Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


precept shouldio contrary to ne another. Lutatio : et usundorfland that there is the mos Perse et agroument in them,let iis ot solio voltu conceiis os certain alii ones , hocin i Tho


othor, bee auso the sirs of these passagos is found in thesbook of Solomon, and the ther in the Gospeb Hea tho postlo. Atid sui et the Apostle is a Minister of the e Testament. Hea tho Apostlo Paul then chargin Timothy, and ab in g, Tim. Thom has in rebuke osor ali, that thers also a fear. thon no the book of Solomon, but an Episti os Paul the Apostlo seem to e ni issu With in Gospel. Letis then injuria, ithou any projudice to his hono ur lay aside Solomon sor awhilo tot ias ear tho Lord Christon His servant Paul. What sayost Thou ori ordJ IF thy brother in against theo,




262 Sins, known privat et to the Priest, in no case to e reveale HSER M. the ather, O hom ho thought hat he id a Pleasing. I sq. B. Theres ore thoSe in are to e re proved bes ore ait, hicli are committet besore nil they are to e reproved illi more Secresu, hi Ch are committe more secretiy. Distinguisti times, and Scripture is in harmon With itsols. viii. II. Sora et sinet anilis must, actio only hen thesin is committed against urseives, but hen ille in is socommitte by any one a that it is uia nown by the ther. In secret ought eoo rebulle, in secret to rotarove him test


have Som consideration sor thy price. xi. 4. I lino , and asci do very one knows, who has Sed alitile moro thati ordinar consideration, that o man ho

iniquities. am secure then, heiae vero resorin mySel