Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류





of the agreement of the Evangolist Matthe and Luh in the generations of the Lord.


2. oK What more mari ollous, hat more magnificent

thin could ur Lord Jesus Christ the Son o God, and also the Son os an, sor his also He ouchsas exto be, grant totis than the gathering intomis sold nolint os the spectators

mon, and thuy detest anil abhorrilium; butitherctook on, liheth hol Anguis, no regarding the lacerationis thei hodies, but admiring the unim patre purit os thoi faith. grandspectacle to the yes of the ear dothis hole minit in aman glud body xhibiti hen hos things are read os in thechurch, ou ehold them illi leasure illi thes cyes os


thi da been in usitation hether the would go here orther, Anytho Who in his hesitation, turning thei thoughis

eliosen ather to ruti to the amphitheatre, have assuredi boenovercome by him homolle ther overcame-overcam in


thought that the had no ope at ut in Christ. He cametheres re a a manu mali special choice of that seX, and wasbor os a WOmanu console the se male e X, a though He Nould


us in Him, an distablishod in tholaith sor illi his simpleand assured satili ought eoo abide teilsasti in Him, that He ma Himself open to the salthsu What is hiddon in Him;

v. 3. O a the fame Apostle Salth, In Him redidit tho troasuros .isdom and noulodye an He oes no hide them toros use them, but to stimul destre so thoso hiddelthings Thisis the a luantage of thei secrecy. Honour in Him the whatas et thou understandeS uot, an s much the moro a the velis hicli thou seest me more in number so the bigher inhonou any one is the more velis are suspendod in his palace. The votis mali that hicli saepi secret honoured, and to those ho honourrit, the velis are lis ted up but a sorthose ho mock at the velis, the are dri ven aWay rom even


Ι, reicii that I Was, as thinhin myseis stri sty lest tho nost, ani fel down bosor I fluxu but the Lor os murc rai sed 1110 up thatri might noti trodden down to death by passors by, andiu me in the est again; so thos fame hing theutroubled me, hichio in quiet securit Pam propositi an dexplaining to ou in ille ame of the Lord. 7. A theno ad eguit to say thus do the cavit. Matthew,' say they. is an Evangelist, and you bello volim ξ Immediatet iliat, achnowledge imo be an Evangelist, Wo necessarii belleve him. Attend then to the generationso Christ, hici Matthe has et do via. The book of the at . 1 generation os Iesus Christ the Son os David, tho Son si Abraham How the Son os David, and thorion o Abraham 8

H could not o hewn to e So, ut by the succession os generations for certain tris that when the Lord wastoria fili Virgin Mary, either Abraham, o David, ero in his Worid, and of thou say that the sam man is both tho onos David, and the Son o Abraham 8 Letis ascit ore, nyto Matthem, Prove thy ord, sor Pam atting O the sue cession of the generations of Christ. Abraham mat Lyaac: v. q.


8 Generations aflor the esh of Him inho wasdefore alia imo.

. Aram bestat Aminadab; an Aminadab egat Naasson andv. 5. Naasson ogat Salmon an Salmon ogat Booz V Rachab: anu Booz mat Obed of Ruth and Obed egat esse an lv. 6. Iesse mal a Did the ins o observe o from hispoin the genealog is rough do vn rom David to Christ, Who is callud the Son o Abraham, and the Son os David. An David ma Solomon, of her that hau been the wim of . 7. Urias; an Solomon degat Roboam in ioboam matv. Abia: and Abia besa Asa and Asa mat Iosaphat an d. s. Iosaphat besa Ioram; and Ioram mat Ozias and Ozias bogat Ioatham; inu Ioatham ramat Achaz: in Achaz

Iechonias mat Salathiel an Salathiel egat Zorobabel; u. 13. and Zorobabel mat Abiud; in Abiud mat Eliukim; v. 14. and Elia im degat Azor and Azor egat Sadoc: indv. 15. Sadoc mat Achim; and Achim booat Eliud and Eliud bogat Eleazar and Eleazar boua Matthan an Matthan V.ὶ6 ouat Iacob anu Iacob mat Ioseph tho usband of Mary, of whom alborn Iesus, hocis calle Christ. alius then by