장음표시 사용
and Propheis, and the paronis os thesior Josus Christac cordin to the flesl, of whom the Virgin Marsherset Was, who a themother of Christ. his oman then a notos this people; ut of the Gentiles. For, as, have beard the Lor departe i in to the coasis of Tyre and Sidon, and ehold Mat. 15,a oman V Canaan came ut of the fame coasis, and With
stand then by this that it belloved Him to manis est His Bodily
l 8, 29. When he ho a aster ard Paul, a Saul, he a Proud, atthat time a persecutor of the innocent, at that time a Waster Of
ghepher l, si Om a Wols a Sheep. e the east Apostle, aSsent to the Gentiles, and laboured much among the Gentiles,
and through him the Gentiles bellex ed. His pisues are
The Gospe narratices have spiritua me inivs. 225 press, he hath ouched. The manu theu rudely pres the SERM.
22 ' humility the Centurion received ur Lord in his heart. SERΜ. an illi Ot achnowledge himself tot man that is, ill not
Sinner, ill not aclino ledge iniself to e sicli, that s atteas a sicli e ma seel the physician; ut halcis more perilous stili ho sancies himself in ound health. viii. 2. So then sor his reason that peopte id ot come tollim, that si re ason o pride; and the Datura branche aresai to se brohen oss rom the olive ree, that is rom stat tereato pople ounded in by the Patriarchs in the words, the Jews