장음표시 사용
sormercis occasionis sadness, in the lalter of sear: andis innutilior is there consolation That there re ill e thetrue consolation, herein hal be ive that which ma notbe lost so that the may oice so thei aster consolation,
For thou artintince in abundane and in Want-in abundance
of tempora things, in Want of things eternat. The man whom ou eares is a eggar, and thou ar thyset God' boggar. Petition is made to thee, and thou mallest thy petition. As
Mart. What comes nexi Ilo edire the puro in heari,
an end of ood, and an en os a garinent; os ood When iti5s B is consumed by the eating os a garment Whon it is persecto dinotae eaving. Both the ne and the ther have an end
Probabi the Sermon 3, o PS. 73, V. 23. seu de visione Dei. Ben.
heaven. The precept is that thou e mee the re Harii, stat thou hali posses the oarth. The preceptris that thoum ourn the reward that thou halti co umorte t. The pro-
Him. For at these severa character are the SelLSame
the are Oor in Spirit, o meeli or in that the mourn and hungor and thirsi aster righteousness, or are mercisul, ut
hoaris by fuith. Thoria illi os God then puris es the eari,
even the figlitis Goland the Lingdom of heaven, Who belleve and live ovilly; against these the postlo James, inccnSed 'piri' and indignant asii Kere Withaholyychari ty saith in his Epistio,
it i as a Servant, notis a Son through ear of punishment,