Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


serent mays, at langin quit ove po et itig assanow the constitutioniso Fabricito beluch, that inateverimages present themtares to themiud, hether of thing that maybe beneficis o preiudicis to us, the nocinarii excite certain assec tonsi passion in the ut, hich


drea es impending overt is se

much more intolerable than theres affliction itself, as orarive timorous e terio la violent handson themselves. So farcis the liseos man exposed to miseries in Gerystae Νo the instrument of est thesemotions both of the minfandi dy, is that extremely subtile fluidos the nerves, commoni callia animal spiriis. Concerning the natur of which e have so reb 1 offere our conjectures, and nave hewn that this active quid is very susceptibi os various alter tionsa a remassi te instance wher of we have in the ver dis se of whicli, Me no treating.


MEDICAL writer distinguissit alias Amadness, and describe them both as a constant diuorde Athe minxwithout an considerable sever; ut illi his disserence, that the one is attended illi aud Ciousnes and fury the the withiadnes and se Q and that the callmania, his melanchol . ut thesegenerali disse in degre onj. Formelanchol very frequently change ,

in practice μου that the animal spirit acquire various preternaturalproperties, have atready seid, in allisadness, is easti demonstra- ted. ut a se rizim circumstancer in his distemper is that it noti μου osten preserves the patient istomother


strereth, and the wellis of herbest suesidia visibi di se that in asstor time, IJων her able to


tended illi thissi, heat, and nio Meata together illi great wata in os flessi, and frequent spitiingost in stime, rom the lures and throat, interspersed here and there th mali portions of yello purulent matter. Nomine a runninginto a me pulmonar Consumption,

and death seemed tolerat the door. Whereupo the patient egan tobe anxious se the salvationis hers l. he was immediaret visited


cui ted that the way to heaven was

isse. But observe the eventi Themiserable munilah, verpo eredh sacre terrors, was seon seiged in religious madnesi migh and da inesseW the appearance of deviis, sulphureous flames, and other horridimages of evertastin tortures of

stringit se e to hecome more adequare to perso in the functions o lise, in proportio a the


Mys e re quit melancholic. Wheresere the disinse Was realia brevacuations proportioned to herstrereth, and ther proper media

a essect that there appeared me hopes of a persect cure. ut alas ltoward the end of the inita monili, in hecti an ulceratis of the lures returning this chartare virgin die conrumptive, hos med worth M a betae sate. ΤΗ1 distas then miret Co

in in the strengin os imagination. For pleasin or terristin imagesare represente to the ins and these in the ordinar course of -- ture, are necessarii solio e Diuitabie, an ascit ere coherent motions of the boh. ence evenbrutes semetime run mia, that is,


have a stare of eason proportionaleto thei respectis natures. DA1LY experie e convinces mos the vast miser of this faculty

that a manuhouldie suade himselsinat he is changes into a do or a Wolf that he is actuali dein and converta Min the eia, hilahe is suli ostiis and strengis thathe wear a Mad os glassi clay; and a hundred the suta extrava 'gant ancies, of whieli mad se sate semetimes possessia. Aia et


Masiebrancia, hicli comes early up to a prodio si). About se eight years ago se ae there a in the hospites of i curabies a Paris in Nung man, an ideo fio his blath, host d was rohen in the fame places in hicli criminals are 'rohen. e lived ea men ear in that condition many person se his, and the late mure mollier matre a visit to that hospital, ad the curiosi notoni tessee, but even to much the arm and leg of this mussi, in the places here the Were