장음표시 사용
inio Abraham 's bosom. The ricli man eos the oor man yea raster it is no the oor man eos the rich; e long sora dromos ater On his longue honi his finger, rom him hoonce longe sor a crum s rom his able. Indeed thei tot Was changed. The dea ricli an astis sor his in vatn: let notis horare alive hear it in vain. Fori Wished to superos return again to the oridi, and was no permitted he Wishedone of the de ad torae sento his brethron, Deithe was this
ali, a We read to receive togethur For e re ad in another
that he ho has received aster ne hour, has received bes ore him ho received aster tu elv hours then though the ali received a the fame Our, et ecause Some received asterone a our, milier inster twelve lours, the 'ho receivedaster o hortis time re sal to have received first Thofirsi righteous men, a Abel, and oe, calle ascit ore at thosirs hour, ill receive together Withis the blesse ines of the resurrection ther righteotis mei inster them, Abraham, Isaac Iacob, an ali of thei age, calle ascit ere at thethird hour, ill receive together illi us the lessediles of the resurrection ther righteou men, ac Moses, and Aaron, and whOSoever With them xvere callud scit cruat the sigili hovi , ill receive together Withis the blesso inesso the resurrection Aster them themoly Propheis, callelasit ere at the Dinth Our, ill receive togethor illi us thesanie lessedness. In the nil O the orti ali Christians, called a it,ere at the leventha Our, ill receivo illi therest the lessednes Os that resurrection At Wil receivo
good Wortis, in another sor the croWn os martyrdom . Onesim passio-one Sori, and another in another; et in respectu the livingsor ever, thi man illiso live more thau that, Dor that hanthis. For althe withou end wil the live though ach shalliive in his own rightness and the denarius in the parabie is that lis eternat. et notaim the who has received astera long time murmur against imolio has received aster astior time. To the first, it is a payment to the ther, a re egist; et the fame thiniis ove alii e to both. 7. There is also omething the this in thi present iis , v. and besides that solutio os the parabie, by hicli the whowere calle at thoinrs hour are understoo os belland thorighteous mei of his age, and the at the third, of Abrahamand the righteous me of his age, and the at the fixit, OsMoses and Aaron and the righteous me of thei age, and the at the eleventh, as in the end of the worid, os ali Christians 'esides this solutio of the parable the parabie maybe Seen to have an Xplanatio in respect even os this present iis . For thenare ascit ere calle at therars hour, Who egi to se Christians si est stoin thei mother' Womb; boys are calle ascit were at the third, oun me a the Sixth, the who re vergin toWard id ago, at the inthhour, and the who are callud ascis at the leventhaour, arethe who are altogether decrepit; et ali these are to receiveste ne and tho fame denarius fitornat lise. 8. ut irethren, earlion e an understand dest an Vi.
He appeared indomestate and was despised Formo hid His Majesty, and manis estexHis infirmity. That in Him hichwas manifested a despised, and that hicli as hiddon