장음표시 사용
AEsculapius 49, 5. Alexandria War: 48 7. Almagest: see Ptolemy. Ambrosius 74, 3. Apollo, macies es: o I. Arabs 49, 9 and 71, 7 etc. Archimedes: 68, 4 seqq. . an heresy 75, a.
Aristolle, De Interpretatione sesso callax Per mermeneias :
and 73, 4. Bactrians 49, 9. Bede Venerable 86, s.
Candace, suem: 96 3. Capella, Martianus, io Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii: 46 8.
Cyrsi: 75, 18. De Disciplina Scholarium 3, alland 85, 4; HS IV. 47, O. De Interpreti Migno, laum 97:
Hebrem, sacreo book of 73, 13. Hippodamus 79, 15. Homer: 74, 15. Horace, Ars mauca 333, 343ι
St. Augustine, De civ. De IX.,
Sti Ierome, preface to the Pent