Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


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l 5. . . .

3. Peter See this, an as a man savouring the things os




Againin the Word of the Gospei, Mati xvii. Wher Jesus ineWed Himselfo the mount tomis three discipies.

great Visio On the mount, in hicli Jesus hewed Himself tolli three discipies, Peter, ames, and Ohn. His ac uid Mat.Vt, shino a V sun this is a figure os the hining of tho 'Gospei. His almen mas hite a the noto this is a figure of the purit os tho Church, to hich it a suid by the Prophet Though,our in s beis scarlet twil malle them Isa. , etchite as noro Elias and Moses ere tali in With Him 'hecause the grace of the Gospe receives Witues stom the La and the Propheis. The La is represente in Moses, in Prophet in Elias to spea briefly. For there are themercies os God uouchsas e through a holymartyr to e re-hearsed Letis give ear Peter destred three tabernacles tobe made, ne sor Moses, ne or Elias, an one or Christ. The solitude of tho mountain ad charm for him; h hadbeen earled With the tumuli os the orld's business. ut Why ought e three tabernacles, but ecause e ne notas et in unit os the Lam, and of Prophecy, and of the Gospei Lastly, he a cori sected by the cloud, inhilo hese Mat.IT, Uahe, chold, a right cloud orershadowed them. Lo, theci ouilaath made ne tabernacle; horosor didst thou seelisor three An a roice came ut of the cloud, his is My


ami tho manisol evil O this present orid than to knoch in prayer, O belleve an to maintain the belles fir in thoheari, that thy ather ni doth not ius the what Hoknoweth is no expedient so thee. O thou knowest What thoi dos destre He noWetholiat is good sor thee. Imagine thyset unde a physician, and in eahaealth, as is the ver truthi sor at this lis of our is a eahness. and a


chanc tora thee o harna, or even good to receiverit Dono theu hesitate to asti; asti, hesitate not; ut is thou receive not domo tali it to heart. o is thou ouldest ac thus

in the hand of a man, in physicia of the body ho muchmor in the hand of God, Who is the Physician, the Creator, and Restorer both of thyiod and fould