장음표시 사용
LN pavia ali oris of odit exercise are necessary and in particular it ill e os great service toplay at bomisi tennis, o tosi the
on horsebach. I Fi Nisu it a mort fornwhichisa seem ridiculous, ut is true, and stem the whimsicalnesi, is I may use the expression os this
disea . A certain sello os a college, by to much indulgin asedentar lisse, a se severelyafflicted with this disorder, that hesmas a tengili oblige to tahe to his bed: and his hypochondriacita graduali roseo that pitch, that he declared himself at theloint of death. In that fit he ordere his passinit nelicio beauniuin a churchnoessa sirpn his chambera: bich
be justi ranked amons diseges; becisse the di sorderet rious Ways. The saxis indisput bte; ut in orde to aemunt sorthe manner in hic it is mughe a ut, it is necessar to have a clear an distin notion os thematureos the Bul, and of the la os iis union,ith the oh a potnt os Ino lege, to hich, in m opinion, me stati neve attat in this life For steli is the condition os ou existence, that though, have it
os the minion Our corporeat strames nor is it an ways dissiculi to disternthe alterations, hici, the oec son in the blood and humors Fox semei them retard other accel rate the motionis the circulatingssuid; hile ther again actos checks and spurs alternately. Thus grie and ear achen iis pace; anger, indignation, an intemperate lust driverit o a sui galloprand a combinationis these and thelthe commotion produces precipi
tate and sedde vicissitudes os tam ness and quichnesi. An it may nolle amissa observe, that inodidinate assections dwellinilonginthe mind frequently become ted,
ous diseases accordin to thei respectives natures. so anxietrides patri ries, cause melancholy; and ange end in fur an masnest But the passion do not actwith qualiorceimal individuals: thei effect varies according to the diversit of constitutions both fminfand Ody an even in thesime individual, the disturba os, whic the ratis, are disserent atdisserent times. So thoroughi incomprehensibi is the constructionos our fabric.
dieal .riter ut retinuis i). Foricis notini true, sae observes, that in assections os the indhring on bodii disisses; ut thesedise es litavis in thei turn em gende passions an sue sem times as seem quite contris to thenatur of the distase. An this he exemplisies in a iuravim inich
ci De causis et senis diuturnorum morborum, A si cap. I.
great enginis the lood, motion,' the heari, contractoith lesse orgreater force. heres ore the pulse discovers hos alterations even in thei very begining. Buzies ore I come to the medicat treaiment of the disorders of themind, it ma not be imprope tota e notice that the omnipotentCreator has give us these naturalcommotion sor Ver Wis e s;which seem tote, that thereis me
tuosit to hun evit, an e race good. heressere the passion arenoesbad in themselves it it their exces that becomes vici ous, henthe ris to such an extravagantpitch a notrio be governed by thedietates os reassem Nom, to assWay these wellingsurges of the oui, the tisiness
potnt ali the precept of the verystolos commoni prove inessectual so the followeis of this sect requently spea might things, ut live not up to thei doctrine: Naturam expellas furca licet, qua
lli cur os lodii distemper' and leave these morai potnis tole contrQ- verte Mand setiled by philosophers. ΝΟ , hateve force his advicoma have in other cases, his bes reus seems to me of such moment,
that Iie to e indulge in tholiberi Pt he of interspersing thia medicat
ra propensit to plealares: butthese rare is two very disserent soris, the sensual and the mentat. Sensual pleasures engrosithe greatest
αν Ofue assectioni of the minaeos virtve. heresere ho everdesirecto erio this solisthappines ought to inure himselsa degreesto the love os Viriue, and ever care-suli to void adding uel to the firmos his passions. APPosiae to these sentimentsis that Ving, hici Cicero pulsinio the mouthis Cato, si him received froni the reat Archytasos Tarentum that natur never