장음표시 사용
, TH apoploy When it is notmortes, ver frequently terminates
and theu, sue a the tincturas era. An a the disias is noψ come chronimi, insteia salis tres, it ill e requisite o maehibes in proper Lees, specialbi eae ape of the neta, and - π the flam , Ether Min theaestuat eautem, or iis musti me dicines. H pserate advises mappi the Aua cauter m eight places at least, an speeifim them.
iniis ver beneficiat in persens notis sar advineta in years hue Mahathiniis preiudicia in ali pares
WHEREpost Liae this occasionto publis sim remaas, hichI have madein these Watera. Mirchie virtve stem to me to consisti a certain mineres Mas, hereuthe warm and cheristi the 1 om nata intestines and there re theyare chiae sere able to those, hohave ruised thei appetite an dia gessive iaculi is drinia Mine, oroster spis uous liquor : hicli is Wellanown to e the cause of a
ficiabat fissi, by immode are e severance beeoming rejudiciat by
er-rea in the fibres A ci cumstance, hicho aves severat times observe more particularly in patienis, hos dis ses ereo in to a sauit in the nervous
uis disin neve is acute, cis te ted us, an in old eoplealmo in rabie k and the patient so the most par drag a miserable liue For the vigor of his indisgether
mia a levi and vertigo. a1 together illi his memor are tost, o vastly impatres h tollers andinatas, an is ecome a dismals hi ascis no longe a man, ut an animal halLMad.
tom and name, is of the paralytichita, and is cured by frequent col&bathin and chalybeate medicines, a Pliave at ready saidipon another occasion i).sECTION III.
De epilem and vertigo. CONCERNING the periodicalis
there seidos hin prope to addtino admonitio . The rust is, thalitiae aristo is ver osten more adneas of the stomach, than f the heia orat least that both thesepares are assected together, rom aquantii a bilious an viscix mors lodon in Maura. Whenthat is the cais, no medicines Mil beesie ah Wit ut premita a v mitis θα-- --, o semeother proper emetic. An ine Ward M Uest, elixis of irrisi, taen in pring arer an his ortwo b ore an aster inner, illmend the appetite and digestion. other is that the erum undari, Joine to seme medicine appropriared to the distin has --quenta Men o great service, si peciali E it Malae thus.
ΤΗis uncommon distaseis a re lent preternatural convulso of the
and aster a lis spent in continuat anxiety toae persuade that his death illae the comme ementis eternat puniinment Andio allthesem I
cumstance, that the disertar is very dissiculi tote cured. o , in m de to the cleare comprehensionos hv I have o say fio expeti en in his distase, I will premise se hinis concertantiis nature.
very frequent cause of this evilis an excessive intentio of themind, and the thought long fixedon any one object even though it beo the leasin hind. For uini intention o tand suci taedthought, is capiste os pervertingste rationes faculties, as e me times observe in studi s persens; but when it is tended with semeo the asilans, asinope, ear, -- ger, m. the dis de is heightened;
and the madnes is accompanted ei the with melanchol o fury, -- cording to the natur of the cause, and chlassy accordis to the natu-L a rat
res propensit o mi in the patient to this oralia passion m nothinid11order the m d se mucha love an relinon, mea falseandisai religion, o superstition. Love is attendex in ope sear, Jealos', an semetimes Minwrath, and haued arisin from thelarier. Superstitio silis an distram the in With vain terrore, an notions os divine venyance.
Ηe esit happens, stat the madnesses persens in love is more generaul of the miniaces, and that os superstitiou people of the melanch lic hind. the two disordere seme
IN FINE, adnesi se to the greatest he hin, hen the mi cis rached with contris passion at the