장음표시 사용
vide a passage so the loo and humors by the adjacent vineis. This is essected by that admirabie dispos1tio of the oh, hereis
from veri to ein, ut also romine mali arteries into othera Andiliis mechanis is peculiari apparent, here obstructions are mos tobe inred a in the heia, abdomen, and the long indis ducts of the organs o generation. No such a constructionis our semesis the more necessary, b ausi even when a diseas is no in the Case, the ver actions and custonis of theiod semetimes require the humor to e com ed illi reat
in a thei manne o Ering hath occasioned these esset to e moreo les dilared by the perpetualis tions of the fluids. Thus in person addicted orarinking the arteries in the ead in peopte i-Ven to venery those in the genitalsare bime than in the ober and
And this additiones remis may nolle improper here, haesit is almos imposiliae, ut that the very
mahe of the animal paris, tho' e tremes convenient se the purpo-ses of hse, must be attended with me inconveniencies in particular cases as in the fabrick of the unia verse thunder stoms, inundations, plagues, and other lac calamities
necessarib appen semetimes insem places. ut a the divine Creator of the macrocota has givenus natural means of guarding against these evil he has assorded pro-Per assistanc against those hich
that may be indue Wit perpetua motion; ut have constantlylo thei labor. For in andy-worksis his hinysome portionis the moving powerris tost ver instant, D resion of the frictionis the paris, her fit requires tote Perpetuali rene ed. heres oreicis Go alone Who an Complet sue a machine and was leased
that our od should e a fabrico that fori, by disposin ali iis
pomer in suis a manner, that thuy
.hieh, at the fame time that th persorinthei respective unctions, they should constanti and mutuat-l repat each other. ΗΕuc it manifesti appears, that the anima machine is made, noti paris, but ali together fee- iniit is impossibie, that a circle os motions, ome os,hicli depend onothers, e compleated Without alltheir instruments being in their pro- Per places. For example ho canthe ear contraca, o pum theblood formard Without the assistanc os the animal spiriis o the
spiriis besecreted mithout the brarii Andrio oscill the ther principalparis. heresere the animai cula,
rbere is no egini , ut ali uesaris are quasi Medeginis and
To What has been hitherio seidiet me add that ver animalis chine is offuch a nature, that thereis a sortis infinit in iis constituent paris; by hich expression I meanthat thei fibres are se extremebsmali, that e cannot discove the ultimate famina, even by the se sistance of the est microscopes. in i been thermise, aliment mould notae conveyed to eversi dividual part of thelody nor could the necessar functions of liferae per med.
health conssist in regula motions os the fluid' together missi a pro- per state of the solids and distasesare their aberrations: hic a theyare numberlesi, and one osten produces nother, it is exta a miracle, that the animal bod shouldbe able o hold out to extreme oldage Andience indeed plainlyappears the extensivenes of the arto medicine, and ho much superior it icto ali other aris. No this machine, the oni onethat is endued with perpetua motion, a formed by the almightyGeometrician to last a longe orshorter pace of time, accordingeto the disserent genius's os living Creatures. For a body, lachris urs, cannot possibi retain iis sor ever; whic is no dissicultet account Or. Because the membranous fibres of the
Whence the are renderelinc ableos executing thei ossices, and the secretions of the severat parta ared,
minime is degrees And that the selesi uices are nossessiciently carrieffossi perspiration in ollage a busines s ver material to the comtinuane os lis e manifesti appears fio disiections of the odies os ver olypeopte the insides of their arteries betne metimes found ossified here and there here theyhad almomentiret lost their spri
ginest; and the orifices of them tura ducts are osten observeesto bequite cartilaginous. Ι confirmatio of this truth Ishalygive imo remarhable examples, the fies of hie,i tahen romtur
me time, in the yea MDcxxxv he
It is an account of a Worher of themines in Sisissertand who die in MDCCXXIII, aged one hundred indnine years and three months, sent tothe Royal Societ by Dr. An ames Seleuchaerisaurich; ho pondissection Bund the exterior membraneis the spleen beset With whitospois, at first fght resembling ariolous pustules; ut the were ofa cartilaginous hardness, and raised semeWhat ab e the sursace of therest of the membrane the articulations os the ribs With in flemum .ere quite ossified the tendon, bywhic the arteries are inserted into the eari, as ither boney, orcartilaginous a least the semiiuna valves, speciali of the orta, vere plaint cartilaginous and the dura mater Was Aout three times iis usual thichness, and like leatherii). io P. G. Trans Ν' 376. BUT
Burrit is time totas to the d sects of this machine, hieli dis tur and destro iis motion, CH AP.