장음표시 사용
r, Ps. XVI. a. a, . the Semensi Spirit, septiformis spiritus,' rarat used by St. Augustine; p. Isa. i. 23, and ReV. i. 4.a, S. that it ma burn Ps. xxxix. 3. a is by the amnementis almsomini p. Dan. iv. 7. a I 8 the good mill of man ep. Phil. i. s. 3, 1 a hos Uinhvm ny racter eleet scholars, grex scholarium elegorum quin potius electorum. 3, 7. in the ultimatia selios Ioues, quoted hom the anonymous Work' De varietate carminum. 3 9. right minue turti buris in obscuridi Boethius, De Consol Phil. i. m. s, Latet obscuris condita virtus Clara tenebris, justusque tulit Crimen iniqui.' 3 Io. burning listi, ep. ait. V. s. 3, I . mines isto milimines, p. Isa. V. a. 3, I s. olives into Me ita olim' p. Rom. i. 4.3, I the nectare eup of philosophy, philosophiae nectareo poculo,' the De disciplina scholarium, C. V. , . that lites misymbire Nature is rententia ep. Boethius, De Cons. Ph. i. r. s. 4, 8. athletes of the fates, athleta Dei,' a commonphraserior a Christian. xaa
4, 4. a mereor the mordisse in the original assub V is derived Dom the translations of Aristolle made hom the Arabic; it is found in Latin-Englis handbook of the middie age glossing sterre-styme,' r.e the staresetj, hic mas suppose to edeposite is laning stare.
9, celestiat, terrestriat, and infernat Phil. i. o. 9, 9. the bais of Crato , the nam occurs again in Chap. XIII. In both cases the obscure referenc is ne os dissiculty, though the readin is probabi correcti in his passage, Catorather than Crato ould seem better,aut the change cannot bewarranted though some Ss rea Catonis. Cras is mentionedin the olde Legend' an elseWhere, as et a in severat liturgica hymns. 9, 3. ali Gino are corrupteri Aristolle, Phys iv. a.
', a I. Dictyul Fabricius and sterniato, ep. Boethius, De Cons. Phil. i. m. 7. Io, Almagest the Astronomyis Μεγάλη Σένωξιτ was probabi so calle to distinguis it hom the α μιτικὴ Σ-αξις, o Mathematic o Ptolemy it was preserve and communicate to Europe by the Arabs, and the nam Almagestis forme of the Arabie artici at, and the Gree μεγίστη.IO, II. thino nem and old, Mati xiii sa. Io, 3 hol re bonour binore frienδεψ, p. Aristolle Ethies,
o, o. Visdom fiat is hid, ep. Ecclesiasticus xx. O. II, a the vestibule in pereeption, vestibula sensus com
19, 9 an in ite re suo ep. Wisdom vii. 4. I9, 4. Solomon the sun of mem; the phras occur in Walter Μapys me Nugis Curialium,' iv. 3.ao, . the iam os nature, p. Renan, Aoeroes p.ris LM the passage referre toris quote by Roger Bacon, p. M. p. 7, an other mediaevat writers. a I, 2. the are mores ali that thou hasi, p. Gregor xl. Homiliarum in Evangelia, lib. I. Hom. Aestimationem quippe pretii non habet, sed tamen regnum Dei tantum valet, quantum habes.
23, a. a peculiar prepti, P. Deut vii. 6 3 Exod. ix. 6. 23, 3. choren into the ut o God, in sortem Domini computati the reserenc is to the derivation o clericus, o orpertaining to an inheritance, r. κλῆ-x-or, hom κλῆρος, a toto alloimenti land . .
O the applicatio of λῆρος to the Christia ministry see Bp. Lightfoot Philippiam, a s-6, here iis probabie origin isseen in the se of the wor in Acts i. 17 μ in tot of this ministry.' In the time o Jerome explanations ere fought in the se of οχψos in Deut xviii a compared ii ix. 29 and parallel passages, ando et v. 3 was interprete in his sense. New Englis Dici sub Cleric. 23, 4. v I are calle the ver ebureb ο God immo
thius, De Cons. Phil. i. Meir. I. 26, the gales of deam, Ps. vii I 8. 26 6. the boo de has no foetouen is handia re him re e readuinis of course refers to the benefit of the clergy-the privilege of exemption stomorial by secular cour allowe to or laimedis clersymen arraigne is felon' in later times, the privilege
o exemption rom sentence hic in the case of certain offences mightae leade on his first convictio by any one hocould rea the se of nec merse the abilit to read beingoriginali meret the test of the intergri' or clerical position, came atriennii toae in iiseu the ground of privilege so that thephrase ecame benefit os scholarship. New Englis Dict.
28, a fra ; SS. vary between Drraturas, Drraturas, fir iuras, ferraturas, and deratura probabi meret stumn orlining of an fort.28, 23 Theophrastus the reseretice is to a book against marriage attributeduo Theophrastus by st. Jerome. 28, 3. Valerius; - Valerius ad Rufinum de uxore non ducenda,'' was ne of the mos popular of mediaeva book ; Chaucer' Wise of Bam, Prologue so the whole of this passage . 29 7. ur ou is ome domn to the dus 'adhaesit pavimento anima nostra,' hom Ps. xliv. s. 29. I. ivr heli cleameth unt the earib, Ps. xliv. s. 29, II. and there is no man hocivem it re beari, Jer xii. II. 29, 1s. Dundice, clericiari s calle because it a sup-
denti suggested is a legat maxim hic he found in Braeton, derived no doubi through Ago rom the Digest-- Debemus
accipere metum non . . . vani vel meticulos hominis sed talem qui cadere possit in virum constantem.'
3I, 22. p. Martia i 39. Quem recitas, meus est, o Fidentine i libellus Sed male quum recitas, incipit esse tuus. '32 8 Carmentis, p. h. VIII. 32, II. Bologna, ne of the great niversities.
33, 3. abat biis is against nature, p. Rom. i. s-26. 33, 1 o. rota Our preples nouot Ps. xliv. 2.34. he titie in the origina is a sollo. r- Querimonia librorum contra religiosos possessionatos, ' Le. - possessioners, a contrasted with the mendicant friars. 34, s. emeen me bour V pra inter horas canonicas' the da was divide into eight period of three hours, marhed by a many acts of devotion.
34, io fusi V eherubi letters, cherubicis libris plena thereserenceris probabI to the brilliant miniatures and ornamentations of old manuscript perhaps ni to the genera beauty-- angelicat. 34, 4. Martha nor Marr Martha an Mar meretrealed a types of the active an contemplative liseri similarly, Rachel an Leah. Ubi nec meretur Martha corripi nec Maria 4 the old edd. read μ corrumpi.'3s, II. not breadda ed in the aues, manes non subcinericeos V
36 6. Liber Mectus, etc. 'Liber Bacchus respicitur et inventrem traicitur nocte diequeri Liber codex despicitur et a manu reicitur longe lateque.'36, 7. Timotheus, the amous Gree musiciam the resemenc may be stom Boethius, De Musica bk. I. 37, . the canon revular, ara opposed to the canon secular V the forme observe no only the 'canones V or ules imposedupo ali the clergy,aut also the regulae V of St. Augustine. 37, a. like a Gerd ut testa V Ps. xxii. s. 37, a. marim xvii. s.
39, o the oris of reareres, fratres praedicantes,' mas institute by t. Dominic, ho obtaine the Papa sanctionDommonorius III in Ia I 6, o conditionis adopting the Ruleos St. Augustine. o, the poo and neiam p. s. l. 7. O,a I. strange herestes, Miberas naenias' the phrasecomes stom St. Jerome s preface to the Pentateuch, and orginalty reserre to certain Iberian, o Spanish, heresies.
I, 2. me referenc is to t. Augustine' Episties,
46, 2. scalter the nations ibat delis in mari p. s. lxviii. o. 46 8 Apollo beeomes the Python's prvii reserence to the figlito Apollo an Python the serpent produce stom the mu leno the eari aster the deluge of Deucalion it live in the caves of Μount Parnassus, but was flain by Apollo, horiounde the Pythi an games in commemorationis his victory. 6 8. et tune Phronesis pia mater in phrenesis redigitur potestatem. Phronesi V .e practica misdom, prudence, the Virtue con- cerne in the government of men,' is personified in Martianus Capella, De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, a the mother of philology. 47, a master of the master of the morid Aristolle a the tutor an adviseris Alexander the reat.
47, s. rem his sacria home,' a sacratis aedibus V ksome Ss.
read Socratis. The reference has no been explained. Sacratis aedibus occurs in a Macc. i. 4.
47, 9. O mos michia pomer dar neu ep. Luhe xii. 33 3 Col. i. 3. 7, Io the appromea divinit os Plato, Platonis . . . citatem probatam V De diseiplina Scholarium iv. - Platonis probata divinitas. 47, 3. θου - ad ut o in arbis matter, antequam hylen entelechia induisset V Arist. Met xl. 8, 3 tro τι 'ν μαι οὐκ ἔχει μην το πρῶτον Ἀντέλεχροα γαρ. ἐντέλεχεα in actuataeing of a thing accordingrio Aristolle, the soli is the e. of the body ebat Θ hich it aeruallucis, thoughit adis δύναμις or capaci existingaefore. This is the amous mord whic so pugEled Hermolaus Ba barus that he is sal to have summone the devi to his
7, ΣΟ re rame rasea robber, vitiosi vispilionis V mi illa, robber the classica vespillo, a pauper' undenaher. 7, I. edemoan Othagoras f the reserenceris to the deat otPythagoras in consequence of politica disturbances a Crotona. 7, 3. the allines of a rive, p. Isa lx. 8. 7, 2 . e mourn mo, for Zeno i De Bur has conlaunded Zeno the Stoic, ho die of id age, mith Zeno os Elea ofwhom the stor mentione in the textris told. he authorities vary the nam of the tyrant. Diomedon V corrupte in theΜSS. and texis is stomahe versionis tot by Hermippus. 8, II. p. Aulus Gellius vi. II. De Bur Wrote secundo bello Alexandrino V Aulus Gellius, 'bello priore Alexandrino V the number varies in the SS., but accordin to Gellius it was millia ferme septinginta,' henc the rendering in the text. 8, I. innocent in hos moum mas no guile, p. Rev. xiv. s. 8, as a pisus auster the texi read filia virgo.' 9, 3. o bis uvistring nec , collo irreflexo the phrasemas derive seo Boethius, De Cons. Phil. v. metr. 7. 9, nom for the secon timeta the rs time ein when