Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


Forgire, a Christ thy enem ies it least, hen penitent. 79 violent against thee, is it much t love a man horis a sup SER M.

that even a that time hen hine enem Was violent against


debis. In his lis there is temptation, in his lis tho niling


in that is there ill e no evit, ut tema and ubi ling


the illis God must necessarii be done It is the wil ofGod that the good should rei , and the wichedae damne l. Is it possibi that this ill hould not e dono But What


Apost les, at the spirituallare scit ere God' heaven ; and We in comparisonis them are arth. Thy ill bo dono, as in heaven, o in arta; as in them, S in us also Again, Thywill e done, as in heaven, o in arth: tho Church os Godis heaven, His nemies re arth. O e Wish,el sor urenem ies that thenio ma belleve and 0come Christians, and so the wil o God e dono, as in heaven, O also in arili Again, Thy ill e dono, as in heaven, o in arth. Our spirit is laven, and the flesti carth. As oui spirit is rene edi bellei ing, s may ur flesti e reneWed by rising


body, and ad His members, e may be lint e receive.


SERΜ. about to enter in to receive a plena innyentire remission of

inos evit temptatious, heret, men are deceived, and brought


buti sorsat in them. I 0 Deliremus rom erit, may belon to the Same sentence X. Theres ore, that thou mayest understan it to te ali noSentence, i runs thus, Lead us no into tomptation, ut deliror, irom evil heres ore e added ut, o ho thatali his bolong to ne sentence, Lead tis no into templation, but delirer tis froni exit. How is hic Ι ill propos them singly. Lead us no into temptation, ut deliror tis rom ovit B deliverin us rom ovit He eadeth us no into temptation by no te adin us into temptation, He dolivereth

II. Anytrui it is a great temptation, dearly boloved, it i. great temptation in this lis , heia that in iis is the subjectis


8ρen a on/au o Dis D ter her he has et his ilioughis dWol on her Witti more leasuro than a right he has admitted the attach; excellent combatant thoughiele, he hasbeon Wo unded butae has ot consented o it he has beaten bach the motionis his lust, has chastised it With the bittoria essos ries, he has laten it bach and has prevalled. iii in the very ac trahat he had lippeii, has he round sor Ving, Forsit Do tis otir debi v. Aud so os allisther temptations it is ahard mattur that in them at there hould Do b occasion sorSaying, orytho tis ur debis. What thun is that frightsul

ei ther as Ooliatio ad uid do vii in the egitin in g, orconclude With at the nil, o place in the mi lillos For