Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


en os marriage, acts contrar to the ver contraci by Whicli tabulas

clause, so the salie of the procreation Os children.' And nones Whe this is eard the brow of the parent is cleare ut an calmed. et iis conside again the seelings of the .srontoni


xiv. 23. O then, in brethren, give heed Those samous men ho marr Wives ut so the procreationis children, Suchas, read the Patriarch to have been undano it by many proosse, by the clear and unequivoca testimon of the sacredbookS Whoever, I say the are ho marr Wives for this pur-

Adulterium quasi ad alterum.


jo to thum, is tho could havo h ad childron ithout that inter- course, sincessor the salie of having them they descenduit to that interco urse ni through duty, and didiot rusti into it throughlust. So the was Joseph notri sather bucausu he had Ottona son ithout an lusti tho flesii God sorbid that Christianchastit should entertain a thought, hicii even se istichastit entertainei noti Love Our Wives then, ut love them chastely. 11 our intercoiarse illi them Leep Our-selves Within the ound necessar so the procreation oschildren And inasmuch as ou cannot other is have hem, descend o it with regret For this necessity is the punishment of that Adam rom Whom e are prung. Leti no mulie pride of Our punishment. It is his punishment horaecauselle a made morta by sin, a condemned i bring sortii meruitoni a mortal posterii y. his punishment God has not With- draWn that mammight remember rom ha stat horis calludaWay, and o hat Stat he is called, and might seoli so that union, in hicli there ante no corruption.


And in sact, find that sorit is, sor Matthe has givon Jacobas the ather os Ioseph, and like Heli. No it is tria it

might suem, scis ne and the Same man whose On Joseph as, ad Wo ames But inasmuch a the grand-sathers, and ali the ther progenitor Whicli the enumerate, aro disserent, an in the ver numberis the generations theone has more, and the ther se er Joseph is plaint shewn


great gian is atliors, and the est in the line pward whiel, SERM. are niuneratoil, houldae disserent a cominis rom disserunt ibi , i


Whetheri adoption, O asaein bor of the ne X Oi hin in bi s , the succession sine deceased'. 30. Enough has nox been salest sh e that the question, XX. Why the euerations aro rectione through Joseph and notthrough Mary, ought noto perplex hisci sor a She a amother Witliout carnal destre so was hera ather Without a Dycama intercourso Let then the generation ascend and


one rechon in a descending the ther in an ascending

firmius undent abi a facter in proportio as hecis more chastoly Ο.He a thought it is true, to be theriathurisiuriord Jesus Christ in anotho way that is, asither parent are according