장음표시 사용
270 umber of senerations to ea iis complete forylventas.
i biors. What debis of thine All, or a certain part PThou Wil ans ver All. So then do thou With thy obtor. This thon is the ruto thou layest o via, his the conditionthou penhes of this the covenant and agi eomen thou ost
that is, si om Christip to Adam aud romodam ulmi Christare the asoresaid seventy- severa generations. So then is nogeneration a omitted there is no exemption Os any trest assu hicli ought notri be orgivon. For heres ore dida rechon ut hi Seventy-Seven generations, hich numbur the ordinentione d a to the orgivenes of sitis; in curae egins lore chon rom the baptism, herein allisin are remit ted. V. 6. And, Hrethren, observe in his a et greater mystery .
Mysteries of numberct 0000 l00 77, in the parabie, tis to sin. 27l
sin by eleven. Wh is in denoted by eleven Hecausuto et to eleveti, there is the transgression os the ten' ut in duo limit is fixud in tho law; and the transgression oscit
Lord add, rom our earis that though through assectiondiscipline e exerci sed gentienes might no depari ut os the heart. For halcis o Lind and genue a the surgeon illi hi sani Q Ho that is toto ut cries, et ut hecis heriliatis to e cauterige cries, but cauterige hecis This is not
crueity. Crueli is against tho ounded part that the patientina be cured sor i the woundae osti deest With, the manis tost Thus then Wouldes ad vise m Brethren that, love Our rethren, O foeve the may have innexagainst iis; that we et not assection towar stem depari ut os urhearis, and that heu nee is, e Xercise discipline to ward them; es by the relaxatio os discipline, ichednes in- crease, and we egin to e accused on God' bellais, sor ithas been ea to iis, hem that in rebuke reor ali, that a Tim. sther alS may fear. Certainly, is one, as is the Di triae' '' Way, distinguishes the times, and so solves the question, ali strue. f the sinae in secret, rebuli it in secret. f the sinbe public aud pen, rebuke it publici that the inne maybe resormed and that Other alas may lear.
s84. B. it SeemS, bis presentialis, here thoi dos labour so much, hastest to anysro, artiusy, susserest saligue; ea scarcet to beenumerated are the necessities of this miserable lis soWing,
hea and se men hen the are involved in some tribulations an distresses, in laW-sulis o siclinesses, and the se thatthenare in travati, do e notaea them Ving nothin else
os heaven Andi puttinis orth a comparison He shewed thedissiculi to bo uel that it was absolutet impossibie. Oreuer impossibi thiniis dissiculi; ut not ovor dissicultilliniis impossibio to o dissicut it is, tali heed to
noi communicate, that God a corii unicate O thee. Communicat here, and thou Ahali communicate there.
Communicate thy read here, and thou hali receive Brendthoro. What rea heres That hicli thoi dos gaster With s eat an toti, accordin to the curso pon the sit St
coinntunicate, not, Let them sine the whole. et them Leepior them solves a much as is sussicient for them, te them Leel more than is sufficiunt I et iis give a certain portio oscit.