장음표시 사용
ω are clanged isto, ouers. 29 lie, by p ring har bile into the guis. An suin is the connectionis in uterus illi many other paris that Hippocrate pro, nouncedistis organa be Me ea eos au dise es in omen I). No these paris are chiefly the heia, lungs, an stomach and the instruments of this sympath are theanimal spirith hichleing hurried by the passions, iste conve thedisorders of the wom to the est of the ody, o communicate thedistemper of the od to that
TA vicinityos the paris, hichliave allege a another cause of the succession os diseases, ahes place intefl in inflammations by the transsatio of the humor toth adjacent part Thus a pleurist comes a peripneumony the iliae
si De morbis mulierum, Lib. ii.
passion supervenes a strangury; the disorders of the hidneys spreadio the lains and the ain in theltans are communicatin to the his
IN pis the third cause, hichI have assigned sor the superventionor transitionis diseases, is the very natur os these disinses; hic asit is various, socii produces iis effectuarious Ways. The gout semetimes turn into the colla, and the
xalty the physician. Difficuli abreaining os long continuance, gives riserio a drops in the reastas et a in the bell' An an fare afford great reason to apprehend amascius and melancho
Hi P Poc RATEs collected a great number os observation to this seu pose, and pon them bulli thedivine artis prognostic in diseasos, to whicha reser myreadera. Wheres ore Iinuit the subjeca wit this timonition that although thecauses, whicho have enumerated ostenmex thei pomer singly; et it commoni happens, that more thamone of them concur in esseclingthos succession an transitions os dis eases.
CONCLUSION. Og the regimen os life. I Hor it Will notae thought inconsistent mith the scope of thistreatis o the disinses of the humanbody, to subjoin by Wayis conclusion seme stor rules for themanagement os person in healththrouo the dissurent stages os hse. Although indeed his res siemstoae rendere almo superfluom by the precept delivered by C sus i): hic Whosoeve mill observe, With due regarito the disse- Tence of climates an manne os living nomand in the time of that
Fo suin is the natural constitutionis theiodro man, tacitcan easil bear ome changes and irregularities it ut muta injury:had it Men otherwise, e s uidbe almo constanti put ut osorderi eversilio eause Thisadvantage arises homo se omdersu communieations of the i Ward paris, herebri hen ne partis assected another comes -- mediatest in iis relies. hus henthe od is to sul an ove loaded, nature cause evacuations throuo sommo the ouileis Andsor this resion it is, that distases fro inanition are generali more
i In secundi istudine adversae infidiam Ginsumet.
diministi than encrease the uices of the body the fame account also though temperanceae beneficiat to ali men the ancient phymelans advised persons in good health, and theiriwn masters, o indulgea litile no and then, by eatingand drinhing more plentifuli than usual 'ut of the Wo, intempexance in drinhiniis aser than ineating. And is a person has committe excess in the alter, coid mater drank ponis uti stomachmill hel digestion to hic it
it is no prope to passi directi tosta funger, orarom hunge tosatiety neithe will ita fas toindulge absolute est immediatebaster excessive labor, o suddenlysallaeshard Wor aster long idlenesi. In a mor there re allchanges in the wayos livinius ulube made by degrees. I is also beneficiat o vary the
scenes of lisse, to e semetimes in the countu, semetimes in toWn; to gorio ea, to hunt, in beat res, nomand then, ut more frequen lyrio use exercise: ecause inactionrendera theiod Weah and listies an labor stre thens it But a mean is to b observed in ali thesethings, and to much sat uerio beavoided sor frequent and violent
exercise verpo era the natural
strength, and wastes the ody; but moderate exercise ought alWaysto
Die used besere mess. Nom orali hind of exeresse riding on hors bach is the most convenient; or, is the personi too weah to Marci ridincima mach, or at leti in alitter nex solio Tencing, playingat bali, running Walhing. ut itis one of the inconvenienees of oldam that there is seldo suffieienestringin se usini dii exercis though it be extremelv requisite sorhealth. Wheresere rictions ithina fles,brus are necessar at this
time of liue, hich shouldae e forme by the person himself, is possibis is noe, is his servandi.
s LEE is the Weet smine oleares, an restore of strength; ascit repairs and replaces the wastes that are made by the labor and exercises of the day. ut excessivessee has it inconveniences sor it blunt the senses, and render them
prope so the multitude to observe; much more is the observa eos it necessar sor person addictedio literar studies, whose minds and bodies are more susceptibis os injuries.
aliment are proper sor children, and soro in the stronger Oidie ple ought todesse the quantityistheir ood, and encreas that of their drinh. But et seme alloWanceis to e made so custom, speci ali in the olde climates, liheours: sor: in these the appetite is heener, o is ste digestion etterperformed.
Andio the dee o personat eri menti