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Theodoric, hile Boethius was in exile, into the different quarters of the worid, lihe hee whoseshepherd has been struch down o many when Seneca seli a victim to the crueit o Nero, and will-ing et unwillin passe the gales of eath, toohleave of him and retire in ears, no evenano ingi What quartera see sor hester Ηapo a that translation o boohs hic Xerxesis sal to have made to ersia rom Athens, and
homes ere restore to thei serme inmates, and
pariments to hic the volumes themselves arereverently brough and pleasanu arranged so that noone indere the entrance of another o injures itabrothera excessive cro ding.
But in truth infinite are the osses hic have been inflictedispo the race of book is ars and
tumulis Ando it is is no means possibi toenumerate an surve infini , we ili here finalty set up the Gades of our complaint, and turn again tolli prayers it whita, b an humbi imploring that in Ruler of Olympus and the ostilis Governor of at the worid ill stablis prace and di et wars and mahe ou Mys tranquil unde His
SINCE O verythin there is a rason an an opportuni , a the wis Ecclesiastes linesseth, let us no procee to relate the manista opportunities through,hich we have been assiste by the divine modnes in the acquisition o booti. Although fiom our out up ard we had always delighted in holding sociat commune with learnia menand lovers of booti, et he we prospere in theworid and made acquaintance With the in s majes and were received into his ousinold, e obtainedample facilities se visitin mery here a We ould, and of hunting as it were certain most choice preserves, libraries private as et a public, and of the regular
as elicis of the secular clero. An indeed hilewe fissed various offices to the victorious rince andis plendidi triumphant in os En and Edward the
Thir fio the Conquest hos reim a themmight long and eacessiti continue-firat thoseabout his cour aut then hos concerning the publicassairs of his hingdom, namel the offices of Chancellorand Treasurer, there as assorde torus, in considerationis the roya favour, eas acces sor the purpos Osfreel searching the reueat o books. In fici, thesime of ou love of them has en soon,inged abroad every here, and we were reporte totum it suta destre so books, and speciali old ones that it was more eas sor an mano gain ou sevour is meanso books thani money. WhereBre, since supported by the goodnes of the formai prince of worthymemory, e ere able to equite a man wellis illoto benefiti injure mirati areat as elicis mali, there flowed in instead os present an guerdons, an instea os gisis and jeweis, solle tracts and attered codices, gladsom althe to ur V an heart. Thenthe umbries of the mos famous monasteries erethrown Open Cases ere unloche an cashet wereundone, an volumes that ad lumbere throughlong ages in thei tombs ah up and are astonished,
and thos that had lain hidde in dar places arebathed in the ramo unwonte licti These longliselen booti once most ain , ut o be me corrupi and loathsome, covere Wit litters of mice and pierced wit the mawings of the worms, and whowere Onc clothed in pu te and fine linen now Vingi sachesoth and ashes, give u is oblivion, seemedio haves come habitations of the moth. Nathesessamon these setaing the opportuni , --ould sit down wit more delight than a fastidious physicianamon his stores of gum and spices, and there e Bund the objeci and the stimulus of our affections. Hus the sacre vesseis of leamin came into urcontro an ste artihipa vim is gist, iners is
contentia With gist of this hind the were anxious ostheiriwn accord to minister toturineias it thosething that the were more illinxto dispense linthan the ining they secured by ministering to urservice An in good Will, suove so to sorward thei assair that gain accruexto them, hil justice suffered, disparagement. Indeed i we had loved gold an silver gobleis, high-bre horam, or no mallsum os money, e might in those days have furnished
stream os pleasure made gladisur Mart wheneve wehad leisurea visit aris, the aradis of the worid, and w linger therea here the days seemed me se so the greatnes of ou loves There are delightfullibraries, more aromati than stores of spicer thereare luxuriant park of ali manner o volumes thereare Academi mead shahen by the tram of scholara
there are lounges of Athens walh of the eripatetic peah o Parnassus and porches of the Stoics. There is seen the furveyor os ali aris an sciences Aristocle, o hom elong al that is mos excellent in doctrine, o far a relates to this passin subluna worix there tolem measures epicycles and eccentri apogem and the nodes of the planet is figures and numbers thereaaul reveat in mysteries 'here his eighbour Dionysius arranges an distinguishesthe hierarchies 'here the virgin Carmentis reproduces in Latin character es that Cadmus collecte in Ρhoenicia letters there indeed pening our treasuries an unsistening our urse-strings e cattered
and hompleasan it is to gather together in arm os in clerica warfare, that e may have the means tocrusti the attach of heretics, is the arise. Further, e re a re that w obtained mos e cellent opportunities of collectin in the Bllowingway. From ou early years we attached totur socie
with the most exquisite solicitude and discardinpallia tisit ali suc masters and scholars and professor in theseverat faculties a had ecome mos distinguished by
thei subuet os min and the semel thei learning. Deriving consolation stom heir sympatheti conversation, we were delightfult entertainia, no is demonstrative chain o reasoning no by the recitat fphysica processes and the realises of the doctor of the Churta, no is stimulatin discourses o the allegorica meaning of things, a by a rich and well- varie intellectual east. Such men e chos ascomrades in ur ear os learning a companion in
at o Maiae, and in hori, as hespmates in ali thevicissitudes o lise. ut asino happinem is permittedio endure sor long we were ometimes deprive of the odii companionshi of some of these inininglighis, hen justice loohing heaven the ecclesiastica preserments and dignities that the deserve set to thei portion. An thus it happened,
as asini right that in attending to theiriwn cures the were oblige to absent themselves rom attend-
We wil ad yet another ver convenient Way bywhic a great multitude of book olyas elicis new' came into ur hanct For, neve regarded with disdain or disgus the poveri of the mendicant orderi, adopte so the ahe o Christ but in ali paris of the
worid too them into in hindi arm of our compassion assure them by the mos friendi familiarityinto devotion to urseives, and having so allured them cherished them it munificent liberalit o beneficencem the ahe of God becomin benefactor ofal of them in genera in such wis that w seemia non ine lem to have adoptia certain individuali Milia specia fallieri affection. To these me we ereas a refuge in very caseis need, and neve refused to them the hester of ur famur, heresere edeserve to find them mos species furinerer of our Wishes an promotera thereos in ac an deed, ho compassin land and sea, traversing the circuiti inc orid, and ransacking the universities and high schoolsos various provinces, were eatous in combatting sorou destres, in the fure an certain ope of reward. What leveret could scape amidst so many heen
tum thei Mohs and eis and nares t rom the dy of the Sacredia down to the booklet containing the fallacies of yesterday, nothin could scape these earchers. Was ome demut discourse ulteredat the ountain-head of Christian aith, the ob Roman Curia, or Was ome strange question ventilated
with novel argumenta, did the solidit os aris,
whic is now more etealous in the stud of antiqui than in the subile investigationi truth, id En isti subile , hic illumine by the light os formertimes is alway sendinisori fiesti rara os truth, produce anythin to the adrancementi sciencei the
pures of win presses into the vat o our memor toue clarified.
But lieneve it happened that, turned aside to the cities an places here the mendicanis, have mentione had thei convenis, e did not disdat tovisit thei libraries and any other repositories of booti nay there e Bun heape u ami in ulmostpoveri the ulmos riches of wisdom. e disco redin thei fardet an bashet not ni crum, fallingsrom the masters table so therares,aut the hewbread without leaven and the read os anges havingincit ali that is deliciousa and indeed the garners of Joseph fuit os corn, and est the spod of the Egyptians, and the ver precious iri hicli Queen Shebabrought to Solomon. These me are Manis ever preparing thei mea in the summer, an ingenious Mes continuali fabricat-