장음표시 사용
M ur custom to ea or have ea in us veryday, e notice plaini ho muta the defective Howledge evenis a single wota hinder in under- standing, a the meaning o no sentence an Mapprehended i an partis it e notonderatood. Wheresere mordered the meaning o fore n wotast be note wit particular care, an studie theorthography, prosody, etymology, and syntax in ancient grammarians it unrelaxin carefulnere, and took ain to elucidate term that ad grown iso obscure is age it suitatae explanations in orderio mata a mooth pathis ou studendi.
This is the whiae reason M, too care Oreplace the antiquated volumes of the grammariam is improve codices that we iis mahe mys massi, is hic our scholam in time in come iis attianwithou stumesing to any science.
AL the varieties of attach directe against the et by the lovers of nahe truth may be
hemel. For man is naturali End of two things, namely seeedom fiom contro an some pleasure in his activi a ser hic reason no ne ithout reason submits himself to the contro of othera, or illinglyengages in an tedious tash. For pleasure cro sactivi , a beaut is a crown to outh, as Aristotietrae asseris in the tent book of the Ethici Accors ingly the wisdom of the ancient devised a remed is hic t entice the wanton ind of men is 'indo pious Daud the delicate Minerva secreti lurhingbeneat the mash filmsure. e re on to allure childre is rewaias that the ma cheerfuit leaminat, Bre them to stud even though the areunwilling. For ou fallen natur Mes no ten to virtve with in fame enthusiasm it whic it rushesint vice. Horace has expressed his seris in atrie verse of the Ars Poetica, here he says
N poets in to profit o deliint.
An he has laint intimate in fame hin in
another verse of the sam book here he V r
How many student of Euclid have been repelled
So much, have alleged in defence of the poets an no we proceia to how that hos who studythem illi prope intent are notrioae condemne in regar to them. For ur ignorance of one singleword prevenis in underatanding of a hole longsentence, a Was assume in the revious hapter.
A now the sayings of the ruinis frequently allude to the inventions of the poets it must need happenatiat through our notano in the poem referre to the whole meaning of the author is completes obscured, and assuredly, a Cassiodorus says in his book of iri Institutes of Sacra Liserature et hos things are notio e considere tristes ithout hic great inings cannot come et iam. Ic talo thereisres that
throuis ignorance os metr we do notonderatandJerome, Augustine, Boethius, Lactantius, Sidonius, an very many thera, a catalogue of Whom ould more than fili a long hapter.
The Venerable Bede has ver esearly discussed and determine this doubila mini, ascis relate by that
great compiter Gratian the re ater os numerous authors, who is a confuse in formas he was eager
in collectin matter sor his compilation. o hewrites in his 37t section: Some ea secula literatur se pleasure, ahin delight in the inventions and elegant languam of the poeta ut oster studythis literature so the ahe of scholarship that by thelareading the ma learn to detest in error of the Gentiles an may devovit appi what the findusessi in them to the se of sacre learning Suchmen stud secular iteratur in a laudabie manneri
S ser Bede. Tahing this salutar instruction to eari let thedetractor of those ho stud the poets enceλrthhol their peace, an te no those horare ignorant of these ining require that other inould eras ignorant a themselves sor his is the consolatio of the wretched. An there re let ever man se that hisown intentions are pridit, and he may thus mahe of
an subjeci, observin the limitations o viriue, astud acceptable o God. An i he have ound profit in metry, a the rea Virgil relates that he had done in Ennius, he will noctave done mim.
besere, it is lain and evident ho ought tobe the chie loversi booti Foro se ho have mos nee o wisdom in orde to perBrm sessillythe uties of thei position the are it ut doubtmost speciali bound to ho more abundanti toine sacre vesseis of wisdom in anxious assectiono a gratesul eart. No it is the ossice of the wis man to Her rictu both himself and thera, accordin to the hoebus o philosophera, Aristocle, o deceives no no is deceived in human hings. Wheresore princes an prelates, judges an doctora, and est the leader of the commonwealth, as Orethan thera the have nee of isdom, o morethan other ought the to inow ea B the essetios isdom.
sceptre in herclest an an book in her right bywhic it is evidently shown to ali me that no onem righil res a commonwealth Withou boori. Thou says Boethius, Mahin to Philosophy, hastsanctione this Vin by the mout os lato that states ould e happyri the were vied by students of philosophy, or i thei resera ould stud philosophy. And again, we are aucti by the ery gesture of the figure that in sociar a the right hand is bellertha the est, sociar be contemplative lis is more worthy than in active lis Cand at the fame time eare hown that in busines of the wis mancis in devote himself by tums now to the stud o truth, and now to the dispensationi temporal things. We read that hilip thanhed the God devovibsor havingarante that Alexanderis ut be born in the time of Aristocle, o that educate unde his in struction e might be ortis to res his ather'sempire. While Phaeton unshille in drivinglecomesthe charioteer of his ather' car, heoniamsi distributes to anhin in heat of hoebus, no byexcessive earnem, an no by ithMawincito far, and w lest ali beneat him inould be imperissed by the losenes of his drising justi deserve to beεtruch by the thunder it.
handled by Joh of Salisbu , in his Piacraticon. In
conclusion ali classes of men horare conspicuous by the tonsure or the signis clerhship against hombook liste u thei voices in the Burth, sisth, and stat chaptera, re bound to serve book with PGp