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Pentecost masses Containe in Mur. have been differenti treate in the proces os combining the Roman Sacramentary illi the Supplement. 2. That the differen ces between Leois an Gem On the onelian and uratori' Sacramentar on the ther as
by wayis addition, hil in Men. there is frequently a differetice by way of Substitution alSo. 3. That a regard the resaces adde in Leost. Gem and Men. these three books generalty agre withiach otheran with it. 4. That in the selectioni sorm to serve as Orationes Super PopuDDn both Leose an Gem have drawn mediatelyor immedia tely, rom Gelasian Sacramentaries ut the se ad of these books has no been alway the
TA SANCTORALE. I in considering the Propriun Sanctorum o Gem. e may divide the masses hicli it Contains into three grOUPS I. Those hicli are identica with the masses for the Samedays in Ur. 2. Those hicli are partiali in agreement illi the massessor the fame days in Mur. ut disse by additions ori Some delail. 3. hos soriays for hichis mas is provide in Mur. The masse of the fissi rouinare I in all. The lis is as
Vig. of S. Peter. SS. ProceSSus and MartinianuS. S. Felix iv Kal. Aug. JS. Peter ad apacula. S. Stephen iv Non. Aug. JSS. Felicissimus an AgapituS. S. CyriRCUS. Vig. Assumption. SS. Felix an Adauctu S. SS. Protus and ac intuS. S. Nicomede xvii Kal. Oct.JS. Euphemia xvi Kal. Oct. JSS. Lucia an Geminianus S. Marcus Non. Oct. JS. CaliStUS.
Oct. of the ApoSileS. Septem Fratres vi Id. Iul. JSS. Abdon an Sennen.
S. Sabina. Nat. . . Rry. Exaltation of the CroSS.SS. Cornelius an Cyprian. SS. Cosmas and Damian. S. Michael.
In these masses em differs Donamur in os cases by the inSertio os a proper resace, and the majorit of the re faces whicli it inseris are Mund also in Leos r. an Oit Leo D. ha no Preface so the secon festiva os . Agnes for the Octave fSS. Peter an Paul, o so the festival os . Nicomede, SS. Abdon and Sennen, S. Eusebius, . Agapitus, S. Timoth CUS, S. Sabina, S. Cornelius an Cyprian, an S. 3turninuS. Ott. agrees illi Gem in the resaces for S. Abdon an Sennen, S. Eusebius, S. Cornelius an Cyprian, ut agrees illi Leost. in the ther omissions also omittin a se Prefaces hichappea in Leois. In Some cases here at three have a re sacethe differ in the selection: thus Gem an Oit agroe, RS Agnin StLeost. in the res aces for the east of the Exaltation of the CroSS, S. Peter an Paul, and S. Andrew. Gem Stand Rione in iis resaces sor the Purificatio an sor . FeliX.β
The resac for S. Abdon and Senne is supplied in Leose by an rath centurytand See Leo se Missat, P. OS. It is orti notin that although S. Felix is referre torus a Consessor both in the eading of the mas and in the Secret the resac is ne so the festiva of a
the reverse For the festiva os S. Fabian an Sebastian
Combines them into one, lac in the Collec so S. Sebastianaster that for . Fabian, C., but aving only one resace thalso S. Sebastian. The mas for . Gregory's da in Gem agreCSwith Leois in addin a re tace, ut differs Dor it an agreesu illimur in retaining hat is probabi the olde formis the SOCret. There are also ome ther minor differen ces ut it ma be sat generalty that in his groupis masses the principalvariations hicli Gem. holus Dona the teX of Mur is to besound in the addition o Presaces and that in most Case LeOfr.
able I may be observe that Gem places besore the maS Osthe Purification ornas for the Benedictio Cereoru=n TheSe dono OCCur in Leola in the fame position or indee at ali in theearli est par of the teX of the eoisi Missat: ut the fame Prayer an anthem are providet in that portio of the textwhich r. Warren distinguishes a C that is o say, in the parto the Leo ri Missat hicli appears o have been writte in England during the leventi centuta. The os o a ea in Gem Uri fortunatet preveni us Dominowing hether the agreement Xtende to the rubric ith hich eois C end the
Theiays mari e with an asterisi are thos for hicli Oit. provides a resace, thos mari ed illi an obelus lare those sor hicli a masscis mund inmen. In these masses eois is for the mos par in agreementwith Gem and the fame may be sat o Men. illi regar tothe eventeen masses hicli it Ontains LeOD. mal e nomention o S. Basilides in iis mas of S. Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nagarius, an include S. Feli X illi S. Simplicius Faustinus, and Beatri X. Mur an Men. have a maS O S. Pan Cratius, but mallem mentio of S. Nereus an Achilleus, while the massdiffers throughout rom that in Gem an Leosse. The principaldifferen Ces etween eois an Gem in the structure of the particula maSSes are the omission in the forme of the resaceo S. Vitus, and of the secon Collectran Ad VesperaDn of the ' Nat. S. Benedicti, hicli appea in Gem. In his mas the Pre face also differs. The mas os . Maurice in eos r. has a Collec different Dom that in Gem. an for the Invention O the
The resace so S. Gorgonius appear in uratori's texi illi the eading Natale Sancti Georgii V ut the date hows that this is probabi an error : another Presace appears in Ott so S. George' Da o viii Kal. ai. SS. Nereus and Achilleus are recognised in oti.
Cros Leois Men. an Oit ali ave a resac disserent romthat in Gem.λThe greater number of this grou os masse are Mund in whole or in part in the Gelasian books. The letters V. R. S. appende to particula days in the lis indicate that there is in the mas for theseiay a morem les stron resemblance to themass in the Gelasian books denote by these symbolS. Some- times the agreement i complete, but more osten Di partiat, though sufficienti distinc to suggest that Gelasian books have furnished the ground work of the mas in Leosr Gem an Men. LRStly, O Come to thos masses phicli Gem supplies sordays for hichmur. a no mass, and where Leost. A has Cither no mas or ne entiret different roin that in Gem. These are 38 in all. The Jay are the ollowing
SS. Marcellus an Apuleius fU. S.
se of theses stival are recognise in OtL, whicli provides Presaces sor . Projectus S. Euphemia, . Rusus, . AuguStineos Hippo ; the mas for the Invention o S. Stephen is ad dedin the margin os ti by a later hand. The res ace hic happear in Ott so S. Prisca n Kal. Sept. agrees illi that of S. Priscus in Gem On the Same ab . The influence of the Gelasian books, o book akin to them, wil again e seen in his grouino masses eXtend to a large proportior of the estival of saints of early date. The mas of S. Leodegarius oes no appear a a hole in R, hich hasin lythe two Collecis It is made ut frona a Gallican maSS, the Post no=nina tali in the place of the Secret, and the Ad parent that of the Postcommunion The whole of the mas in Gem. Stoi found in the inale Gothicum
are supplied for festival of this grou in eost C. These areso S. Cuthberi, the Translation o S. Martin, S. Augustine os Hippo), the Octave of S. Andre , and S. Alban. The mass
i eost has a completet disserent magisor his day. The mas for his da in eost. A is quit disserent: eost. C providesanother, also disserent. t uratori, Lit Kom. Vet. i. O7-8 notes)3 his has atready been potntediu by r. Warre in his editio of the Leostic Missat p. 289ὶ See uratori, Lit Kom. Vet. i. 633, and the Gallican Liturgias ed. G. H. ForbeS, P. 33-4. For the massaive inin se Gerberi, Isson. et Lit.
os . Keneli occur in a tentii centur Engli Sh Sacramenta , no at Oricans, hicli M. et iste heli eves to proceed rom inclicombe. The mas of S. Genoves seem to e so themos pari aken Dom ne include in the Coiuinune Sanctorum O Gem. that o S. Justus rom the mas of S. Vitu while themas sor the Translation o S. Martin has supplied the resaceso the Translation os . Ethel old we have at ready seenthat the masse O S. Vedast S. Omer, an S. Augustine os C nterbur are in ClOSe agreement the have probabi Mundtheir a in to the teX o Gem sto different Sotirces having
Saints are mari ed by seature os style hicli suggest that, is notthe work of a singleiand the are at an rate the producti a single School. The Se Os ather unusual ord S, an a certain turgidi ty of expression, hicli are perhaps mos distincti tobe Seen in the mas of S. Etheld recla, a be Mund also in the masses of S. Eormentii ld, S. Ethelwold Kal. Aug.) the Translation o S. withun, an in the re faces of S. Os valdandi Botulf. t must be admitte that asin hol the masses of Englisti origin do no compare favourably illi the more restrat ne an stately form derive Dom the olde Sacra
The Commune Sanctoriun o Gem is ather fuller hanthat o Leois A. an stili more so tha that os Mur.), hicli
particular days in the Proprium. That for the Vigil of ne Apostle Corresponds to the mas for the Vigil of S. Andrew δthat so the Festiva to the mas for . Andreru's Day. Themasses for the Vigil and Festiva o severat Apostles similarly
agree illi thos for the Uigil of S. Simon and Jude, and the Festiva of S. Philip and ames. The mass In Nat Evange- Iistarum appear in eost. C), hos in Nat. Unius Mart yris, In Nat. Iur Mart ru=ri an In Nat. Plur. Confenorum allappea in the Commune of Mur.), the wo Orme also in Leost. A). That In se. Unius Confessori nearly agrees illithe mas for the east os a Consessor in Mur. that for thevigil of severa Consessor agree with the mas in Men. In severa os the masses of the Commune it is possibi to traceresemblances to the Gelasian OOk Some appea there inalmost the fame form though tw of these are in the Proprium,no in the Commune of the Gelasian books. The mas sor thesestiva of the Dedication o a church agrees Closely illi that in Men. the OlleCt, Secret ni Post ommunion are found in
propria Ponti cis in Ordinatione ipsius hicli form par of the
content of LeOD. C. I has seemed orth hile to discus the content of the Temporale an Sanctorales of thecium leges manuscript in Somedetail, o two reasons. In the firSi place Such an examinationgives round so the belles that we have in hi manusCripi, asin the texis of Leost. A and of enarci' Sacramentary, an eXample of the anne in hicli, in the tentii an eleventii Centuries, the Content of the Roman Sacramentar repreSentedh Mur. ere Combined illi the Content of AlCuin' supplement, and with alter alien Do the olde mass-book of the Gelasian type. In Menard' Sacramentary the Gelasian booksappear o have been more Deel employed than in eos r. A,
The secondi these is also used in the Commune of Μur. anu Leola. Al. These masses agree illi hos of S. ennas, S. Felicissimus an Agapitus, and S. Processus and artinianus, in the Proprium. Compare the mas for the eas of S. Silvester in the ProprDιva. The mass In V. Plum Mari rum corresponds closely to the GelaSia mas sorili Vigil of S. Jolin and Paula that In Natali Unius Confessoris to a mas in the Commune os Man that In Q. Unius Virginis resembles the Gelasia masssor the Vigilii S. Caeciliari the first mas In Nat. Unizι Virginis i in clos agreement illi S.
or in thecium leges manu script That is to say, wein substitutions o Gelasian form so thos of the Roman Sacramentarymore frequently in Menard ' te X than in the the two In Leois A an in thecium leges book, e generali find that, where a mas is provide either in the Roman Sacramentaryo in Alcuin's supplement, it S Ollowed, and the differen cesare disserences of addition. ut beside thus supplementingindividua masses, both Leost. A and thecium leges manuscriptadii, in the Sanctorale, an maSSe so Jay no recogni sed in Mur. Both Seem to dra a large par of thei materia forthes addition Dom the later GelaSi an SacramentariOS, represente by S and the Jum lege manu script adds in his anand
But his result os ou examinatio ma be surther et toshow omething as O the Origin f thecium lege manuscript It wa written, Vidently in England sor se in England Butit ancestry, is ne may Se the PhraSe, eem to e traceableno to the Roman service-bColis importe to England by S. Augustine, ut to a CompOSit SaCramentary, Such a were produce in the dominions os Charies the reat an his SuCCOSSors, after the adoptio of the Roman Sacramentarnwhichform the nucleus of the book known a Gregorian. It close resemblance to eos r. A may suggest further that the manu
script hicli supplied the main od of iis evaporale and
Sanctorale ad been writte in a region Ot Ver sar removedfroin that whicli produce the oldest partis the Leosei Missal.
m a potiato Flander orcit immediate eighbourhood a theplace whenc thi parent manuScript proceeded but the eviden ceis hardi sufficient to arrant an decide insere iace. The introductio into Englandis a continenta service-book an iis loca adoption Ouid o have been unlikel in the inti ortentii centurn on the hypothesi that the Jumiege manuscript