장음표시 사용
W may bo ound in il For com it certaint Will but What Will it prosit thoo, is it hal findolico ut tho est and 8Theres ore here againcit is for thin o vn self that thou Wishestu eli; so thyset thou prayost This it is that thoi dos long
Halloreod bo Thy amo it requires Oxplanationio it is thati is sor thysulf thouir est, uot so God. When thou SayeSt, Thy ill bo dono here again is there need of OXPlanation, test thou thinii that thou ar xiishing et to God in his prayor that His ill may bo dono, and Dot ather that thou
SER M. It is necessar sor solio are even no labourer in the
Baptism, but bucause in ur lives e re contractin ever
S. Augustine throughout these Ser feem to e sed in ur Churci Cate- mons, ns e See in Other paris ostiis Works, chism Theiod and Bloodi Christspeuks With great reserve of themoly hic are veril and indoed ahen and Eucharist in besore those ho ere received by the faithsti in tho Lord ssome of them unbaptiged fideles a Supper. his reserve of the ancient the litis of the baptized Sermo 113, 2. Chure in iiset impli es theaigh doo fidelibus dico eis quibus Christo Corpus tritie of them. Eucharist modern vie Korogamus dico; '' an in his sens it have nothinxi reServe.
m The LXX is σύγκλεισο ελε,1uo Constellationibus. Ben. Meliores