장음표시 사용
TH Sermons os . Augustine, esides their ther excellencies, surnish a beautis ut picture os perhaps the deepest an dmostio Nerfui indis the Woster Churcii adaptiniitsulf to the litile nos of Christ. In them, hu ho has fumished tho ould sor at tho mos thoughtsul minit sor Murtuenhuudred ears, is seen sormin With lovin tendernes thebabes in Christ. Verni uchiniis the child-like simplicity, with Whicha graduali lead them through What to them Were difficulties, watchin ali the hilo hester se madehimselfitear to them, Leoping up thei attention Pleased atthei understanding, readin thei approbation, and leadinginem offirom himself to ome practica result. Very touch- in the tendernes With hich e at times reproves, thealloWance Whichio mahes for human infirmities and so those in secula list, is the wil not mali mei infirmities heir boast, or in allowed uties an indulgences orget God. But his ver simplicit precludes the necessit os any
preface. His Sermon explain themSelves. The appear Domin passage in the Commentar on the Psalm t have been osten talion down in ritin a the time by the more attentive sortis hearers, a Were hos of S. Chrysostom; Possidius states that this a done sto the commencementos his presbyterate, and that 'heiace through th bod os Africa, excellon doctrine and the mos gweet avola of
Thos on the e Testamen have been Do selected bothas urnishin a comment, an a a gradita introductioia towhat is ound in a large measure et seWhere, the Spiritualinterpretation o Hol Scripture It wili do ubiles suom strange to Ome a sirs si glit that the spiritual caning of numbers, sor instance, bould e made a par os religious instruction and et it might no require any great dissi- done to thin that St. Augustino Dei belle than an osus, the tendenc an effecis of his mode of eaching ponminds, hi chrae videnti trealed with such tende care, and that the who have entere in to that system an estimate it's valli belle than the who have not. di Wil appear also, probably that a system hicli Sees a meaning very here inmoly Scripture is more reverentia than ne hich ove look it as,in the ther haud as a faci, the anti-mystical interpretation has both in ancient an modem times stood connecte With a col rationalism, and wit heresy ThisiS, OWeVer, largae subjeci, mPon 'hicli this oes motSeem the placerio enter, since Such interpretations are hereoni incidenta an subordinato, and it sacre intende onlyto give a practical Warning Those lio clos thei eyes, of COUrSe, neve mee The ye also require t be insensibiysamiliarige With What, a nori , is strange t it 'lut hoeverWilliso sol himself against halcis in ac the received modeos interpretationis tho Church, ill be insensibi Won by it, and will avo his roward The interpretations os t. Augustine ere, as he himself osten ab S, Ought y his o vn prayer and the prayer os his People, and Will, to those horeceive them, open a ricli variet os meanin and instruction. One might instance, O the wOS Solemn Sori, the analo of the three ead, hom Our Ord aised, illi the three Stage of Sin, consent, aci, an habit, as an assectin and
impressive specimen O this modum instruction, hici hasbeen adola ted in a manner, by the spiritua perception os the Wosterii Church.
overthrow of Pelagianism, and tho vindication Os the doctrinoo tho ro grace of God. When then e insists, ache oesso requently on the value o good Works and speciallyalmsgiving, O hicli e Seem to recur illi Such specialsympathy, it illiso b hastil thought that o deos and consistent a thinher, and so imbue With Divine truth, Was atvariando illi himself and With it, and we ma in his t0achinggain more conStruinin motive to enc Ourage urselves Ddothers, is o ne reat Stain os ur times, the neglect
so excellenti emplOyed, and that in Editor are indebled sor in translation to the Rev. . . ACMULLΕΝ, M. A. Follo o Corpus Christi Colloge. E. . .
Chris murch, Fens of S. Barnabas, 1844.