장음표시 사용
2. et in ali his that the Lord id, Ηρ instruct iis as to tho ii.
signifies the height of heaven. Fortavinito tho multitudos λε' δ'
4. Mean hile the his hicli carries ilio discipies that is, iii. tho Church, is tosse and shahe by the tempest O temptations and the contrar Wind that is, the devitae adversary,
into tho sua. so though the hiprae in troubie, stili it is theship. Sh Mone carrieth the discipies, and receivelli Christ. There is danger, it is true, in the ea but withou her there is instant perishing. Mee thyself theres ore in the Shil , and prayto God For hen ali counsel sali, when even the rvdde is
and whon Christris absent, the bimis tossed by the aves Osthis Orid, and by tempest mani ld. 7. o the ourth watch os the Dight is the en of the vi. Dight formach atch consist of three ours. I signis esthen, illatio in the en os the worid the Lord is como tollelp, and is Seen to alti upon the aters. For though this stlimbo osse abolit by the storin os temptations, et heseos her Glorifie God walliin above ali the wellings os hosea that is, above ali ho principalities of this orld Forbe re it Was aidi an expressio sui texto the time o His
example os humility that ille aves of the ea ainly agedyngrius against Him, to hichio ielded voluntarii sor ur salies, 'VRRV that ilia prophecy, Lam come in to theimths of the sea, and Ps.69,2.
Chrises threat ning against the nrighteous and the abandone are notorue, has arisen rom thi S that the se many nations and multitude innumerable subject tomis ame sothat hunc Christ appears to them O be a phanto in because He Wallie upou ille ea; that S He eem to Speali salselyin His threat os punishment, because, Scit ere, He annot destro Such numberles Deopte horare subjectu His amo
ver. 13. nam os Paul, SO Deither in the nam os Petor; ut in the