장음표시 사용
is the Bod o Christ e presse by Pagans by Whom it is
is applied the chasscis burned, and the old purifled.
By the Donatist called Agonistici, Lib. demaeres. e. 69. Brev. Coll. cum St. Aug. tu Ps. 33. . and by the Donat. viii. l4. They exerci sed Catholici Circilliones, GH Circumcel extreme erueli against the Catholics,liones that is, Vagranis Circumstet Cont Cresc. Don. Lib. 3. liii. 47. liones dicti iunt, quia circum cellas xlvi. 50. Their formi salutation asvagantur, solent enim ire hac illac nus Deo laudes. Cont lit. Petil. Lib. 2. quam habentes pedes. in Ps. 132. . lxv 146. Whie St. Augustine in The were is a very licentious and PS. 133 6.hsays a more Dared han andoned character, and in thei fana the oaring of a lion Forolis timeticism the would osten commit sulcide, of thei origin se Opt. Lib. 3. to hic the ex may suppos to refer.
sor them, o be an gry illi them. I very painsul seelings excite iis, it is ather against Christians, it is against urbre thren, Who ill enter in to tho Church in sueti a iud, asto have their od there, and their ear ati Where ClSe.
SH 18. ori y ma lino , Dearly Beloved that these unitethei murmurings illi Heretios and illi Jews. Heretics, Jews, and entheus have made a nil against Uni . Becauserit has appened that in soni places therae s have received hastisement ecause of their ichednesses; theyCharge and SuSpectis, o pretend that, are always Seeliing the lili troaiment so them Again, ecause it has ap- pene that in heretics in sonio places have sustere the
penalty of the law so the impiet anil sur of thei duods
t A laee hererat Cyprian' hod prevent an advantage Whicli the Dona-wn burie oulside the walis of Car tisis might deriveto his death. Forthage. acrius in his Hierotexico he had been judge in the conference ad orb thinlicit ought to e writte betwoen the Catholies and Donatisis, Mapalia. i. e. domus rurales granted by the Emperor at the equest This refers dotabiles to the a s of the deputies of the Coundit o Car- against the Donati sis he Emperor thage, Dur ear besore Fleur H. E. Honorius, issued an edi et against them, B. xxii cxxvi. an to him ad been A. D. 405 and another, Α.D. 10. and entrii sted the execution os the laws A. D. 4l2 and again, A. D. 414. onocoa issuod against the Donatisti lar thesionis the eath of Marcellinus, and to maintonance of the Catholic religion.
Minys ore mado by Him. Imitate the in is then, and the 3. Se raster obey the Creator. At Christ' command the se agivoli ear an art thou deas Thesea heareth, and the Windceaseth and of thou stili bio on . What I say, do, I devise What is nil ibis, but to e loWing on, an to eunWillin to stos in obediende to the word o Christi Lot
to do in the simplicit of the dove his in the ove Plovo,
Thou has then omethingo mittat in the serpent. Dieno so tho old man, but so the truth. Whos dies o any tempora good dies orithe old man. ut heia thou haststripped thyset os ali that id man, thou has imitate Milio Wisdom of the serpent. mitate im in his again hemthyraears o And what does this mean Leep thyioad fas Θ