Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


rom his mos rei stodiis, I reilliorgo ali his iniquities,


SL. B.J allisain deligitis, an come to the Physician, it is the timeos healing, notis PleaSUre. 14. et iis then thinii, Brothren, os ein cured. Is Wodo not et lino the Physician, et letis no like phrengledmen e violent against Him, or a me in a lethargyriumari a frona Him. For many through his violence have perishod, and many have perished through fleep. The phren-Zie are the who re made ad sor an os fleel'. Thelethargi are they, ho are eighed down by excessive

fleep. en are to e found of both thos Linds. Againstiliis Physicia it is thu ill os ome to e violent, and forasmuch as Horis Himsel sittin in heaven the persecute


Then ill the son come to the old man, and beat, and SqueeZe, o Pincti, o prichaim, o give in an lineasiness, and allthrough his utis ut affection to im and willio allo vitin


the Church, those, that is that relate to the correctio osmanners, to the amendmenti carna lusis to the renouncingste orid, no in or only but in a change of life to thisen is directed the whol aim os the Divine and Hol Scrip tures that that inner man may be purge of that hicli hin dorsis Domine right o God For a the ye hic is forme to se this tempora light a light though heavenly,

yet corporeat, and manifeSt notri me Only but even to the

meanest animais, this the ye is formed, o se this