장음표시 사용
terristing and moreove it sim times deprives them os thei senses as essectually, ascis the had beensetaed illi an epileptic fit. WHEN a Woman has salien into
are tole applied to erraroin orhips. ut is me continues long init, it ill be prope to put the nusos a candie, o sorne other thing of steti sinet to her nostriis, inorde to ronge her. In the mean
service te andat is beneficia tous exercise Bul the disturbances of the min&generali require pro-Per remedies. I, parua Hippocrates, aster pre-
scribin castor an many thermedicines, Wisely says that amomanu es remeae is to maru indiearilia en 1 .sECTION V. Di euis Hrth. HUMANI TY prompis usa give What assistanc me can, besides themanua operation to the se in hard labor. For although provident nature has ta n lac good care so the propagatio of the human species that the labor Minsare seldom attended ,it much
danger; et it semetimes happens, that theatrinas ver dissiculi and tedious. An this dissiculi prin
than promote the delivery, are aP-peased and the nature thus re-lleve does herisor esset ually. It is lihemis os ome moment in this aselo lino , that the optate relaxes and opens the uterina paris, ascit oes allisther that re in astate os constrictioni tenson.
ΤΗ venerea insection, that bitte scourge os illa ule races, ould have prove thereproach o physicians; ad notquis sive been happii seund tohe iis antidote. ΤΗΕ nature, history, and pr gressis the diseas have been soampi and eleganti describe by the learnest ructi) that nothingmore canine requiredin that heado But a to the manner, in hiinthis ponderous fui operates in
some and obstinate. It proceeds both stom the vesculae seminales animo pro te gland by the erosio of the orifices of thei duct smintheaerimon os the morbi humor; an is mos commoni theo fuit os an ill-judged method os euring the gonor oea missi violonteathartics, hich destro the natura tone os the fibres.
mong practicioner in his casei than to administer bal mira, mith a viem os frengthening the paris; hut generali Mithout successi. Ithas been my practice ser many years past to orde the solio ing tinctures and a Psound it very effractous 1 have recommendesitrio a number
and strain offor his et the patient alie
Hai at sever is nomand thenthe consequence os a long salivation. In his case a decoctionis the woias
tient mould continue his course,
tillae has recovere strength and flest.
.hen the are actuali soui thereis reason to apprehend that theirumelia may be rine alande bythe ponderosit of the mercurialglobules. Where re it is sese toprotrach the cur is a more paringus of this medicine, than to h Uitin by a contrar practice.
Og disesses, hic come πω, orare clange into, Mers. I is os great moment, both ethe benefit of the patient, and the honor of the physician, toknowwhat distases comemPon, Orare change into, thers. here- fore I Wil briefly mention some of these. AUT HOR indee have alsed great disputes o the causes os thesechanges but the are certainlydisserent according to the nature os the respective diseases. For sem times the consent, an a certain assinity, of the assecae part with
other notae assected cause thediseaselopas hom the serme tothe alter More frequently thε vicinit of the part mahes the evitio spread rom ne to another. ut most commoni lac is the natureos the diis e that it terminates in another, ither by ma os crisi or through the oulnes of the habit. ut os a number of κ-