장음표시 사용
Prido is oran ries es trus in God and alms iis curo. II seach severa tree, has te peculiar Orm, and the Orm O the SER M. appleris 1 in Liud, and of the ear an Other, and of the bean si s rianother, and of the whoat innother Tho Orm is richusis iride. II. Chary there foro tho ich of this Dorid that they bo
liave returne an anSwer. But these Our commendations
it is tho ruit Pana in questis.
a certain Prou man, Wh of his Wia ac cord was desii ous
death of the soli volunta . 3. Tho Lorythen sat down in the ouse of a certain proud Pharisee. He vi a in hi ho isse, a Phave aid, and was notin his beart. Eut into his centurion' hous He entered not, yet He possessed his eart. Iacchaeu again received the Lordiuvi, both in holis an dieart. ciet th centurion's aith is prat sed ', si
124 M. healing the absent, shews His future invisibi presenos, SERΜ. commanding, halio e must Thou have, Whom nil poWersis si Sem et O thi man a os the Gentiles, o he was a centurion. At that time therae isti nation had soldior of the Roman empire amon them There e Was en gaged in militar lisse, accordin to the extent os a centurioti'sauthorib, both unde authorit himself, and havin authori ty
vas a that timeo come is nox present. There re, aid He on Occasiou of the commendation of tho Centurion's
God libo oboyed abore ali, for his excoo lino loro in Christ. l 27