The missal of Robert of Jumièges;

발행: 1896년

분량: 471페이지


분류: 미분류


Two variations os readin in his mas are perhaps Orth o specia mention. a In the Secreto has tit eum praesentibiι sacrisiis i unio mas et sumantuS, and with this an Leosr agree. en substitutes ι praesentiam illi sor et i eum praeSe atibus Gem read ciιm for eum. b In the Presac Uriwhicli has this I 'res acem the festival read index puerpera DPinalis stella, and Sci agrees. Raa puerperae S a puerperii Men. Ott omit praerpera virginalis an inseri Donlinicae apparitio=ris e re index. Gem. also inseris Domimcae apparitionis ut eadSperpetua sor puerpera connectin virginalis illi stella.



in acti case os a Super opuDDn In Men. the masses sorthese undays have a large Gelasian element than hos in

extent by those of the Gelasian book of the type of mandra. The Ash ediaesda mas os Gem agrees illi that o Mur. with the addition of the re face ive in Mur. an Oit. In

Gelasian books, ut hile eois tal es the secon Collec os V, R, S, Gem. ahes the rest. Both ah the Gelasian Secretan Posicommunion, hile em has the Super Populum assigne to the Thursda in Mur Leois Men. The rst unda of erat is in Mur provide with prayers Ad Vesperos and Ad Fontes Leois employ the secondis theseas the Super Populum os the mass, hile em places the collectAd Vesperos as iis Super Populum an discard the collec Ad

utra. In the resac Gem an Leose agree illi Otti, notusing the resace given in Mur. so the natium Guarias imae. The week-da masses of Gem. Dommondant Frida inclusive agree illi Leost. and withmur. excepi that the resaces areno Mund in the latior teXt these are the Same as in Ott. Forthe Sabbatum in xii Lectionibus Gem agrees illimur in the

, That sor Septuagesima is therars collectis the mas in V Mandra Thos sor

Sexagesima and Quinquagesima are alSo in these Gelasian books, in the fame positionwhicli is given to them in Leost. I may be orth hil here to notice a difference in arrangementietween Leost. and Gem. The forme places in the Temporiale, hile the alter places in the Sanctorale the festival of the Purification se p. lviii i=f1 ainan the Annunciation. The masses for thεse days, illi ne for the Vigil os the Purification, are place in eost. e re the mas of Septuagesima. O the therhan Gem places besore themas of Ash wednesda sorins so the Benedictio of theaSh S, hicli are no containe in Leost. A.



hicli Gem Men. Ott assign to the Sabbatum in xii Lectionibus. In the third weel Gem is in the fame agreement illi Mur an loti. LeOD. again has a Super opum in for the unday, ut otherruis agrees illi Gem in ali the masses for the weel excepi that of the Thursclay. Here the massis Mur an Gem. is the Gelasian mas for the eas of S. Cosmas and Damian ,δwith the addition o a resace an Super Populum. Leost has rejecte the Colleci, Secret an Post Ommunion, hici, Contain referenCe to the martyrs, substitutin for them ther prayers undislsewhere inmur. In Men. the resac is the fame scinthe Otho Gregorian books, ut the Colleci, Secret an Post- Communion re apparenti drawn frona the mas sor the Thursda in the later Gelasian books, where the Station V sas in the Gregorian books, but the prayer havem re renc to

Secret an Postcommunion retain thei placeS.



Gem. I may be note that Leost. like Gem. places besore themas os Palm unda a form for tessing the palms: ut thesorm does no agro with the fragment of the Benedictio Palmarum hicli rem ain in Gem. In the ood Erida prayeriit a b remari e that Gem. in the prayer pro ChriStianiSSim imperatore,' read respice ad An forunt benignus imperium. The sortia sor the Lenedictio Ceret is that commoni found agreeing eXcept for a se stight varianis with Leost. and the rs of the two ornas in Mur.). The lessons an prayeribet ore the Benedictio Fontis agre withthe order of Mur. not illi the fuller order of eois and Mur. : ut the tracis antenru domino and Drea facta St, whichmur. does no mention are indicated in Gem. The ordero Baptism, hicli Leost. Separate froni the Temporale Milou shere in Gem ., here it is precede by the forms of benedictionan exorcism of the Catechumens, an followed by form forclinica Baptism an for the reception a a Catechumen o a Convert rom heathenis m. The forme of these appear in thesam e hape in Mur.), the alter in the Gelasian Sacramentarios and R. In the mas o Easter a Gem agrees illi Oit. Mur.)an differs fronamur Men. eois., in retaining the Gelasian Preface it also has the Benedictio Carnis hicli is absent DomMur Men. eois an from V and , ut appears in . his form is place in Gem after the OStcommunion, ut etainSthe eradring per quem haec omnia, indicatin iis origina positionat the lose of the anon. It teX is practi catly the Same Stha prin te by Gerberi, Varyin in one or two potnis rona thatos S . The masses for the Jays of the weel following Easterare almos identiCal in Gem Mur Men. Leo r. the resace in Gom. Men. eos r. Agreeing illi hos in Otti, not illi theseries of Easter resaces in Mur.). Men. an LeOD. ShOwSome divergen es Dona the thers in the mas of Monday, hile

Col. 263. Se col. 593 os the Gelasian Sacramentata in Mur Lit. Rona. Vet. Ol. i. and



uia in Ott., hicli apparenti places the Rogation ab maSSes, as Litania Major accordin to the date of Apri 23, andie re the third unda after the Octave of Easter./For the Vigil of the Ascension again there is O AS in

The Secret of the uesda mas is that os a Gelasia mass in tribulatione V uno in V and R. Seemur. D. Rom. Vet. i. col. 7O6. That of the wednesdaymas is in V antra in a mas ' pro peste animalium,' an has a simila place in Mur. Seemuratori, Lit. Rom. Vet. I. I 5 ii. O5.


See uratori, Lit. Rom. Vet. i. 3I7. The mas in question is in S therars of two masses for the Ascension martisit as for the Vigil Al the content of this mas o Mandra appea in one or ther os the two masses of the Ascension hicli are contained in V. Se Muratori, Lit. Rom. IDI. i. 587-9. It is in V the rs Collecti therars of the wo masses, in lanx the secondcollectis the secon mass. here is a stigii variatio of readinii Gem scelebranda


tha of the Vigilis Pentecost, and whicli is mari ed by fortis infra hebdomadam. The Preface of Gem Leois Men i the Same a that of Ott. The prayers of the Sabbatiιm in xii Lectionibus are almost the fame in ali the Mur bookS. Leosis omit one of the prayerSbe re the Collectis the mass, and en has a Secret disseringsrom that of the thers. The res ac in Gem Leost. Men. agrees illi Oit. For the unda Milowing, Gem Leosis Men. ali discar the mas whicli appears in ur. The two formeragre in adopting the prayer an Presace of the Gelasian books, omittin the firSt two collects of the mas as it tandes in V, while em also omit the Super Populum. The resaceappear also in oti an Men. The undays hicli solio are rectione in Gem a the firSt,

c ommune Sanctorum an Oit agree. In Mur. the arecounte a the sirst, Seconii, C. after Pente St, the Dominica Vacat' o Mur. eing est ut of the rechonin both at thebeginia in an in the iddie of the series. Or Ur preSent purpOSe, it ill e uia necessar to refer continuat ly to this difference: e ma conside that the rst unda after Pentecos in Mur is the fame a the rst unda after the Octave in Gem.

It is the resace of the alternative mas in V and S. Mur has ni the resace orientecost. . In I anx the secon Collecti Wis omitted.


lit e those hicli in V and S solio the anon Actionis.' and

Lectionibus are the Same in Gem an Leosis., XCept that Gem. has a Stuper Populu=u in acti mas the Collecis, Secreis, and POStCommunion agro withmur. the resaces illi Oit. The mas for the ex Sunda in eost has the Collectassigne in Mur. to the ' Dominica vacat,' Milou in in his respect an also in the Secret, resace an Post ommunion themas for the se Dominica vacat' in an S, Do the second

The cases in hicli Gem employs a sor include in the Gelasian series of Ρostcommunions an no found in Mur. are sufficienti numerous to arrant thesuppositio that this has been the case. It is not unlikel that the Series o Bene- Eictiones in S,asint eas as ulnas that in V, and the whole of the collecis selected in Gem ma have been Mund in the series of ome ther Gelasian S. Se Gerberi, Mon. Vet. Lis Alem. i. ISO.



fame modet but has a disserent Super Populum Gem. On theother han discard the mas of the Vacant V unday CXCepithe resace, hic licit ollas illi the Secret an Postcommunionos the pthis the unda masses in Mur.). For the CollectGem has the first, hile Mur. has the second of the wOCollecis in the correspondin massi R an that for theaoth unda aster Pentecost). Thus the re tace of the Vacant V unda is in Gem united illi a Set O prayerS different froni those illi,hicli it appear in eois and Cn. ,

and the fame differen ce of arran gement prevatis throughout therest of these unda masses. Other vis the genera agreement betaeeen Mur. Leost. an Gem is much the fame in the lateras in the earlier masses of the series B ut Dom the 9th unda Onward the masses of Gem. Contain no Super Populum, an are theres ore in Close agreemerat, o far, illi thOSe of

Μur.). One Oint of differen ce a be noted. The Collectior the 23rd unda aster the Octave in Men. agrees illi that for the 23th unda aster Pentecost in eo se an Men. but differs seo that so the and unda of the series in Mur.). The reaSO appear tot that Leois Men. Gem havetat e the rs Collecti the correspondita mas in land S, while Mur. has adopte the second. The secon Collectappear a the Super Populum in Leois an Men. In Men. a in the Gelasian books there are V masses sortite undays e re Christinas. Leo se an Gem agro with Mur in providing oni four EXcept in the Super Populum

the resac for the and undan in Gem that so the Ist after the Octave has in themavre S the suller sor in hicli it appear in Gem. no the abbreviate formfound in Leost. For some further consideratio of the resaces of this Missa se P. lxxiii infra. : The ex os amelius Liturgicon Lat. i. I 4 agrees illi Mur. a to the Colleci.


I COD. an Gem are in agreement not ni in these undaymasses of Advent, ut also in the masses provide so the Ember Days. Gem cloes no provide a Super Populum in nyos the masses ave that so the first unday. Leola ha one On

srom the ne in Gem. The masse in Mur. have no Super Populum e the ther prayer agree illi Leois an Gem Men differs lighil froni the ther books throughout hi Section. It PrelaCes however agree illi hos of Leois an Gem in allthe masses XCept that so the wed nesclay. In Mur. theroare two Advent resaces, of hicli Leost. Gem Men. mployone or a unday, and ne for the Leiunium mensis decimi, hich eos r. and Gem adopt for the wed nesclay. The Presace of Oti . here agre throughout illi hos of Leofr an Gem But Ott. has also a se Advent Prefaces ' quotidianis diebus and among these CCur the resace hicli en employs for therars of tho Ember ab A. The series of additiona prayers for Advent in Gem does notisXacti agree illi that in Leost. Men. O Mur. Most of the formes hicli it contain are Mund in Mur. Two orthree hicli do no appea in Muratori' teX occur in the Gelasian bookS. The Temporale o Gem end with elections os prayerSentille Pro peccatis, Quotidianis diebus,' Nocturnales, matutinales,' Vespertinales.' The prayers of the rst two set ali appea in similar, ut fuller Series in Mur.). The matutinales V an Vespertinales,' with one exception, arct include in the simila selection in Mur.)' the Nocturnales.' with ne XCeption are found in a secon series of matutinales V also containe in Mur.).' A regard the Temporale, the genera resulis of this compariSOn may be summe uinas sol lows I. That the mos mari ei differen ces etween eois and

Thisine praye is apparenti included in the parallel series in oti.

Col. 234 5. Col. 258 9 The ne exception is in the earlier series a Col. 234