Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


ver dissiculi orae done, ecauseacia cathartis cause oo great an irritation, and Me -- Dvomiti There recit is to M a te teda stimulatim clyster and genti catharilas; hicli are mos lihelyn give mutua assistanc toeata iners operation. Anodynesto are necessary, ut mixt withthe purgin medicines olius aver proper medicine Willae a ser Ple of the ea artis extrisy, Withone grata os the Nebais extract; an seme Mura aster, Wo spm

fulsis infuso os sena, illi theaddition es a fourth par of therine re os sana, tote a meithermery hour, or very two oura, untii the patient has has lassicient number of Mess. I this cour se prove inessectual,


a twosoldise in his case tramini is it ponderosi , statis restoring the natural motionis the intestines, whic is invenia; and by iis stip- perlatas, stati s aeningratiae cibring o-Ward the excremendi .hicli sto the passam. ponthes accounts icis ven in large quantities, to a mund we Mallein and generali requires obea maeae No ouo the physiciana use any long dela in t ire this experiment, se sevis auactuat mortificationis the inflamed Paris; hereis the covs of thesi testiue ould be destroyed, and thequis e run imo the cavit Athe aliamen. IN INE sementationsareos semeservice, particulari War stannessseata spiris of minet, or What S eniam prescribes, a sive πο


cations about the naves.

ΤΗ fame method os cureris tota observe in that severe diisse, by the Frenta calle talis Pimnum, and by ur eos in the America istatas, here it is very rise, the do elimael. For it is pala, attended with a sere and inflammation, and a mos troal sim costi ness.sECTION III.

ru bellyris stequently the stat


sores, the round more son, theastarides, and the flat rotantia

man medica writers But thelearnia Daniel Le Clere has laenine in accurate description sine flat-worm illustrates,ith figures i). Anyas he has refuted theerroneous opinion os seme physi- Cians Concerning this creature, Whichstem testa an animal os a singularnaturen Phave borrowed stomlim the ollowin remaas. Fis it manifesti appears that this is nota single, in but a chain os many lesie worms, of that ind whichare calle cucurbitinae litae t gether in a continued series. Se- condi these lauer are sometimes


O --s. 131. Quia os a finger' breiath, bingsingle and separate in the intestines, an are se disclivged by the anus. Lamy the whola Gm formes of the concatenation os these has butone heia, hicli is preti sta*poinred, semewhat resemblin abeata; hicli it fixes into the coata of the intestines, and liching there ver sest, sucks the chyle se ita


indred, it is a trulli equali strange and distavreable that though the medicines have destroyed indbrouo a V severes of the mallWorms, hicli are the component pares of the greatine; et iners

the elves to the est, in orde tos a Te


λω mentioned sh id cause pain; and that the person, ho entertians this de uringrauest, and is undera necessi is supplyiniit Milyseod should waste in his flessi, and


In fine, di injected by the anus


Iu fine, the fame medicines, Whicli, have destro fandite ed thes W- eis of these intestine memies, areto eo eate stomatae is time,

to prevent thei retum.

THERE is noster Wom, hic deserves to e taen notice of in this place, as eiu very Afferentisom hos rubou describia, ioth Min regata toriis sint, inita is notin the intestines, ut in the smbs, an to the oddnes of ita nature. mea that inita the Arabians have ame vena medimnsis, the Greel 'meis,pori and thes Latins dracunculus ire is the fin thori ho deseribe this Wo ,

an to his description he has sub jolata the cure si). Mis Arabis textwas endere into Latini Georgius Hieronymus M. Apulus, and


colour, hic continues o comefri incessantist smetimes it has a vermicular motion unde the is, ascis it mere a rea .rem Galencalis this erit an ulceri inita has a

India, is a realis m. An in particular it is in aquati insecit,


is then very mali; buti setaingon the membranes of the muscies, it

grows large in ali dimensisns; illat langit, it gna the shin, andrasses a Mellis and inflammation, ita suppurates; and then thecreature ut sori us heia, and is osten Quia is beri three seet long and semetimes longeri ΤΗ cure proposed by temconsist both of internat medicines, and of externat he s. Forae asvises the patient to lati a drachmos aloes three da suetas est. μιν the rem iustand uis med cine, and las actuali Gguna coma