Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


Peniterice restores to lis, Absolution et free. 5ltha consesselli comes sortii, at nee alsed to lis ruga in hy the SER M.

be ut a mere calumniator th good eason ath tho Christi an hereb provided protection sor himself against


152 The demi sub ed by prais of God.

What is, of the wortu, of this dar nos; The ori is ull

b invisibi means must the be subtilied. visibi en emyindoed thou mayest vel come by blows thy invisibi enomythou conqueres by belles man is a visibi senem tostri e nilo v is visibi also. The devit is an invisibi enomy;to boliove is invisibi also. against invisibi eueniles thenthere is an invisibi figlit.


Christo illi tho ather, Christ in tho Virgin's Omb Christ

b It was the doctrine is aut of tion St. Athanasius lovehes on his Samosata, that ah mai Christ Was subjec against the Arians Orat. i. 46. ex alte to e the Son o God προκοπῆ, St. Augustinae en larges in t against sto Luke ii. 52. mi in by merit the Pelagians, de Praedest. Sanet. 23. Origem seem hol thoe fame, at 30 de corrept. et Grat. 30. St. Cyrille di as regard the supposed ire against the estorians, contr. est iii. existendi foui of Christ vid. Muet. p. 3. Vigilius against liti Ionophy- Orige ii . . . . vid. oweve de la Sites, contra Eutych. V. H. P. . . p. Rue' note. y and the Ariam , at least 528 ed. 624. hen St. Augustine implicitly Socr. Hist. i. 6. Athan Orat. say that man, ascis speaking of our conir Arian, i. 35. iii. l. an Lepo Lord 's human naturem abstracted homrius, Cassi: n. Incarn. i. 3, 4. Tho fame that Dixine Person in hom it actuallyheres Was imputexto the Nestorians, existed, and Dot acinit ever existed as but falsely aecordin ri, Garner Separates hypostasis his use is Mar Merc. p. i. p. 43 l. and thereb homo' and αν'ωπις, is ver frequent conuected them it the Pelagians, as illi the Fathers; hat is more Starilingis unassisted human natur eould merit is the expression homo ille, V et vid. grade The Churchin the other hand ais Aug. de Praed. Sanet. 30 Aleuin deproeeeding rom Rom. i. . taught that Trin. iii l. Agobard. contr. Felic. B. the human nature hie bee a me the P. . . . Il94. However his pol ni ismanhood of the ord was prodestine a subjectis debat amon theologians, tote uel by grace besere iis creation, vid. Petuu de Inearn. i. fin. an beeame such in the momenti crea-


an has ronoalo them unio babes these Wiso and prudent, Wh are reali Objecis os derision to the arrogant Who in salse pretence are great, et in truth are ni su Ollenup, he opposedio the Dolist, nor the imprudent, but babes.


156 Proud natura philosophy the folia reisdom of this corid.


the est reason then, and very rightly ere the accused, who could investigate the Dumber os the Stars, and their varie movemenis, an dono anil ore teli the eclipses os the

a id Cons. v. 3. 4.


verunt inlike them, ho by means os thi visibi creation ero ableto attain to tho understandin os the Creator, an to Vis