장음표시 사용
denounc in public are the subject of thei furtive vigili. Admirabie inerva seem to en her ourae toest the nations of the earth, and reacheth rom end toen mightily that he ma reveat herses to ali man-hind. e se that she has atready visite the Indians, in Babylonians the Egyptians and Greehs, the Arabs and the Romans. Nowrahe has passeda Paris, and now has happii come o Britain the mos nobi ofidands, nay, ather a microcos in iself that hemay show herael a deblor both to the Greeti and to the Barbarians. At inita ondrous sight it is conceived by mos men that a philosophyris now
o the me of old, accordin to the counses of the Wiseman Eccles xxxix. The is man, he says, ill see out the wisdomi ali the anciendi, we have no thought fit to e miste into the opinio that the rit Bunder of the aris have purge a V ali crudeness, nowing that the di coveries of each of the faithsul, he weighed in afaithful balance, mahes a tin portionis science, butthat by the anxious investigations os a multitude of scholars, ach ascit ere contributin his stare themight dies of the sciences have nown is successive augmentation to the immense ut that w nowa hola For the discipies, continali mellinidown thedoctrines of thei mastera, an passing them again
themostmiis made ni a litti lower than theangeis, suched om his own ingera hos wondersulvolumes hic the whole ori can harae contain. But, o the contrary, Wit lyn Ved penetration hehad seen through the sacred boo of the Hebre , the Babylonians the gyptians the Chaldaeans the Perstans and the edes, at o whic learned Greece had transferrexinto her treasuries. Whose me sayingsine received but moothedriway thei crudities, pruned thei superfluities, supplied thei deficiencies, an remove their errori. An he held that weshould give thanis noties to those horieac rightj, but even to those ho ere, as affording the way of more asil investigatin truth, as he plates declares in the secon book of his elaphystcs. Thus many learne lamen contribute to the andecti, many physicians to the Tegni, an it a by this means
that Avicenna editia his Canon, and lin his great wor onmatura History, and Ptolem the Almagest. For a in the writers of annals it is no difficuli tose that the later riter almys presupposes the earlier, without hom e couid is no means relate the Erme times, w too e re to thin of the auctor of the sciences Formo malis himself has Mought rinan science, since et in the earlim studendi andinose of the lalter time e find intermediaries, ancient
men e conside the mos immed. What ould
Virgil, the chies poet among the Latins have achieverii he had not de osse Theocritus, Lucretius, and Homer, an had not ploughe wit thei heiser tWhat unles again and again he had read somewhatos arthenius and Ρindar, hos eloquenoe he coaedis no means imitates What could Sallust, vij, Boethius, acrobius, Lactantius, artianus, an inshor the whole momo Latin writers have done is the had notiseen the productions of Athen or the volumes of the Greeti t Certes, litile ould Jerome, master of three languages, Ambrosius, Augustine, though e consesses that he hate Greeh, or evenGregory, horis mixto have been hiat ignorant of
it, have contributexto the doctrine of the Churta, is more learned Greece had not urnished them Bom iis stores. As Rome, atered by the stream o Greece, had earlier brought seri philosopher in the image of the Greehs, in the fashion astemarti it produceddoctor of the orthodox faith. The creeti e chantare thera eat o Grecianam , promulgated by their Counciis, and established by the martyrdom of many. Yet thei natura clownem, ascit happens, turn tolli glor of the Latins sinceras the were lem immedi thei studies, o the were les perverse in their errors. In truth, the Arian heres had ali but eclipsed the whole Church ohe Nestorian wichednes presume to rave it blasphemous age against the Virgin, sor it ould have robbed the Queen ofΗeaven no in open ficti ut in disputation, of hernam and character a Mother of God, unies the invincibi champion Cyril, ready to do single batile, wit the hel of the Counci o Ephesus, ad invehemence of spirit ulteri extinguished it. Innumerable are the form a weli a the author o Greehherestes sor a the were the origina cultivator ofour hol faith, o to the were the fini sowers of tares, as is hown by veractous history Ana thus the went on om ad to orae, hecause in en-
the totali destroyed primitive simplicit os doctrine, and linde by the darhnes of novelty ould sellinio the otio em it, unieram provide so themin His inscrutatae prerogative, Whose istam is pastrechoning.
Let his sufficeam here e reac the limit of ourpo er of u ment. ne hinnao ever, e Conclude Bom the premises, that the ignorance of the Gree longue is no a great hindrance to the studyof the Latin writers since Wit ut it the doctrines of the ancient authors, Whether Christian or Gentile, cannotae underat d. And we must comerio a litatu mentis to Arabic in numerous astronomi latre tises, and acto Hebremas regard the tot of themoly Bible, hic deficiencies, indeia, Clement . providessor, Donly the bishops ould Sithfuit observe halthe so lighil decree. Wheresore e have a ncare o provide a Gree as elicis Hebre grammarsor ur scholars, Wit certain the aissi, by the helpo whic studious readera a greatly inQm them-selves in the writing, reading, and underatandin os the sat longum although oesy the hening of themca leata correcines of idiom.
THA lucrative practice of positive law, designe is the dispensatio of earthi things, the more infulcit is Bund by the talltie of this Worid, o muta the lem does it id the talltienos lirat in comprehending the mysteries of holy ritan in secret sacraments of the faith seein thali disposes us peculiari to the frien&hi of the worid, is hic man, as S. James testistes, is madecte ne i God La indeed en urages atherthan extinguishes the contentions of manhind whichare the resultis un undia greed by complicatedlaws, hic can e turne eithe way though ehno that it was create is urisconsulis an pious princes B in pu ose of am ging these contentions.
But in truth, as the fame science des With contraries, and the wwer os reason an be sed in opposite enci, and a the fame the human min is more incline inevit, it happens it the practifer of this science that the usuali devote themserues o promotin contention ather than eace, an instea of quotincla accordin to the intent of the legislator, violentlystrai the languam thereo in effect their Wn pu
Wheresere, although the ove mastering love of oti has possessed ur mindisom Ohood, and to
les hol of our affections and we have pent ut litile labour and expense in acquirin volumes of this hind. For the are sessi oni a the scorpion intreacle, as Aristolle the sun o science, has sal oflogi in his boo De Pomo. have notice a certain manifes difference of nature between law and science, in that ever science is delighted and destresto open iis inward paris and display the ver hear ofit principies, and o ho seri the mot fiom hichi bud and fiourishes, and that the emanationi ita spring may be een o ali me so thus fio the cognate an harmonious iis of the truth o con-
sor the regulationis sociat lise, o the yohes of princes throw ove the necis of thei subjecis, refuse to ebrought to the standar of synteresis, the origi ofequity because the seel that the posses more ofarbitrary ill than rationa judment. Wheresere in judgment of the wis B the mos par is that the cause of laws are noto fit subjectis discussion. In truth, many tam acquire orce is mere custom, nota syllogistic necessity, lihe the arra : as Aristocle, the hoebus of the Schoias, urges in the seconda hos the olitics, here e confutes the polic ofHippodamus, hic holds ut reward to the inventor o ne lam,aecauserio abrogate old laws andestablis newines is to eahen the orce of those whic exist For,hateve receivescit stabilit Domus alone must necessarii be mught to nought y
are either arta nor sciences, o book of la cannot
properi be called book of artis science Nor isthi facult whichise a callis a species term geologia, o the arcto science, to e properi num-
bere among the sciences No in book of the libera aris are so sese to the divine ritings, that without thei aid the intellect ould Mini aspire tounderatand them.