Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


valle at the festival of tho Martyr a made in the third Councilis Carthage, Leiter of t. augustine to aurelius A. D. 397. obligin the lorgyrio ab-Bisho o Carthage, an irimate of stat Domini suo Dasis in the Church, Africa, Ep. 22. al. 4. urginihi an a sarras in them tanto restrai theto se his authori tyrio suppres them. eopte rom the Same practice. Conc. St. Ambrose had prohibited thes feast Labbe, . . p. 117I. Bingham, . in tho Chure o Milan Aug. Cons. XX. Vii. q. 10. lib. 6. 2. Oxf. edit and note. Aurelius


us ea theres ore, that e ma Dot sear Fear Seem to eallie to cori ardice suem to e the character of the weali,

threaten another man, a Creature, an Other Creature on lythe ne pussedis unde his Creator's ye, and the thernecinisor refuge to the sam Creator. ii 3. et the Stout Martyr then, as e stand a mala es ore another man Say I do nos fear bocausea far Thou cansino do ha thou ar threateninpi, uni essio ill but What He threateneth, Done cana inde Him si otii doing. And thenagain, ha dos thou threaten, and what cans thou do is


withmis Broathi breatliud intomim an invisibi Spirit.

inhabitant, DON O more t lail, ut O ndure sor ver.

it is a Lind of life whicli is able totivo lis to the od by iis

presene e. o by the foui doth theiod live This lis cannot die, and there re is the soli immortal. Why the said


stin occurs to me here, an come into any in to Peah.

temptibio objuct here are in it Stiliciis severa members, the yes, and ars; ut these are but the Window of thoiouse, iis inhabitant sinone. They ho beWai the de ad cry in aln


Whil since. The od is dead. Why Huc auso it lise, that is tho oui, is one Again the bod is alivo, and theman is impious, unbellex in g, hard os bellos, incorrigibio in this case hiis theiod is alivo, the oul by Whicli th bodylive is dea l. For the oulcis so excellent a thing that it has


XV .

be Dot in his case Phea a man spe atting the od theniives. O the longue could Dot move itfeis in the mouit, aridb iis severa motions ive ulterance to articulate OundS, vere there Dot an inhabitant illi in and a musicia ascit were to this instrument, to malle use of his longue. I under-


o the threat os persecutors, attain them Selves tot crowned merue-with ood, and lave dest cloe us thoe celebration is these solemnitieS.

I. THEGesso of the olymospe has et e re us a question tota ching Johu the Baptist. Ma tho Lord assistis toresolve it to Ou, as Hemath resolvemitrio S. John a commended, as e havea eard by the testimon os Christ, and in


vor. 9. do n. Aut hat etht yelut forcio See A Prophos yea, and more than a Prophet. Why more than a Prophety


3. Thus have' heard the true and good recor both os Iolin concernin Christ, and of Christ concerning olin. What then is the meaning of this; that olin sent his discipies tomim hen He Was hutis in prison, On theeve of beinglut tydeath, and Sald to them, o say to Him Ar ver 3. Thou He that hould come, or do se look or another Is this

me gives thes two interpretations os this passage, again coni. MV leg and Prop. 2. 5. 20.)