장음표시 사용
in celis of honey. The are successors of Bezaleel in devisin ali manne of worhmanshi in silve and wid an precious stones sor decoratin the temple of the Churta me are cunning embroiderers, hoseshion ineareas late an ephod of the hiis priestand est the various vestments of the riesis Theyfashion in curtain os line and Mi and covering ofram' shin hed red wit whic to ador in tabe nacte of the Churta militant. The are husian&
trumpera, inining leiades an stare remaining in their courses, hic ceas noto fio against Sisera. Andriosa due regard to truth, withou preiudice tota judgmen o any although the latet at theelevent hou have entered the lord's in ard a thebooks that are so son o us ageri declare in ursixin hapter, the have adde more in his briefhou to the stoc of the sacre booti than est theother vine-dressera sollowin in the Boisieps of Ρaul the last toae assedaut therarat in reaching, who sprea the wspelis Christ more idely than allothera. O these men, he we were aised to the episcopat we ad severa o both ordera via. the Preacher an Minora, as persona attendandi and companion at ou board me distinguishe no tess
in letters than in morais, ho devote themselves wit unwearie etes to the correction, exposition, tabulation, and compilationi various volumes Butalthough, have acquire a very numerous store ofancient as et a modern orti by the manisol intermediatio of the religious, et e must laud the Preachers it specia pratse, in that we have Bund them ab erat the religious mos seeel communicative of thei stores ithout ealousy, and proved themto e imbued wit an almos Divine liberali , notneed but fittin possessors of luminous wisdom. Besides at the opportunities mentioned a ve, esecured the acquaintance of stationers and boohsellera, noties Withi ou own country, but of thos spreadove the realms of France, Germany, and Italy money
io captivate in affectionis ali, vertoo the rectora
deserve to e renovate into comesines of aspect. An applying in ut measure the necessar means, Sa type of the resurrection to come, e resuscitated them and restored them again to ne lis and health. Μωmver, e had always in ur different manorano mali multitude os conisis and scribes, o bindere, correctora, illuminatori, and generali os ali ho couldusessili labour in the service of boohs Finalty allo both sexes and of every an or position in hadan hind of association it booti, could mos easib ope by thei hnoching the oor of ou heari, and findri fit resting-place in ur affectio an sevour. In o much did, receive thos in brough books, that the multitude of thos who had recede them
were the favoura e M awarded yesterda prejudicis to thos o to-day. Wheresore, ver using allthe person we have name as 'in o magnet to attrac books, we ad the destre accession of the vesset os science an a multitudinous light of thesinest volumes. An this is hat, underim to narrate in thepresent hapter.
ALTHOUG the novellies of the modems
were neve disagreeable o ou destres, hohave a V cherishe wit gratessit affectio thoinwho devote themselves o stud and who add anythin eister ingenious o Mesul to the opinion ofour resethera, et we have always destre withmore undoubtin avidit to investigate the well- teste labours of the ancients. For hether in had is nature a reater vimur of menta sagaci , o whether the perhaps indulge in close application to study, or hether the were assiste in thei progress by both these hings, ne ining e
are persecti clear bout that thei successor arebaret capable o discussin the discoveries of theirsorerunners, and of acquiring thos things a pupili whic the ancients u out is difficuli efforis of discovery For as e read that the me of oldwere o a more excellent degre of odii develo ment than modern times are Bundo produce, it is is no means absurdo suppos that mos of the ancients were distinguished by righter faculties,seeing that in the labour the accomptished of both hind the are inimitable is posterity. An soPhocas rite in the prologue to his Gramma :
But in truth, i we spea o sermur of learnin and diligence in study the gave pol their lives tophilosophy whil nowadays ou contemporarie care- lesu spen a sew years of hot ouili, alternating withthe excesses of vice, and when the passion have been calmed, and the have attaine the capacit os discerning truth so difficulto discover, the won
come involve in ortes aflaira an retire, biddinglareweli to the schoolsis philosoph. The osse thesumin must of their outhsul intellect to the dissi-
culties of philosophy, and esto the clearer ineupo the money-mahin busines of life Further, as Ovid in the fidit book of the De Verula justi complains
Thus Philosophyris seen Exited an Philopecun is queen,
whic is known to e the mos violent mison flearning. How the ancient indeed regarde ii a the oesylimit o study, is hown is Valerius, in his Mohaddresse to Tiberius, is many examples Carneades, he says, was a laborious and liklong soldier of wisdom :aster he had lived ninet years the fame da put anen to his lis an his philosophieting. socrates in his inely-Burin ear rote a mos notae orh. Sophocles did the fame inen early a hundred ears old. Simonides rote poem in his ightiet year. Aulus Gellius di no destre to live longe than he
shouldae ablerio rite, asine says himself in the prologue to the ocus tricae. The servour os stud whic possesse Euclid the Socratic Taurus in philosopher se to relate toincite oun men to stuh, as Gellius telis in thebook we have mentioned For the Athenians halingine eople of egara, decreta that i any of the Megarensians entere Athens, he s ut be ut todeath. The Euclid who was a Megarensian, and had attende in lectures of Socrates besere this decree, disguising himself in a woman's drem, sed toges m egara to Athen is night to hea Socrates, a distance of twent miles an bach. Imprudentand excessive was the servour of Archimedes, a loveros geometry, who ould no declare his nam mor
There are ver many suta examples of ou pr
position, but the brevit we aim a does no allosusto recati them But painfulcio relate, the cierks whoare amous in these Mys ursu a very different
murae. Eicted it ambition in thei tenderyears, and dictu fastening to thei uniried arm the
Icarian wings of presumption the prematures snatchthemaster' capri an mere bos ecome unwortis
professors of the severat faculties, through,hic theydo no mahe thet way te by tep, ut like oais ascend by eaps an bound and havin si hilytasted of the might stream, the thin that they havedrun it dry though thei throat are hares mois- tened Andiemus the are not rounde in the fini rudiment at the fittin time, the bulld a tolle in edificem an unstable Bundation, and no that the haveam n up the are ashamia toclearn what the ouis to have learne while oung, and thus the are compelle to suster sor ver se to hastilyjumping at dignities the have no deserved Forthes and the like reason the tyros in the school dono attain to the soliduearning of the ancient in se inor hours of stud' although the ma eri' distinctions may be accorde tities, b authorized is ossicia robes, an solemni instasse in the chair of the Hers. Justisnalchediomahe crassi and hastib eania, the mouin the reses of Priscian and Donatus;
stammering the Categories an Peri ermeneias, in the writin o whic the meat Aristocle is mixto
throuis these faculties ith banesul haste and a ha fui diploma the lay violent and umn Moses, and sprinHin about thei faces dar water and thichesoud of the hies, the offer theiraeads, unhonoured by the snow of age, B the mitre of the pontificate. His pestris greatly enmuraged, and the are hespedio attain his fantasti clericate ii suta nimiae steps, is Papa provision obtaine by insidio prayers, and also by the prayers, hic may no berfected, o cardinals an great men, by the cupidi o Biend an relatives, who bulldingo Sion in Nood secure ecclesiastica dignities se thei nephewsandi iis besere the are seasone by the murae of
Nases by the fame diseas inita, are deplorinnwe se that the alladium o Paris has been carriedo in these ad times of ours, wherein the es of that notae universi , hos ray once hed light into ever corner of the worid, has growncluta arm nay, is assaut semen. There the en os ver scribe is no at est generations o book no longe succeedeata ther, and there is none ho egin to lata placeas a ne author The wrapis thei doctrines
in unshilled discourae, an are tosin ali propriet oflo se excepi that ou Englis subueties, hic they