장음표시 사용
For a the favourite occupations of men re variousi distinguished accordin to the dispositio of the heavenly dies, hic frequently controi ou naturalcomposition, so that ome me choos to devote themselves to architecture, othera to agriculture, inersto huntinnitherario navigation, iners to War, inersto ames, we have unde the aspectis Μercvry
of hic the are ignorant, an to discus hidden
II has ver been dissicut so to restrain men is
the law of rectitude, that the astutenes of successor might no strive to transgress the ound of
thei predecessors, an to infringe stabiliue rules in insolence of licence Accordin y, it theadvice of prudent men, e have rescribe in man- ne in hich e destre that the communication andus o ou book shouldae permitted so the benesitos students. Imprimis, e ive an grant ali an singula thebooks, of whicli, have made a specia catalogue, in consideration o affection, to the communit of scholar living in mali at Oxsord, as a perpetua gist, ortu sou and the ouis of our parenis, an also so the foui of the most illustrious ing
Edward the Thir Domine Conquest, and of themost pious Queen Philippa, his consor to the intent that the fame books may be lent fio timeri timerio ali and singula the scholar an master of the aid place, as eli regula a secular so the advancementand use of study, in the manne immediates talowing that is to say
Five of the scholars s*ourning in themali asoresaid shal be appotnted by the aster thereos, hostiat have the charge of ali in books, of whic five person three and no sewer anten an book or ori sor inspectio and stud ; ut B coning ortranscribing we direct that no book shallae allowedoulside the walis of the house Theresere, he any schola secular o religious whom so this purpose weregard it equa famur, hal see t borro any book let theaeeper diligenti conside is the havea duplicate of the said book anxifcio let them tendhim the book tahing such ple eras in their judgmentexceed the value of the oo desivered, and let a record e made orthwith of the pledge and of the book lent, containing the names of the person desivering the oo and of the person in receivescit, togethe wit the da and ear hen the oan is
But is theaeepera find that in boo asta is uno in duplicate, heminal no len such book to
on hic he receives the ooh. Neverthelms, theborrowe ma no lend in book enuusted is him toanother, except wit the permission of three of theasoresai heepers, and then the nam os the ratbono eraeing erased the nam of the second withthe time os delivernis to be recorded. Eachaeeper hali ake an ath to observe es theseregulations hen the enter po the charge of the booti And the recipient os an book o booti hallthereupon wea that the wil notos in boo orbook sor an other purpos but that os inspectio orstudy, and that the wil not ahe or permito betahen it o them Von the own and suburbs of
tw of his scholars homae hali associat withaimself, or iste hali notae at eisure, he hali appotnt three inspectora, ther than the heepers, ho haliperus the catalogue of boohs, and se that he have them ali, either in the volumes themsetve or at leastas represente is deposiis. An the more fittingseason sor rendering this account e belleve to beseo the Fidit o Jul untii the sestives of the Translationis the Glorious Martyr S. Thomas nexi sollowing. We ad this further provision that nyone towhom a boo has been lent, hali onceis year exhibitit to the eepers, and shall, i he wishescit, se his pledge. Oreover, is it hances that a boo is ostb death, thest, fiaud, o caresessness, he who has tosti or his representative or executor hali pay the valueos the book and receive ac his deposit. ut is in an wis an profit shali accrue to the heepers, it shallnot be applied to an purpose ut the repat and
treatis which e have compose concerning the love o book in hich, have endeamuredio give in astonishment of our contemporaries thereason hy e have love book so greatly Buthecauserit is hardi grantexto mortal to accomptishaught that is no reste in therans o vani , edo no ventur entiret to justis the ealous love which, have so long ad sor books, oro deny that it ma perchanc somelimes have been theoccasio of some venia negligence, albei the objecto ou love is honouratae an our intention pright. For is he we have done verything, e re bound to cali urselves unprofitable servant ; f
accordin to Isaia ali ur righteousnes is a filiis
rags, who hali presume o boast himself of the persectioni an viriue, o den that fio some circumstanc a thin mandeserve tot reprehended, whichin iiset perhaps was no reprehensibie For good springs rom ne selfiam fource, ut evi arises in many Ways, a Dionysius informs s. heresere tomahe amend Briur iniquities, is hich, achnowledge ursetve to have Dequently offende the Creator os ali inings, in ashing the assistance of their prayers, we have thought fit in exhori u future student to how thei gratitude as et to us a tothei other benefactor in timerio come is requitingour forethought so thei benefit by spiritus retribution Let us live when dead in thei memories, holiave live inmur benevolence besore the were born, and live no sustainc by ur beneficence Letthem implore the mercy of the Redeemer Wit un-wearie prayer, that the pious Judgema excuse urnegligences may pardo the wichednes of our sins, may cove the lapses of ou seeblenes with in cloahos piety, and remit by is divine modnes the
offences of hich e re ashame an penitent. atrae a preserve to us sor a due season os repentanc the fift osmi good grace, steactasiness
of faith, tostines of hope, and the wides charit to alimen Thaime ma turn ou haugh Milicio lamentiis aulis that it ma deplore ita ast most ain elations may retrac ita mos bitte indignations and detest iis mos insane delectations Thalmis viriuema a und in us -- ur Wn is found wanting, and that He who reel consecrated ourae nniniis the sacrament os baptism, and adrancia Our progressio the seat of the Aposties ithout an desert of oura,
thought an longin our conversatio ma be in Heaven That the ather os mercies and the Godo ali consolatio ma gractousi come o meet the
prodiga returning om the hvshs that e may receive the piece of silver that has been latet seundand transmit it ismis hol anget intomis ternaltreasury. That e ma rebuhe withmis territae
countenance, at the hou of ou departure, the spiriis
of darhness, est Leviathan, that id serpent lyinthid
the wfulciu ment-seat to give an account o the testimon o conscience of at things we have done in the oh in God-Μan a conside the rice of the holyalood thatme has shed, and that the Incarnate Deit ma note the frame o our carna nature, that our eahnes maylas unpunished here infinite lovinDhindnes is to e Bund, and that the foui fine rettae sinne may breaine again here thepeculia office of the Judgeris to fh- mer . Andfurther, let our student be always diligent in in hing the refuge of ou hope aster God the Virgin otheros God an Blesse Queen o Heaven that, inosor ou manisold sin and wichednesses have deserved the ange of the Ju e by the id of her ever-accept- able supplications a merit His sor venera thather plous hand ma depres the scale of the balance in hicli ur mali an se mod deed shal beweighed test the heavineis of our in preponderate and castra down to the otio es pilis perdition. Μoreover, let inem ver venerate it due observance the mos deservin Confessor Cuthberi, the care ofwhose floch, have unworthil undenahen, ver devovit praying that he ma deigno excuse is his prayer his all-unworth vicar, and ma procure himishomine hat admitted asinis successor upo eari to
be made his assessor in Heaven Finalty let thempra God with hol prayers a wellisse hin os foui, thalme will restore the spirit created in the mage of the Trinity, after iis Hourn in his miserable orid, to iis primordia prototype, an grant to it se everto erio the iis of His countenancera through ur Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.