장음표시 사용
taken a the mode so the loca books It is very likel that S. Grim bald who came to England Do the Ver district tori hi Ch a we have Seen there is Ome round O assigning the parent manuscript brought suci a book ith him to cruri inster, hen e ecam iis ivst abbot. It is also OSsible. though ess lihely that suci a book may have been introducedio erum inste when it was coloni sed by montis Dom Abingilon. For at Abingdo the reform os . Ethelwold were influenced by Continental SageS, and ma no impossibi have include theintroduction Os a mass-bOOk Such a was in Se in ne Orother of the monasteries hichae destre to solio a modeis. TH VOTIVE MASSES, C. The remaining portion of the Content of the manuscriptina be more briefl treated. It consist of the ollowing
The secon Section, again, S Ommoni repreSente in manu script of this claSS: ut the order, number, an Composition fili masses may be sal to Var a good deal. There is certain ly
good ea os disserence etween his sectio of the Jum leges M S and the parallel section of the eoisi Missat, or os Muratori's texi: ut the majorit of the prayers hicli mal eup the masses in the firs are Mund in the parallel portions of
The thir sectio is made u of three paris, at of hichappea in the Supplementary portionis Muratori'S Sacramentary. In the eoisi Missa the ornas sor Ash ednesda an Coena Domini are inserte in the Temporale, hos sor a penitent at thepoliat o death in hat a b calle the supplementary partif
O the Murth section, the sor Ad clericum faciendum, thes Oratio ad c Ulaturam an Oratio ad barba tondendaS
are ali in Muratoriis Sacramentary S also is the Benedictio vestitia. The form so the Lenedictio UisTinis differs Dom that in Muratori ' Sacramentary, hi Ch has no the maS solio in g, nor the Benedictio Viduae nor the mas Connected illicit. The Leosti Missa contain the whole os his section, XCept thoet Omasses, illi Stight Variation an sonae additions The prayer ad MandatiDu hicli forins the fifth section, is in the eo Dic Missat, butio in Muratori 's text. The Lene ictio Salis et aquaeis Mund both in Muratori an in the eo Dic Missat with theo mission fine prayer' but the Leo Dic Missa has notinny, and Muratori 's texi has nolint of the prayers sor his in the various part O the monastery. Severat of the benedictions hichmal e milie res of this sectionis the iam leges book are Mundboth in Muratori' Sacramentary, and in the eo fri Missa l. The Benedictio lactis et mel scis in the eo hic Missat, ut no in Muratori 's teXt. The secon Lenedictio pauis is no in the Leo Dic Missal. The Lenedictio incensi is no in Muratori 'steXt, O doeii appea in the earliest part of the Leos ric Missal; but it is Quia among the additions of Leosric C. Neither iuratori's texi nor the eo Dic Missa contain the Benedictio at borrim, Benedictio pomorauia, Benedictio putei, o Benedictio
The section hicli sol lows, containing the orde so admittinga OUic t monastic profession is no parallel to anythingcontaine in the ther book with whicli, have been comparing the content of the Jum leges manuscript an it differs in many etails rom the parallel sorm in o me later Englislibooks examine it closely ould e beyon the Cope of
It omit the second of the two prayers in the Benedictio Viduae, substitutinisori the praye whicli in the Jumleges S is the collectis the mas whicli sol lows. The
this Introduction: it must suffice Or Our present urPOSe tonote the interest, hicli attaches loci as an ex ample of the orm Aemployed in England e re the Norma ConqueSt. The orde so the Visitation and Unction os the Sicli is preceded by a mas s= o ins=Inis, agree in in iis prayer an dpre Ce illi ne containe in the eo Dic Missal. The ordero Visitation an Unction is mari ed by the occurrence speculiarto his sectio of the manu script of vernacula rubri s. Their presen C might suggest that the ossice in hicli the appea isthemost distincti Englisti par of the content of the book an it is heresore orth whilerio observe that the rubri cs, hi Ch
agreement with the Latin rubric os an Ordo prin te by Marten est Om a manuscript Pontificat, elongin to the Church of Cambrai, assigne by him to a date abo ut the en os themath century. With his γ Eo moreover, the ossice of the una leges book ShON an amount of agreement hicli Seem to suggest a Close relation Ahipiet ween the two though the ordo giveni Marte ne Omit some of the prayers contained in the Jum leges manu Script. The Litany include in his ossice has atready been mentioned. ΦThe mcccis sol lowed by another mass pro Drsirmo, not containe lin Muratori 's texi or in the Leos ric MisSal, and by a series of additiona prayers hicli appear in the former, and of hichthe component part occurrulso in the alter, though in a different
Leos is Missat, P. 93. Se pages 287 294 infra. A modern Englisti versionis the rubrics willie found in an appendicto the present Introduction. Martene, De Aut Eccl. Risibus, Lib. i. cap. vii. vol. i. p. 33o in the edition of
' I may be orth whil to note that the rubrici the Jumleges manuscript directAthat the sicli person is to communicate in both inds. The rubri of the Cambrai Pontifical ont direct that he is to communicate, hile the word of administration whicli aremo in the Jumleges S. potnt to communion in ne ind. The Prayeraster the communion, in both althe spealis of him a receivin corpus et sanguinent
The Orationes in Agenda Mortuorun and the orcle os the Buria of the Dea disse Do the paralle sectio of the Leosric
Missat though both contain, a might be expected a Con Siderable proportio O common materiai. In his sectio of the Jum lege manuScript there are a good many sorms,hicli occurri non orither of the Gelasian Sacramentaries V and , and the fame may be sal of the series of masse so the departe J SOme
of hicli differ Dom thos of the Gelasian Vini in the absen Ceos a second ColleCt, an a special Hanc igitur, and in the preSOnceo a prope Preface There are, natural ly, Ome OSOmblanceSalso to the series of masses in the eoisi Missa an os Muratori' Sacramentary, ut the Series as a hole Oe notagree illi ither of theSe. Os the ive masses pro vivis atque defunctis Mur occur in the Leosti Missat therars three in the origina par of the Sacramentary the econdaeing twice repeated, illi Some Variation S, among the additions the Murth, illi a re ac not containedin the Jum leges book is also among the content ODI COD. C. The mass pro sacerdotibus illi,hicli the Sacramentar end sis no found asin hole in the eoisi Missa ; ut the prayerwhicli serves ascit Collec occurs, with ome Variation, amon other additions of the later and in that manuscript.' his mas furnishes the ni instanc in the iam leges book of the Episti an Gospeliein written ut at length. In Some thermasses in the alter par of the book the are indicate bythei first ord ; ut even thici rare. The inscriptioni the ast ea of the manuscript is reproduce in late XU. It wil seen that iis firs paragraph, O sara appear DO itS ording Seem to have been writtera by Roberti Jum leges himself, hile stili Bishomo London. The Secon portio is also orde in the rs person: and i may perhapsae thought that the apparent differen ce in the an d-writin os the two paris, notice else here, is sufficiently accounte so by the supposition that thecias lines e re ad ded,
In ConcluSion, a se word must e sat a to the methodwhicli has been sollowed in reproducing the teX of the manu- Script The pellin os the origina has been sol lowed in ali Cases Word whicli the scribe a a generat ut abbreviates have been Xpande accordin to the pellin observe in the w CASes here the Same or is ritie at tength. Thus thelieadin os certain Collecis appear a.' Ad Vesperum,' thoughthis head in is only written in fui in one or two instances Theheading Insta actionem V is abbreviate by the scribe in Various WayS, Some of hicli might suggest that the form represente is In fractione bulcit appini exo the whole mos lihely that allthe variations hould e regarde a abbreviation O condensations os the sua forin, hici has accordingly been sol lowed throughout The ' obelias ' has been employe to mari sauityreadings, hicli eremither of such a kin a tomeedio eX planator Mot-note or of such a in that the rue read in couldhard ly be decidedi given. The grea majorit of the wOrd Somari exare the actua read in os the manuscript noted henthe transcript was bella collate with the originalci ut in sonae cases the ' obelus V was adde while the heet were PaSSingthrough the res an in these case the sigra an ni besai to mari the fac that the fauit read in stand in the tranScript and that the editor, in the proces of collation, id notiotice a divergen e sto the original.
In the Kalenda the abbreviations os the origina are asin rute preSerVex and in the portions of them S. relatin to the Kalendar, ord are requently lest in their breviate lama, ither sor reaSons os space, oraecause it appeare quite uncertainwhat terminatio the scribe Ouid have given to them.
For ConvenienCe os comparison the ollowin modern versio of the old Englisti rubri s see p. lxviii. 287-294 is et Side by Si de illi the CorreSpondin Latin rubric homo he Cambra Pontifical, a give by Martene. The numerat appende indicate the page of the preSent volume here the
le/Ied Iam cum cinere vita miriam extra domum.
Tamc in redian ur domum in mie dicar sacerdos, Pax huic domui,
Tma sacerdo facit crucem ei cinere cum aqua Supra sectu eiuS,
et in o=si Silentium sic legetaliciiιm deSuper. E postea perun a Sacer Sinfirmum de oleo sancti catse, cruces faciens in vertice, in fronte, in emporibus, in facie, et cum supplici voce dum ferungitur Virmus dicat Sacerdos
In Superciliis oculorum. The Cambra Pontifical does no solio quit the Same Orde a the Jumleges
This appear tot the meaning of yam mold es,inde the last word or last par of the last ord bein probabi suggested by the Latin vertice an addedaccordingly, a a sortis etymologica gloss, to the word molit.. The word of the ries in anointing, and the prayers hicli solio theanointing, re almos identica in the two bookS.
Sancte Pater,' etC. O the completion of this office. When ali these are thu Completed, let the prie StS, RS any S re there, Sa Separalely the Se prayer OVer thesic man. I there e then a bishopthere, his S hi office. δD 4 ibat ex eriuS.I IIure e collo. Inter ScapulaS. Inter se Isra. Super manus deforis. In pedibuS. In umbilico, seu in loco ubi amstius olor imminet. Sequitur oratis. Tunc coni municat eum sacerdos et dicat. Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam CtC. Sequitur oratis. Domine Sancte Pater et C. Oratio os peractum ossicium ' A in the Jumiege M S. The two prayers hicli solio are the Same a in the Jumleges S. Aster them in the Cambra ordo sol lowsin hymia, and then with the head in Tunc ira
sacerdos a benediction, roken into Single clauses With Amen aster acti clause. The benediction, excepi sor it serm an for Some omission an stigii variationsos ording, agre es illi hoSe tot sal by the prieSt o the bishop accordin to the rubri of the Jumiege MN. . his rubri cloes no appea in the Cambra ordo, ut a rubri closelyresemblin it appear in another ordo givei h Marten stoin the Pontifical of Salgburg oris V. o Martene' series), and also in the fragment of the inchester book al ready referre to. Se p. XXXVi. Supra note . The ther rubrios of the Salgbur ordo and of that os the worcester S. Sho no mari e resemblance to those of the Jumleges book. The rubri in the orcester S., a transcribe by r.
His expletis sacerdo es dicant has benedictioue super infirmum, unusquisque Suam. Sin autem episcopus adfuerit ipsius ossiciaιm hoc emit.
I the Public Librar of avre is preserve a portion o a MiSSalapparently rillen about the ear III for se at in hester. The Prefaces of this book have been made nown by M. h. Fierville, in paper publi Shed by the Socies e muralis LP udos diverses They are 9 in number, O belongin to the Temporale, at to the Propriasn I to the
Thie pro nance of the S is sussicienti clear rom the number of incheSter Saint commemorate in the PropriiDu Sanctorunt. There are three resace of S. Judoc, an one o S. Grimbald, a fact which may suggest that the book belongedio the New inster, o Hyde The Kalendar is unsortunatet lOSt. This number inclaides a resace assigne in . Fierville' pape to the eaSt os SS. Processus and artinianus vi Non. Iul.): ut the Presace appears reatly to belongio the eas of the Translation o S. Martin, two Jay later. I so the number si his class)houldae diminished, and that of the nex clas increaSexto I 8.
thir is the resac sor the castis S. Timotheus an Symphorianus, whichiloe no agre witholae resace os ei ther of the wo masses for the da in the tam leges S., ut solio S mutati muta et D the resacerio S. Hermes in the uini eges book. The mas of S. Herme in the avre S has nol re face. Similarly the resac for the eaSt of S. Agapitus xv Kal. Sept. in the umidges S is transferre With a Change of nam tolli mas for the eas of S. Magnu xiv Kal. Sept. in the avre S., whichias no resace in the mas of S. AgapituS. The laesa es of the Commam Sanctorum in themavre book dister Domitiose of the tam leges book in the majorit o CaseS. The series os votive maSSe were apparently SSigne to the sanae daysis the wee in the wolbooks. That in the avre S i imperfeci, an it is no impossibi that itinclude a mas Da memoriam Salvatoris like that o p. 24 in a. ut fit Containe Such a mas it mus have been place differenti frona that in the Jumiege book one of the ve resaces of thes votive masses hi chremat in the avre S differs froin that of the correspondita mas in the Jumleges book.