Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


it has proved an absolute cure, bydraining o an almos incredibie quantityi Water se many day to-gether. But care must be ahen, no onj in his particula incision, hut in est ther that are made in

the patient' strength; hicli is asmuch assected by this evacuation, asci the same quantity of blood were drawn. Wheresere the patient is to e supported by allios s1ble means, est,hat was intendedsor his cure a hasten his death whereo I have seen two instances, one of whicli, indeed, happened by tWn fauit, in notaestimating the patient' strengili illi sussicient Caution, and themthe by the rasti nesso a surgeon. And et it is astonisining ho great a quantityos ater drawn Fin this manner, hydropic somelimes ea tociose, a illi


o neu fift years os age, and of agood stron habit of Ody, Wasseiged illi an anasares and astaticaldrops at the fame time; hereis herieli Melle to such an excessive degree, that he me la inbed he was Dite oppressed by the weight. When her case was judgedalmos desperate, I gare it a myopinion, that the only opes, orrather hanc remaining sor heriise consisted in letting ut thewate by incisions made in the

on her ourne out of this miserable liue, and didio chus to go bach. But at length he was prevalled onu thu importunities of her frienda; and


as leaves of Roman worm ood, tessercentaurP, gentian oot, and tessercardamom eias, illi an additiones chal Neate mine. An Gerynio iste rank in solio re drauot, hicho have frequently ordere in hydropic cases, and

Bunxit ver essi claus in promot-ing urine.


SH mended daily, and in time persecti recovered her forme state of health. ut me a purgedwith prope cathartiCs, a seon asher strength ould ear hem. An indeia his distas requires preti poWerfui catharilas, an a frequent repetitio of them thechies of hicli are elaterium, calo- mel, and alap. heres ore these

re ive a prope intervat :and the ther medicines bou mentione Were continue datly


stat stat delage of ater flowed parti stom in cellula membrane, parib stom in Sch, sermed by the tendons of the abdomina muscies and the peritonaeum, o by the diastensionis the two laminis of the


ORDE bring me no to theum v. An first, stat species, Which, as I sal ab e pro edssrom a mortificationis an of thebo eis, is absolutet in rabie: ut that hicli is occasioned by air, e gendered an pent u in the very intestines, is to bearealed missi moderate cathartic frequently administered, and carminatives, m X-

pel the w d, interposed mythe with diet os ver east digestion Likewise, odit exercise ought notio be neglected on it illi ofuse to thro u large clyster os Warm Walers and also, hat Celsus advises,


advises, o mata ulcera in severuparis of the best With a red-hot iron, an them rumin a good whiles 1 . ut is his operationstould appea cruel, it illi pr per o layilister o the abdomen, and repeat inem no and then. THE Urius is alWay a dreadsuldi se, hester iis stat eis ine uide of the periton um, o Withinit, or in fine, in the cavit of the l. . NoW, it is extremel mat ris in his case, to consideri What evacuations the patient is capable of ving. For, hen e is eali, violent purginiis ver preiudiciat; and the more the serosities aredrained ut of the intestines, hegreater quantit of them flows into the belj. A soon a the physician serves this to appen, e uotio desis , and tori a carr in the.


redundant ater by the urinarypassages. ut ali diureti cs, evensicli asare accounted the minio eriat, are funcertain effect in thesecases for those hich answer inone patient fati in another; here re various foris are to e tried. t generali speaking those, intowhicli fluit enter, are the oste actous of these the hie are, esineretne draught with oxymia above-


or in fine cingar of usis, hichwillae les distanee leno the sto- maCh, an belle adapted to the intention is it e give in his



po this occasion, I cannotomi recordin a very remarhable

X et mannera


maniter, he ound hersei vastis reliGed and her hirst, hicli asvery troubles me, as entiret appeased This medicine semetimes gave her stool se two or three dayssuccessively, and me made hue orsi pinis of ater at east veryday. he continue this courses ora elue monilis, and was ured without an retur of the distase. Wheres ore Hippocrates Wisel ad vises physicians, to enquire me of