장음표시 사용
the reserenceris to the lost treatismo the quasi-ythical Hermes Trismegistus, extant oni in the Latin translation o Apuleius, whic Was entitie Λιγο τέλειος, or, as St. Augustine rendercit, Verbum Perfectum. 49, 7. the olde Actens, p. the Timaeus and Crito os Plato,sor the account of the Egyptia Athens supposed toae ive to Solona a pries of Sais.so s. Nam Aristotis mouid noldam missed, etc. Numquid Aristotelem de circuli quadratur syllogismus apodicticonlatuisset.
sa, . the Gades DLe limit originali a Punic ord mean- in boundary, in hic sense the place-nam mas sed in mediaeva Latin. sa, . the ruis of Ol ptis, 'rector Olympi' ; vid. Metix 498.
rea 'Socratia. The referene has no been explainta. Sacraris indistis occum in iam Ti. 4.
47, 2 . uosme rasea robber, vitiosi vispilionis a vispilio, a robber the classica vespillo, a pauper' undertiner. 7, 2I. - moam Ithagoras the referenceris to the death arithagoras in consequenm os politica disturbanem a Crotona. 7, 3. the allivs V. Ave, e Isa. u. 8. 47 a . e mour' for Zeno a De Bur has consounded Zeno the Stoic, ho die of old age, it Zeno os Elea ofwhom theator mentione in the textris told. The aut rities vary the nam of the tyrant 'Diomedon V eorrupte in theΜSS. and texis is hom in versionis tot is Hermippus. 8, II. p. Aulus Gellius vi. II. De Bur Wrotes secundo bello Alexandrino Aulus Gellius, 'bello priore Alexandrino the number varies in the SS., but accordingrio Gellius it . millia ferme septinginta, inenc the rendering in the text. 48, 2I. innocent in hos moves mas mauiu, ep. Rev. xim s. 48, s. a pisus daetbter the teri readc filia virgo. 49, 3. On his uvisidis nec , collo irreflexo V the phrasewas derive hom Boethius, De Cons. Phil. iv metr. 7. 9, nom for the reconcrim i the sint time Mina hen
66 Ia. Phocas, ne of the favourite grammars of the iddie
omnia cum veterum sint explorata libellis, Multa loqui breviter sit novitatis opus. 67, 3. De Verula, erroneousi assigne to vis the passages quote run a sollows omnes declinant ad ea, quae lucra ministrant, Utque sciant discunt pauci, plures ut abundent; sic te prostituunt, O virgo scientia i sic te Venalem faciunt castis amplexibus aptam, Non te propter te quaerentes, sed lucra per te, Ditarique volunt potius, quam philosophari.
Exilium patitur, et Philopecunia regnat.' 69, 3. Peribermenias the De Interpretatione of Aristollericalled by this nam in the Middie Ages. 7o, mith bane I baste an a harmo diploma, dispendioso compendio damnosoque dipIomate. 7o. I. papa provisionys the Statutem Provisors, 13s , mas directed against this practice. o II busiringis Sion in bloia ep. Micis sit. Io.7I, and reacheth fram enim od, etc., p. Wisdom viii. I. 7I, her soldier ara rimanne an languishine. hisma writte a yearis imo besore the battiei Crecy. 73, Ia I me M oculis lynceis V the phrase originalty r ferre to Lynceus, the Argonaui, who Was fame so the heennemo his vision then it was transferre to the lynx, an gave riset the lable that it could se thro h a mail.
36, I . Sed revera libros non libras maluimus, codicesque plus dileximus quam florenos, ac panfletos exiguos incrassatis praetulimus paleisidis.' Panfletos '' appear toae ne of the earli trecorde instances-i no the earlies instance f the word.
37 I. the Aunges of Athens Athenarum diverticula. '37, 9 Dimmius the Areopagite, to hom mere attribute anumber of treatises, nom belleve toae the late productions offome Christia Neo-Platonisis. 37, Io the Virgin Carmentis, 'Virgo Carmenta a Cadmus the Phoenicia is supposed to have introduce the alphabet into Greece, henc it a carried into Ital by Evander the Arcadian. His mother Carmenta accompanie him, an ineis salsio have turne the Gree into Roma charactera. 37, s. ProV. XX. q. 39, 34 his schooti, generalia studia.
ep. Chap. I. 6a, . tabulation, tabulationibus,' possibi indexes o summaries.
62, 3. stationers, the stationarii' os in Middie Ages ereoriginali rathe tendere than fellers of boori. 62, 4. mith usurri cum usuris,' ep. Luke ix. 23.
78, Io the me mastering love o books, librorum amor hereos V nearly ali the SS. read hereos, ne S. herous, ereus Themord is ne of the few unsetiled cruces, is no the oni crux, in
mirat' Tale, Is); amor hereosin iove-passion, hereos being sed in apposition to amoris adjectively. 78, 6. the scorpion in erracis, ep. Arist. Opp. Lat. 496 L473 : Haec scientia utilis est, ut est utilis scorpio in tyriaca quae licet sit toxicum tamen si datur patienti dolorem minuit et praestat remedium.' The De Pomo, a reatis o the immortalit of the oul, a falsely attribute to Aristolle, ein reali tran late Domahe Hebrem by Mansred, o of the Emperor Frederic ΙΙ.79 I. cp. Luhe i. 34-36. 79 4. 6 Me retulation V sociat life ep. Wisdom viii. . 79. 6. Vnteresis, a naturali pomer of e oule, set in thehighest part thereos, moovin and stirriniit to good, and abhorring evil the Doctor and Student, dialog. I. c. I 3 .
84, 8, 2I. Morace, A.P. 333, 3 3 - Aut prodesse volunt aut delectare poetae '' Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci.' 8s I. Pons Asinorum, the triginal read elefuga,'' ep.
Roger Bacon, p. Tert. i. Quinta propositio geometriae Euclidis dicitur Elesum, id est fuga miserorum.' 3, I Iohn i. o. 83, 4. The hilios inconstanc Μr Thomas discovered thesource of this passage in the De disciplina scholarium, a morhlong attribute to Boethius. 86, 7. Gratian collected the decrees and constitutions of the Popes into a bod os canon Iam. ,7, I Donatus iis of Virgil, c. xviii.
88, II. Arismile, ep. et t. a. 89, x. Sceptra in her lint haud est De Cons. Phil. i. r. 4. 89, A. the passage in the in k of the Republic citedis Boethius. 89, o the charistrer of his facter' ear currus auriga paterni,' ep. vid, et ii 327.
9i, Though one bould Cor. xiii. I. 9I, Io Wisdom xvii. I 8. 92 6. p. Vid Remed. Am. 39. 93, ironistaine hand etc. hom in Eutheticus, orintroductor verses to the Policratico of Joh of SalisburyQ- multa libris erit apta manus ferrugine tincta, Nec nummata queunt corda vacare libris. Non est ejusdem nummos librosque probrare ;Persequitur libros grex Epicure, tuus. Nummipetae cum libricolis nequeunt simul esse ;Ambos, crede mihi, non tenet una domus. 93, Io Mammon, p. ait. i. 24. 93, demon ho derive his nam fram nomis ep.
Aug. De Civ. Dei, ix. Δαίμνες enim dicuntur, quoniam Vocabulum graecum est, ob scientiam nominati.
erioine to se Latin in ordinar conversatio 3 ence in mightae calle Latinistae. In the inita ea os his residencethe student of the libera aris mas allowed toaecome sophister,' an to tali par in logica disputations.
DO, 7. mith singlenes of ve, oculo simplici,' ep. ait. i.
1o7, 7 the right barid, etc., p. Mati. i. 3. Ho 8. the iam is uncorrupted by leaven ep. I Cor. V. 6 Gal. . . DO, 9. Nor is me arment momen of oo an linere, p. Deut xxii. D. III, 9. o. fr exces of euriosi , nunc de curiositate superflua, Tim. V. 3. III, I the beari and reins, cp. Ps. Vii. . III, I9. the ultimate prino os et ire the cannotae quorum fontale non vident principium,' virtutis et sapientiae fontale principium, ' sed of the Universit os Paris by the Cistercians in I 322. IIa, . me bies nursing mother, etc. omnium artium nutrice praecipua. IIa, a. to the lover Upe nummicolis.''II 3, 7. unde me aspect o Mercu Roger Bacon, op. Μ . p. a I. ercurius est significator scripturae et scri torum et profunditatis scientiarum.
121, s. the fame of Our earna nature,' carnalis naturae fi mentum Ps. iii I . Ia I, 9 the bottomtis pit, ep. ReV. xx. 3. Ia I, I me mos deserviet Confessor Cumbert, St. Cuthberi, the patron Saint of the Cathedra a Durham, Bishomo Lindi farne in 68 3 his final restin place ecam the seat os the Palatine See. Iaa, . his auersor, concessorem, Eph. i. 6, consederesecit in caelestibus' i ther Ss and texta' consessorem.'
Gal. . . Do 9. Nor is me arment momen of oo an linen, P. Deut xxii. D. III, 9. o. for exeras of curiosi , nunc de curiositate superflua, Tim. V. 3. III, I the beari and retas, p. s. Vii. .
III, I9. the ultimate pring of mbire thereannotae quorum sontale non vident principium,' p. virtutis et sapientiae fontale principium,' sed of the Universit o Paris by the Cistercians in I 322. IIa, . the his nursing mother etc. omnium artium nutrice praecipua. IIa, a. to the Aviero pess,' nummicolis. II 3, 7. unde the speet o Mercurγ Roger Bacon, p. Μη. p. Ia I. Μercurius est significator scriptum et scri torum et profunditatis scientiarum.V
II 4, 13. in ali ac ford, the est ΜSS. ead- 3 probabi se Nomen signifying that some ame a toae fissed in ost modern editor print nostra. II 3, 7. Fime of the scholars, quinque de scholaribus,' nearly equivalent to sellows.