Ιω
MEDICA L riter generassymae a id disserenoe etweenthe motions of the vitais, and those of the est os the paris imagining that the sermer, after the arei ebem in the is sermatio of the individual, necessarii Continue evenagainst our,ill but that the lanerare pers med at the ducretio Athe milid, as Circumstances require.
But this is a false notion, into whichthe are deceived by observire, that these natural actions Continue initi, out an sensibi intermission even e we are litti or no at ali conscious of them, thro the whole urse of lis : whereas, is the ining be narrowl looked into, it illmanifesti appear, stat the reason these vita motions seem notio e ovemed by the ind, is, hec se bella incessanti accus tomed to them, e persem them so
res other examples to confirmandillustrat this sentiment; ut o --id bring tedious, I hoosea reser the Reade to a dissertation of
. Portersiari ho has anditastis subject with great perspicuity, si a I have sat in another
Bu this power of the indis in remarhably perceptibi in thos severa, hicli are callia pesti lentiat. For in these ne ma observe, that the ind)urries to the assistance of the laborin frame, figliis against the me , and withthe es of the animal spiriis, X- Cites ne motion in the boh, tho'we may be insensibie of thimorderis expel theloi , hicli is bie ed it in humori, thro' veryoutiet. Andine e vere great physicians have defined a dilea tolea strumle o nature in defence of the health of the individus.
Iminis manne it is, that care istae of the whiae machine, heni danger. ut it is lita se, .cessu somelimes to have a regardio seme particula part no domine, diues of executinius office in this case. lius Da topices disi