Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


no tho Spiritis Christ, hocis nono of His o hicli Personthen in tho Trinit could the communion of this sellowshippe culiari appertain, ut to that Spirit hicli is commonto the ather and th Son 30 That the who have separate from me Church havono this Spirit, tho posti Jude has declared mos plainly,


is adde to them tho uenit of tho Spirit in tho bones of

the remissionis ins that the prince of sin the spirit horis divide against himself, hould no more rei gn in S, and that beluidelivered si om tholo eris the unctuari spirit, We hould thetice rward be made the temple filio Hol Spirit, and receive Him, by Whom e re lean sed through receivin Pardoti,to dWel in us to orti, increaSe, and perseet righteΟUSDeSS. For at His firs coming, hon the who ad received Him spisse illi the longues of ali nations and tho postle Veter


him remissioni Sin might be pre ache an dispensed. 35. Dd in the narrative of the tW Other Evangelisis, theoccaSion os speahing ut his Sentence of the blasphem os in Spirit aro se rom the mentio of the Unclea Spirit, hois divide against himself For it had been es of the Lord, thatio casti ut deviis by the prino of the oviis. In that place the Lor says that by the Hol Spirit m astota ut deviis that so the spirit horis no divide against Himsols


inportan-who vela though the bear and an ille the sacrament ose trae Christ, are Separate frommi congregation For hen He RRI' poli os tho division os Satan against Satan and ho Nohat

Homimsol cast ut deviis by the Hol Spirit, that Spirit, Damely, Whicli is not, a the ther, divided against Himstiis;


scatiorem abroare Even O, do ubiless. Forte that gatherethno with Him hori foeve he may gather Unde Hi name,liath no tho Hol GhoSt. 37. Thus then hathmo altogether sorcedrus to under Stan xxiii. stat the remissionis no sinior blasphem cani effected any Where else, ave in the athering together Os Christ, hichscatterethio abroad For it is gatherod togethor in themoly Spirit, hicli is notos that unclean spirit, divide against Himsulf And there re ali congregation S, or disperSion rather, Whicli cal themsolvos Churches o Christ, and are divido lagainst themselves and conirary one to the other, and hostilet the congregation os Uni , hicli is His ruo Church, dono theres ore belong tomis congregation, hecaUS the Seemto hau His amo. ut they might bolon to it is themoly Spirit in hom this congregation is Oinei together, eredividet against Himself. ut hecatis this is notiso, is hothat is not wit Christ is against Him, and ho that gathorothno reit Him s attoroth abroau: theres ore ali manne ossi an ali blasphem shal be Orgive tanto men in his congregation, hicli Christinathereth together in tho Holy Spirit, hocis ot divide against Himself. ut that blasphem of the Spirit Himself, heret, in an impenitent heari resistanc is made to this so great istis Godivon to the endos this present lisse, shali notio sorgiven. O though a man sooppos himself to the truth, as to resis God speahing, Dot in the Propheis but in His Onlyrion, sincessor our saltes He Waspleased that He ho ut be th Sonis an, that He might spea toras in Him, yet shalla be orgiven When in repent


I96 Penitente in the murehciure of Sive M. SERM it buti impenitence to gainsanit, his in ecome unPars 1. B. donable no Sin os any one specificaind but the contempt, Or even opposing of the remission os sin iisseis Andis a Word is spolien against the Holy Spirit, hen men neve comesrom the dispersion to the congregation hich has received themoly Spirit so the remissioni sitis. Unto'hicli congregation is an come ithout hypocrisy though it e throughthe ministr Os a Wiche clergyman, a reprobate an a hypocrite, o h be a Catholi minister, he hali receive remissioni sitis in this Hol Spirit. For suchris the octing of this Spirit in tho Holy Church oven in this present time, hen area the cori is ascit eruaeing threstiud with the chais that hedeSpi Se D man ' sincere confession, and is deceived by noman' salse preten ces, and so sies rom the reprobate, Saet py ' l by thei ministry to gatho together hos that are approVed .


Meroe precedes Ddyment. 97

on the word of the Gospes, Mati xii. Elther ah the re good, and his fruit good, c.


With tho Master of tho ous for iis, that e be notaroo tedup. Theres ore sincerae must necessarii come, letis talio