장음표시 사용
, PAGE Missa de mortalitate hominum 266
Oratio super poenitentem ... in Capite Ieiunii ooratio ad reconciliandum poenitentem ... in Coena Domini et 1 Ad reconciliationem poenitenti ad mortem 272Ad clericum faciendum 272Oratio ad capillaturam 273
Benedictio super sontem ubi aliqua negligenti contigerit ... ... ... 282
286Missa pro infirmi Visitatio infirmorum Missa pro infirmo I207 Agenda mortuorum In die depositionis deiuncti iii vii XXX O3Missa pro episcopo destincto O4Missa pro sacerdote defuncto O4
Missa pro monacho defuncto OMissa unius defuncti
Anglo- Saxon Chronicie. Annales Monastici
The book appears o have rem aliae at iam leges tanti the
Some paris of it content have been atready published by r. F. E Warre in his editio of the eo se Missal, and the office so the Visitatio an Unctio of the Sicli appears in an abridged sorin, in the Appendix to the editio of the Vork Manua prepare so the Surtee Societ by r. Henderson, the present ean f
dissolution os the monaster in 79I, hen it passe to the Public Librar of Rouen, here it is stili preserved. At Rouenit Seem to have been at ne time nown the book of S. Guth lac, ut iis modern incling cars the ille missa te Roberti Cantuar Archiepiscopi. It present press- mari in the Rouen Librar is i. The manuscript whicli is a fine specimen o English writing
by inches. The ast eas, numbere 228. hicli Containsthe recor of Robert' gist, is independent of the precedin g
illi regar to the os leaves, it seem mos likel that those missing rom the gathering D and Ei ere blank leaves, Our atthe en of the section containing the Kalendar an Paschald abies, and wo at the egi nning of the restinathering of the Sacramentar proper The eas missing rom the athering was also probabi a blank leas. In the gathering Pan O parto the ex has unsortunatet been lost, an in ach of thesecases it seem likel that the missin portion of the teXt was
occupied by an illumination. I seem probabi that a lea has
See Dibdin's Bibliographica Tour in France an German , Ol. i. P. 65. The nam is due to the fac that therars leas of the manuscript contain a mas sortite eas of S. Guthlac. There is an uncritica description in Dibdin's Totir, atready referae tobir Warre has give a more Caresul description in theraeostis Assal, p. 275 sqq. , and the illuminations are more particulari describe in estwood' Facsimiles of Miniatures an Ornament in An D-Saxon auae ris ψS. p. 36 sqq. Ofthe descriptio in Frere' Manuel du Bibliographe normand it ill be necessar tosa somethingint a later Stage.
The eas numbere. 176 is no attache to the gathering , andis rectione a par of that athering in the collation ivenabove ut it seem no unlikel that the gathering a originalty consiste os Mur leaves, os hicli sol. 76 was the Murth; the first eas separatin the Sanctorale Dona the olive asses, bella ei ther altogether lanii, o more probabi haVing on it ve= so fac in the ornamente fit Si page of the olive asses Some adornment hicli e to iis removat an to the delach
Many of the masses Containe in tho book are distinguished by havin thei firs word written in gold. In the age of Aomeo the principat festival further distinction is iven by the presen Ce fine O more full-page illumination preceding the pageon hicli the massiegins Thias the mas In Natali Domini ad S. Petrum is precede by two illuminations se plates I and
II that of the Epiphan by truo se plates III an IV that
in nocte Sancta by four se plates V VIIU those of the AscenSion, Pentecost, and the east of S. Peter an Paul, All ainis, and S. Andrew, ach by one se plates IX XI IU). In hos Cases here there is only one illumination the whole os the rs page of the mas is ritiei in Old, illiin an Ornamenta horder: and this is the a se also illi the mas of the Purification and with the mas de sancta 1 initate hichbegin the series of Votive asses. Severat Other asses havethei first oriis ritten in old, ut are o distinguished bybor ter o illuminations. To this clas belong the mas of the first unda o Lent of the east o S. Stephen, S. Jolin the
The order of these plate is no exacti that of the illuminations in the S. These are tw of the places here there is reason to suppos that a leas has been removed. The mas of alm unda is es hight ornamentedri ut it is possibi ethat here also a miniatur has been lost. In cases here the whole of the rs page of the mas is in gold the charactei semployexare unciat so the headin and first ords, an minuscule for the restis theprayers. Where ni the firs few ord are in gol the character are capitalS.
Holy Innocents the Cathedra S. Petri, S. Matthias, . Gregory, S. Cuthberi, of the Vigil and the Deposition o S. Benedici, of the east of the Annunciation, S. Philip and ames the Inventio of the Cross, S. Dunstan, S. Augustine os anterbury, S. Etheldreda, the secon mas of S. Joh Baptist' day themasse so the east of S. Paul, S. Benedici, V. Id. Jul. S. ames, . Peter ad incula, and S. Ethe twold, the secondinas of S. Laurence' day the masses for the Assumptionand the Nativi ty of the lesse Uirgin, o S. Bartholomew's lay so the Decollation o S. Joh Baptist, or the east os S. Matthew, S. Michael, S. Simon and Jude S. Martin, S. Clement, S. Thomas, an so the Vigil of S. Androw. In the Kalendar, the festival of the ighest rank are apparenti distinguished by Ol uncia characters, a Secondclas be in mari ed by gol rustic capital S, Khil a malinumber of festival a re mari e in ol minuscule This ast ClaSS, With twO XCeptions Consist o festivat whicli sal onthe fame da with one os the rsi or of the secon class. In the present Volume the old uncials of the Kalendar arerepreSented by larger, the rustic capital by maller Gothictype the gol minuscules by mali Capital letters. The entries in italic are those hicli are ritte in colour in the Kalendaro the manuscript the Colour used ein blue and wo hades of Od. The festivat mari ed by gol unciat in the Kalenda verynearly Correspondo those hicli ave thei masses speciat lydistinguished in the text. The Kalendar, ou OUer, reCogniSeSas of the ighest rank the festiva o S. Edward, and gives thesam distinction to the KeSurrectio Domini o vi Kal. Apr.,δ
The mas for the Translatio of S. Ethelwold is notas distinguished. The exceptions are the Translation o S. Andrew, and S. Tibba the alter is commemorate within the Octave o Chrisimas, ut it is to e observe that thesestiva os . Silvester, also illiin that Octave is notas distinguished. The masses of S. Edwar containe in the ex are Mund in the leaves a thebeginning of the volume, here there is no ornamentation : f the had been writteni thei place in the Propriunt, the discrepancy hicli appears illi regar to themmight no have arisen. The prominence given to the mentio of the Resurrectio at vi Kal. Apr. is probabi due, o to the da bein observe asin festivat, ut to the scribe' havin regarded his traditionaliate a more or es representing the moveable
while Domit the estiva o S. Benedictis V. Id Jul alto ether, an mari s illi rustic capital the east of S. Peter' Chair, S. Etheld reda S. Peter ad incula, and S. Ethelwold Kal. Aug. The ther festival sor hicli rustic Capital areemploye are the Octave of the Epiphany, S. Fabian and Sebastian, S. Agnes, the Conversi On of S. Paul, S. Agatha, , Marii, the ' Maccabees V with S. eter ad incula and F. Ethelivold the Maltation O the Cross, S. Crome, S. Dionysius Rusticus and Eleutherius, . Luke S. EuStachiuS, , Brice, an S. Cecilia. The style fland writin exhibite in the manuscriptis a besairi jud ge frona the reduce facsimile hicli illi solin onplate XIV. This exhibit specimens of the different Charactersomploye so the ea lings an for the ex of the ASSOS, includin the malle Character used for the introiis, gradual Sand the like in the e masses here theserare giVen. Itini Sofurnishes, in the last Si lines, a specimen of the hand writ in of the old Englisti rubri cs hicli appea in orae par of the OOk. In printing these rubrics, the eXI an Sion os contractions has been limite to cases here it appeare destrabie so the sal e fclearneSS, and where the form of the wOr may be considered certain. The Scribe' usage has been foliorue in regar to the two ornas of the letters whichine employs, an also in regar tollis se of Old Englisti character in Latin ord it has also been ollowed in printing the SaXon Visames of the monilis in the Kalendar, where the letters have Sometimes the old Englisti,
Sometime the ordinary, minusCule Orm. The Contractions in the manuscript are se in number an Os an Ordinary Character. The pellin present no unuSual eatures, but it a be orthwhile to mention that ae s an e are Sed interclian eably, and that there are occasiona instance of the omission or insertiono the letter Cat the eginning of a ord, e. q. ac sor hac horasor ora, lubique sor ubique. The punctuation is mari ed, a Rrule, ni by the imple poliat, hicli is Sometimes place above,
Sometimes ora the line of the uling, havindi in both position s)
sestiva i , Easter, and a there re entilled to the reaiment hich he might have givento Easter iiseis, is i ha been entere in themalendar.
the alti in Some cases Os a Comma in ther os a sui stop. Sola a possibi e the punctuation of the scribe has hecia solio vellthroughout even here it S aut ty. In Some cases a note os interrogatio is sedci ut the in Stan Ce of thi are Uer rare. EX cepi in ne place, 'here is no Sigia os musica notation. THE DATE OF THE MANUSCRII T.
The manuscript is no dated, ut the eviden ce a sorde orathe ne and by the character of the script and the style of the illuminations and o the the by the Content of the book on abies A to determine iis date illi in pretiy narrow limits. On palaeographical grotandS, it a b assigne to the en os the tentii or the egi nning of the eleventi centurn the Vide iaceo it contenis, hil agreeing illi his estimate, ould ea us. to place it in the rs quarter of the eleVenili Centvry, athorthan in the last years of the tentii. Perhapso may hewarrante in narro vin the limit Stili further, in considering that it a be probabi assigne to a date etween OOMandIO23, an in SuggeSting one bet een IOI3 and IOI7.
The aster abies hicli solio the Kalendar egin illi
a late a IO23, ould very likely have carrie his abies back, fgpace permitte ut it is no likel that a scribe ritin besoreth Easter of 909 ould egin his abies illi a ea Stili future.
Some potnis in the content of the Kalendar an F; opriuυ also Seem to indicate a date later than OOO.
The translation o S. Cuthber note in the Kalendar onSept 4 probabi mari S a date after the wandering of thosaint' relics ad been rought to a CloSe in 993 ut even Sothe estiva might have been note in a Benedictine alendar in the solith of England before the lose of the Centu . Thopresence in the Propriuulos a mas for the festival of S. Dunstani e p. 284. It is here assumed a the probabilit of the vie Seem tot generali admitted, that the manuScript proceeds Domine os the monasteries of Winchester. The evidence for his illae surther discusse in the pages hicli follow.