The missal of Robert of Jumièges;

발행: 1896년

분량: 471페이지


분류: 미분류



abbessis Dereliam, noti Dy' Her connection illi Ely was apparenti due to the translatio of her relics to thatious in 974, after the destruction os Dereliam by the anes It is perhaps ni natura that in the Litan o any Benedicti ne

holis in solithern England om representatives of Ely houldfin mention an it is also natura that the mention os an oneos a grOuino satiat s Closely Connecte a these Mur liould bring illi it the ames of the thers. At NewminSter, RS OhaUC Seen there ere perhaps Specia reasonS O the Venerationos satiat connected illi in and the presen C O these Murnamo there re seem hardi sufficient o suppor M. Potiter' stheory. Indeed there are Ome ther ames in the Litan of the manuscript the presen ce of hich seem more in eo of

Such a conjecture a be supporte also by the distinctiongive in the Kalenda to the nam O S. Tibba, and by the factthat the Litan includes, in the isti martyrs the nam O S. Florentinus, hocis probably tot identifie with the S. Florentinus o Florentius hos reliCS ere Venerate a Peterborous h.

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicie accordin to the ex of the Bodleian S. Laud 636 record the translation to Peterborough,

tinus by the abbo Aellai, who ad purchased them rom the

Μ. Potiter has apparenti identifiexher illi her hinswoman . erburga, howas the Murth abbes of Ely. S. Timba o Tibba is the only one of these three hos nam appear in the Kalendar of the S.

Se p. xii Supra.



montis os Bonnevat, in the dioces of Chartres. For the translation os . Cynes vitii an her companion no date S i Veia, but it se em mos likel that this event took place illi in a seruyears of the translation O S. Florentinus. Thus at thesesainis ad been, o to Say brought into prominence illi in avery hori time e re the date hicli has been assigne a thelatest probabie date of thecium leges S. Their translations may ery OSSibi ' haVe giVen a temporar impulse to their cultus in ther Benedicti ne Communities, a wellis a Peter-borough iself and it a b that this is the cause of the appearance of thei nam e in the Litany But f the presen ceof thei nam es e alien in Connection illi the absence of thenam es of aint locali Venerate at in chester, it must beallowed that there is good eaSon O SUSpecting that, a regard Sthis portion oscit Contenis, thecium lege M S. although writtenat in hester has sollOwed a textisse a Peterborough.δ

S. Florentinus is supposed to have suffered martyrdom nea Aurun, but the placeo his death has been disputed. o has also the place here his relics were reatly deposited. ut the monaster of Bonneva appears o have clatine them, anxio have recognised him ascit patron. Accordin to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicia, the montis, while selling theiod of the ain forive hundred ounds, retaine possessionis his head A. -S. Chronicia, ed. Thorpe Roli SerieS VOl. i. p. 272 3, VOl. i. p. 96. The translation is recorde in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicie unde the ear 963. But it is quite clea that the writer is speaking of things hicli appene aster that date, anticipatin the histor of the abbois of eterborough and e scribes the translation to Aelfisi, hoaecam abbo in I OO6. It is no unlikel that it took placeas ter the destructio by the anes, in or abOut O IO, of the monaster of CaStor, where S. Cyneswith and Cyneburga ere originali buried. This suspicio is strengthene by a comparison of the las leaves of the Jumleges ΜS. Do sol ao onwards with the content of the correspondin portion of the fragmen o a inchester Sacramentata Mund by the Rev. F. E. Warrenin the Chapter Librar at orcester Cathedral, an describe by him in the caden os Dec. 2, 1883. his fragment, hicli is of a date ut litile later than that assigne to the umieges S., o doub proceedifro Winchester, and there SeemSno reaSon to queStio the correcines of r. Warren' vie that it was intendedfor se in the New inster. It contains a partis a Series os votive masses di amas pro infrmo followed by an Orde so the Visitatio an Unctio of the sicli c Arenda mortuorum and a Series of massespro defunctis With two exceptions the votive masses included in a appea also thoughio in the fame order in the series of Votive asses hicli in the umieges S. en on fol. O6. ut the Order sor Visitation Unction, and Buriat, though os course containing many things in commonwith the paralle sections of the Jumleges S., disse hom these in arrangement, andare apparenti no derive sto the fame fource a the ossices in the Jumleges S. The Same may be sal of the masses pro destinctis. The localit of the ossices in the Worceste HS i clearly marhed by the mentionis Mur Winchester ainis Birinus,



There sine thermam in the fame litany hicli a Seemto ali sor a ord of X planation, though it PreSenc gi VCS Gindication of the localit of the manu script It is that os . Martialis, hocis invoked immediate ly aster, an in Conjunction villi, the postles and Evangeli sis. He is no doub to eidenti fled illi S. Martialis the reputed si res bishomos Limoges, sonaetimes calle the Apostle of the Limousin, ,hom GregoryO Tour mentions as ne of the even isti ops sent rom Rometo aut in the time o Decius A legen later than that recorde by Gregor of our made in one of the eventydiscipies of ur ord, and asserte that he had been sent toc aut by S. Peter. It was a debate potnt hether e liould Or hould Ot, rantia an post te, an his position in his Litany implies the acceptance of the legend embodie in the th or Ioth centur Acta, and the admission of the laim hicli assomelimes ad on his bellais to apostoli rank. fe word must e sal upon the poliat to hicli aswe haVe een M. Potiter direct attention , of the insertion ofS. Etheldreda' nam in the anon, together illi that of S.

Gertrude. φ Ven alien in Conjunction illi suci prominen ceas S ive in ther paris of the manu script to the Ely ainis, an to S. Etheld reda in particular, his insertion Oe notaPPear by an mean conclusive in favour of M. Potiter' stheory. e have t account for the presen Ce noti fila nam C, but of two and the a me of S. Gertrude is no that whicli, e

Swithun, Ethelwold, and Judoc in the Litan of the Visitation Order, and by a prayer in the Buria Order, intende to e sal in the church of the e Minster aster thebod has been carrie to the neighbourin churches, an prayers have been Sal in them in hic li S. Judo an S. Grimbald are mentioned. in . Pottier, in saying that these are the ni unusualisames in the anon of the Iumieges S., has perhaps vertooked the fac that in the clause Comvra uicantes thenam o S. George is inserted after hos of S. Cosmas and Damian, an besore those of S. Benedici Martin and Gregory. A possibi accountis his matte is that thetexi in ne of the SS. in the pedigre of the Jumleges book, an Cosmae et Damiani, Gregorii, Benedicti, artini, V that in an intermediate S. Gregorii V has, by a clerical error been converte into Georgii, ' and that the consequent omiSSion o S. Gregory' nam has been amendedi iis addition after ilia of S. Martin, leaving the clerical error a an integra part of the text. The mentionis S. George is certainlyunusual, ut in an caserit an hardi throw light ictae provenance of them S.



is the purpose of the mention os the Englisti satiata ad been to

adapt the anon for the se of Ely. A more probable vie Osthe matter appear to e that the presence of S. Gertrude'Snam is duo to the influence of a soreigia sacramentary, and that the presence of S. Etheld reda' nam is ueri a destre dictaled by Englisti sentiment, to balance the mention o a fore ign aint by the mention o an Englisti one. I the mention o S. Gertrude ere due to loca veneration os the satiat ei ther in the place here the book was ritten or in that sor hicli it asin tended, e liould Xpecto sin her commemorale also in the Kalendar o in the Profriuin o an S. Gertrude' nam is no in ither of these paris of the Jum leges S. But the persona influence of the fit si abbot, or the influence of a teXt of the anon introduce by him, o by Ome ne OlSO, At nearly period of the hiStor os a monastery might et account for the mention os a foretgn satiat in the Canon as sed in an Englisti hous an it is by no means unlikel that S. Grim bald Comin a he id rom Flanders, here S. Gertrude V, ASPerhap the principat loca virgin aint, rought with in toΝe Minster a ex of the anon hicli containe her nam C. Whether suci a teYt was sollowed in the mass-book of NewMinSter a a rute, o whether hermam appearedit ali common lyin book written in thatiouse we havem mean os jud ging. Butit is extremel probable that f the teX os Newm inster regularly Containe her name, the nam os an Englisti satiat ould ejoined illi it and the nam o S. Etheld reda a perhaps themost likel Englisti nam tot Cliose for Such R PUrPOSO. One more potnt hicli might seem to urnisti eviden ce of localit perhaps alis foro ord O notice. In the series of

A potnt, hicli a be reali quite insignificant, may yet have ome eight in Suppor of the suggestio that the ne nam has in Some Such, rus his, rough in the ther. The ames hould grammatically be in the ablative case, ut a theystan in the manuscript the nam o S. Etheldredacis certaint in the genitive. Thismay, O courSe be a very simple clerical error : ut o the ther anxit ma be dueto the ac that the nam o S. Gertrude has a form hicli though it is possibi an ablative, Geretrudis eing realed a indeclinable certaini Dol like a genitive, and might very et have led a scribe ho intende to prefix S. Etheldreda' nam in the Same casein the nam of S. Gertruderio rite Aetheldrythae.



intende sor se at the en trance to the church, hicli speak of the place as havin been alloiue in honour of the lessed Virgin Mary S. Peter S. Paul an S. Andrew. Is we are Ounderstand thi as a re rence to the dedication-titie of the Church here the praye was to e sed, it ould appea tocontradici the theor that the book was intende so the service of the monaster of Ely. ut the phras has mos likel noSuch Xac reference. It is probabi parallel to the mention fili Same ames in the Libera, at the lose of the Canon of the

ho ever, that it is an indicationis locality it may be observed that both the old and the erum insters of inchester Ores unde in honour os .mary S. Peter, an S. Paul. I anyname were ad ded that of S. AndrewMould perhaps e that most naturali chosen in ither ouse so the nam os . withun had probabi notoe begulario appea in the dedication-tille os the old inster, an among the various ille given to the NewMinster e do no fili an whicli includes the nam of S. Grimbald, o that o S. Barnabas, ill after the removat of the

1 That it is the work of a scribe of the win Chester ChoOl. and was probabi produce either in the oldi in the Newm in steri WincheSter. 2 That the main bod of the content of the S includes nothin inconsistent,ith his View, an suggest the New Minster, ather than the old, ac the hous in whicli th book was ritton.

This is state in a charte os Edgar, probabi of the ear 974. See Birch, Cartulariam Saxonicetιm, vol. iii p. 622. The origina dedicatio of the NewMinster is recorde in the Liber Monasterii dei da, P. 3. For a lis of these variations se the resace to the Register of New inster, P. Viii. S. Barnabas appear as ne os the patrons of Hyde o the ea of the conventi the hirteenth century. ut he was probabi no thus honoured unti II 82 in whicli ear certain miraculous event are recorde a havin talae Place at Hyde. See Annales Monastici Rolis Series, Ol. ii P. 2.ὶ



also the additiona masses Containe in . -4. 4. VotiVO masses, forni o Benediction, Ossices sor Visitation an Unctior of the Sicli, an for Buria of the Dead, illi masses pro defunctis, &C. T 74-227V.)Theirs of these sections nee notietain his a tho generat Character an Some of the more important etail of the Kalendar have at ready been noticed. ut it seems est rabieto devote Ome attention to su Ch an examination of the contenis of the Sacramentar prope a may ShON, O by way O minute CompariSon, but in a rough an generat Way, OIDIO O the more important oints of resemblance an differenCe hicli appearwhen it is place side by si de illi the and etter nown book of the fame ind. In such a discussion tolli e Convenient an inclee almos necessar to indicate by Symbolsthe teXt to hicli here ill e mos frequent occasion to refer, an in the rs place to specis these book and the



symbol by hicli the will e denote in the pages hi ch

given in Mot-notes whicli Muratori extracted from the Codet Ottobonianus, ill le denoted by the symbol Oti his section like the last, is probabi in the main derive from Alcuin's supplemen to the Roman Sacramentary. ii The Le ric Missat, o in the Bodleian librar ato Ysord, edite by the Rev. F. E. Marren In this manuscript the matter of the Roman Sacramentaryand of Alcuin's supplement are fuse together, buthere againcit ma be est rabie to distinguisti etweendisserent elementi included in the book The mainbody of the manuscript is, r. Warren telis Us, of the

The selectionis resaces in his portio os uratori's ex is probabi Smallerilian, and independent of that included in Alcuin's compilation.



iv. Thecium leges S itself,ill frequently be denote by

the symbo Gem. Besides these teXis, hicli ali representine type or anotheros the Gregorian Sacramentary it,ill ometime be neceSSaryto reseruo the Sacramentaries of the Gelasian class. Firs and mos important of these is the book Commoni known a the Gelasian Sacramentary, no in the Vatican Library but the

commoni to e Mund in the later Gelasian Sacramentaries os S. Gallen and Rheinati, sed by Gerberi or his Monume=lla Veteris LiturDiae Alemannicae. For these book it a b besti emplo again the Symbol by hicli the are denote in therecent edition of the Gelasian Sacramentary, and to distinguish

S. Galleti S. further distinguiShing, heia CCCSSary the origina teYt of S . SI and the ex produce by a in th- Centur Correction as But the consideration os particular readings illiso be so minute acto require an large emplOyment of the las distinction. Where a reseren C is iven to the ritate texis, it illbe iVen, in the Case of Muratori' Sacramentary, and of the Vatican teκ of the Gelasian Sacramentary by the Column Os Muratori' Litur ia Romani Vetus in the edition o 1748, in

These are marked in the margins of thes Oxsors edition in the Gelasian



that os Menard ' Sacramentar by the columns os the Benedicti ne edition o S. Gregory, and in that of the Leosti Missat, by the page of r. Warren' edition. With regar to the genera arrangement of the teYt it ma be et to Oint ut that thecium leges S is arran gedon the Same lines a the Leos ric Missat, in hicli it a b sa id that the Temporale an Sanctorale sorm distinc sections. The Sacramentaries of Muratori an Μόnar solio another plan, blendin in ne series the w divisions of the Proprium, while Muratori' Sacramentar differs stom at the ther three in the fac that in it the reater par of the unda maSSCS, whicli forme partis Alcuin's compilation, have no been fused with the Proprisun of the Roman Sacramentary but appea Stillinclude in the supplement. THE CANON AND TEΜPORALE. The textis the anon containe in the iam leges manuScript presenti features of specia interest, beyon the presenCe init of the ames of S. George S. Etheldreda, and S. Gei trude, Oswhicli account has atready been alien . A clause Memento mei is inserte in the ex after the Supplice te romamu and besore the emento etiam an at the en of the anon, after the Agnus Dei, Ome additions have been made by a lateriand. In the Coder Ottobonianus a clause eginning Memento mei, Simila to, butio exacti agreeing illi, that whicli form parto the anon in Gem. has been adde in the margin by a later

In the content of the Temporale em an Leost are so themOS Par in agreement eXCept so the fac that Leola generallyhaS, hile em Ver frequently has not, an Oratio Super populum a Par of it masses. Where both have a Super Postilum it is osten the Case that the prayer in ne teX is no the Same Sthat in the ther. A prope Preface CCur in almOS CVCrymaSD in the Temporale o Gem. and these re generali the

Se p. xxxvii. Supra.


same hicli appen in eost. On the ther an Leose. like MCn. generali proVide an EpiScopa Benediction, and theseare enti rely absent Dom Gem. In the Christinas asses, with hicli the Temporale begins, it a be notice that Gem. contrar to it generat Sage retain the mention os the Roman churches in the headings of the severa masses. In the mas os the Vigil, em agrees illi Leosis Men. Ott in provid in a resace, hicli is no in Mur. In the rs mas of the festiva it agrees illimur in respectis the resace, hil Leosis Men. Ott have the sanae res ac a the Gelasian books, hi climem employ so the thir masS, here M Ur Men. Ott Leosis agre in sing the Same resace hicli Mur has for the rst. The series of Aliae Orationes in Gem. include two prayers hicli are absent Dom the parallel series in Mur Leois Men. ut appea in the Gelasian books theirstin V and os a Collect in the mas of the Vigil the econ in V R an among the taliae Orationes. The mas O Gem for an Octavas Domini is no in Mur. an differs frona that in eos r. by the addition o a Collec ad

These Benedictions ould naturali be omitted in a manuscript writte foris in monaSter Where the were Ot employed. In ome mitreo' abbeys, the abbothad the privilege of using this formi Benedictio : ut the privilege didio belon to ali mitred V abbois, anxiis extension to abbot was probabi at least unusual a thedate hen the Jumleges S. was ritten. The use of such Benedictions by Bishops

in England at ories ore the date os the manuscript is attested by the Benedictiqnal os S. Ethelwold and of Ethelgar.