Medical precepts and cautions

발행: 1751년

분량: 342페이지


분류: 미분류


auippe uec ira desim totum, nec tela me hostes i uantumsola noces, animis illamis voluptas I .

petites: maus icheeps them in astate os tranquilli . Aso his is the Way in generalto resist these eviis, or at lea todiminis thei essects But When the have ahen de 'oot in theboh, ain os them requires iis

oWn prope remedies. In tho commotions Which chea the eo se

i Puricorum, Lib. XV. r. 9 .


rit extracted from animati, and things of this hilid, re very co venient simuli. Blood-letling, heeping theiod open, nitre andallither coolers restrai the impetuost os the bio . ut it is of the ulmost consequencerio frequent the company, and sollo the ad Vice, os persens os sortitude andvisdom se in very age and state os lis e great is the poWer os example, hereis e insensib0

brouo into intire subjection, ill


are osten the consequences of a

page of the menstruat disinarges isthe


the blood' lenior; hereb this fluid ecomes incapable of sorcingi hesphinecter of the ducis destinedb nature so this evacuation. Forit is no from the bursted arteries of the uterus, hicli is the common opinion, that themtood is uegevery monili, ut rom esset psculiari appropriated to this ossice. An this lentor or hichnes of the blood changes the livet color of the face into a reenim paleand wan complexion. TH proper medicines in his distemper arethose, hicli are ca-pable of encreasing the blood's circulation, an attenuatin the visecidiumors and suci are ali bitterajoined wit aromatici, as also many preparations os seel. ut to theso ought tole premised blood-letling, an catharilas tended illi calo- o mel.


mel. The tinctura sacra is viso an excellent medicine. Bu os ali the o pomersulemmenagogues, I have ound sosingula a virtve in blae Vellebore, that I ardi remember it eversiailed ans ering m expectations. Μ Way os orderiniit is, ariea spoonsul os tinctureis Hac ἈH

bore in a glassis arm mater, tobe alienamice a day Anda have observed his remarhable circumstances that whenever, ither froma ba consormatio of the Paris, O an other cause, this medicinelia no the destre effect thebloo was orced out throuo semeother passages: hicli is a manifestproos of the reat power of this medicine in spurring the lood


The excessis the menstrua dischaetes.. V lihemis the menstrua dise arges frequently uno excessi. In that case the flux is to e re-straines: hicli aster lettin blood, is essec ed both by thos medicines, Whicli condens an inspissate theblood and by those, hici allayiis eat. Os the rst for the principat are suci a participat os


Thestuor albus.

Tu suo albus is a dischargeos a liitissi gleet matte by thonaturaliaris of the sex. his humor issues ometimes rom the esset Atho uterus, and ometimes romthe gland of the vagina. In the sorme case his dis charge is suppressed during the time Ofthemen' seruat courses in the alter esse, sisis, illi them, and continues eveni the time os pregnaney- I both species of the disea the principat intentioniugiit to bedirected toward mending the habit of Ody fro soni sauit in whicli the derive thei origin lutwhcn the seat os the distemper is in the et vina, it ili moreove require topica applications.


wRERE FORE, generali speabing, it mill e prope to beginalidi eurea giving a Vomit, specially.ith pecacoanfla mine Frequent purginiis indicated ehiefl Muir barb; hich may be ahea either in substance, it the additionis aromatics, and in ome cases of a litile atome no and thensor in the tincture of Hubar inmine. And the laxiu of the fibres requires astringenis, particularly suinas haveseel in thei compose


Phave osten, With great success, ordered the patient to inject a finaliquantityis Batra's aqua aluminoria, or of the camphorate vitriolicvjater With a litile se utian bovadded to ither, into the vagina through a prope stringe, at repeate times. An it ill eissem service to fumigat the vagina nomand then illi a poWder, made os equaliaris os ran incense, masich, amber, an cinnabar fantimonν, thrΘWn on burning

cinger, et it is frequently very