Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


cians both ancient ata modern theriura legmatia or a farca, thes ony, and the scires. An e cessis serossies is common to them

whicli case there is also generalbs n seme stare o water, madeperhaps by the condensationis the tanta vapor at oster times the


es the water man 'assi perceived esther po moring theiodnor atting the pari Wit the halia, as in the scites. Tu stat of the Meophismatia is in that membrane, hicli moderna totam cal the adi se or ather the nisulari cellula membram, and whichraim etinem alline membranes of the od indine muscies. TH ymon is os more serta than one. Sometimes the confinia vapor Noati up the abdomen, Whichgives a talo seundis ingstruch. And that vapor is an halatio fio some mortifie viseus and theresere M let out itis alWays extremessistid. His is arare case, and yet I have is oneremarhaiae innanceis it in πο- mas' ho itia. M Was in an old a mani


ing the Momen after Math, therest, ut illi nesse sicli ais eueis

si a sita ire vapor, that the Κλ


contractile o re and thini inest capacit is semetimes identa to an

Ways. por semetimes the water is extravasatia et in the tendo of the transversa muscies of thealdomen and the peririnisum, and


semetimes observed this ater tolevery clear, illi many lites transiparent strings, composed os flendervesicles that reme linis tog ther, floaluere incit; hicli ere thecoat os thes ined lymphati ves- seis, hose valves separate theminio disserent places, an sermedBυτ there is no species of dropst


of them ali more inani e butine sollowing case, hic seli underm notice, hile I Was physici an tolli hospites, is ver u Ommon. wHow of sert two years of age, Who neve had a child, complainedos palas in heriach, and Asfices

of malaxwater, oro ut Melvemonius aster hic time se perceived her bellyrio Mell, and thereseon appeare manifestium es inaficiles: heresere sile a tappedthree disserent times; ut the w ter Gon collected again aster inchlapping, an in die in a sor right o three weeli aster the linpuncture. Upon pening the bo-h, there Muta fissi stom a cavitns med by the separatio of the tendo of the transversa muscies

malle peritonaeum, a great quin



ranaeum, sive or tot pinis os astichiu and riseid humor Hre in m ut mixta iis many coompte glands. - Wondemd that non os the intestines appeared, ita, seuot in ossi, mih tring throuo a membram asthic Maeather, erat langin seundesi stomach Wissi est the intestines an omentum collec e luto ama x- Omptas, and acit ex Hylaghid there. The membrane immediates inclata them a the in- ne lamina of the perito eum; Who outer pari Ming, a Phave almad observed, almo a thichas linther, id si se impos o usa se sol that we ook it sorine hole peritonaeum Thus thethree species of astiter ab ementioned visibi occurre together inthic dy, a curious, apposite, and insul casse.


pgs in Es est these collections os ater, ther paris of the od aretis liable to the fame distemper, a se example the res and testi

tende Min greater anger hanwhen collecte in the reast: andinis species of dropst mos com moni happens to thole, ho have long laboured unde a dissiculi os breathing that sordespeciali whicharises rom pol pi in the blood-ves sessa hile the serosities of the blood

transude throui the membraneis the lungs. I have see severat cases of this hind where there a stomalint to a quartis,ater collecte semetimes in one side of the breastonin semetimes in both, and seme- times esse in the ver mediastinum. W, a this ater encreases datly


denly. In fine, in persens holad been long subjecto a palpitationo the heari, and shoriness of bream, the pericardium iiset has been undaster devii vasti distended illi

Βυτ it is time to come to thecure of these dropsies. In the eu- phlegmatis, an incision ought tobe made in the inside of the leg,

stould ru sor soni days. And ring this time, et thecie by mented with a decoctionis emollieni and war herbs, with an additionis cum oratia spiris of mine; whicli method. I have osten seundi be of reat service, not ni in this species of dropst, ut even in the ocius iiseis: V, in seme cases it