Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


last is asserte by sem authors of experien , o have likeWise an a Myne questu, anda procurerile with greater certaint an sese even than optum. An in mela cholis cases, chal beates are also Ver properi In fine, a frequentu of the col&bathcis very servic able, speciali in manimal cases. For nothini a Celsus sys, is offuc benest to the leari a colae mater 12. ΙΥ no remiam to a domsome ulm so the anagement of mad- tks than whicli nothingconduces more to thei cum and disserent method are to e

se ed with the maniaca and -- lancholic. The nrulines of thoseis to e curiad; and the despo

Mnc of the to e dissipatia by


o e sensibis of ein inprouolyConquered, the insit submit sotine future, and dare notisse vi te e to the lues orithera.

I is a more dissiculi mane tu manage hin, hos madnes is accompanie Min excessive adnessor to hose disperent humors he physician uota accommodate himself heresere the ill-times fit o lingliter of some re in be


othera are to e dissipated tot hicli concerta es music alid si h diversions a the formeri molides hi in are ver conducive. Andiow music assects and rellares


io Os madnes. compasi, fise turn it upon obiecis, whicli excite disserent motions in it. Thus in imaginar seus o longduration, it is semetimes beneficialto inright the patient Wissi res

tangere. ut these rea terrore must in theiriwn natum e quite utiliae thela salse or imaginar ones, in orde to cause a disserent agit

tion in the m d. o the tandcannotae abselutes at rest thoughit ma be sere rom care and anxi- ety and a change os ideas may bedemed a recreation and relaxationfrom studies t justas the muscies of the limia, hemitred with any onesen o labour, are restes, is putring them on disserent actions.


madnes. Iot by these the constitutionis bod is streminenod, and the mind resumes ita rationes facultius by the constantochange of objects. To hat has been hitherio seid, Pshali subjian ne animadversionmore stat anodyne to procurestremare ver seldom prope in this distase. ut et in seme inses, asinareat terror of tand o whenthe patient, throuo selicitude and sed si is much fatig d with constant,atchire, it ma notae amissio mae mal of them; ut, arenotrio persist long in their se serit osten happens, eum hen in procure fleep that when the patienta aes, his heia is fissed illi more terristing ideas thanae e. close his hapter illi observire, that here is no disease, in is the ange of a relapse is


greater: heresere very thim that has been utaris proposidia the cure, hether relatis tomedicines, diei, o manne of hv-ing, ought to eo eate se a nuderable time traue inrervias, even after the patient has


sully uintia os severat sensisies; ut there are threesens the in acute an fata esas, the natur of whic the hamno explaine Miu sussicient accura . of these in fir may bocalled the watev quiesy the seconda gangrene of the tonsili, and the, iniud a rangulatim of the fauces. I in se seri, the gland of the mouin, palate, and ne libou in pares are distende and woln. In the second, an inflammationwit ut a persec suppuration seiae


nerves are convulsed, and thei

i Pret inciare


are est ver dangemus, and requiresonae disserenoe in the triniment. remember, that the wateo

an epidemi sere in Wales, specialty in places in the ea, and carrita ora great number of pe pie in Wo or three days rom incir

sul da a physicia residire there, More his his advice to bieed plantifulbras seon a possibis, ande ty the fissi passages by a clysterior, is practi ble, by a genue purge and then to appi Mistersunde in chin, and o the sides of themech and is this course did noti succred, o scaris the palate pret Fdeepi Aout the vula and subli gua veitas in orde to ove ventio the matter of the distase. In themean time, to cur in the sever, Irecommende a poWde made p


qua paris os the commund -er os contra rva, an vessure nitre. Anythis method savia very many lives.

ω the gangrene of the tonsiis,ine blaesing and clysters, the only

pretiyde 4ncillans in these glaias, whicli are to e dressed Mili hono roses, mixta illi a finali quantityos Egyptia honor and aliae fame

time, the mouth and throat are to

- three Mys the gangrene spretas to the gestet, and is mortes. I have seen seme patienti savia bythis method, and ther die, in os casis it was esther neglected, or applied to latet hile the a tinting phyikian were os opinion, cause