Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류



God the good and bad hauserit. The Sacrament os the Altarthe good audia receive togothur Saul prophesiod sor alliis


indignitios and intolerable thingi have tho endured, o attain to the objoc of itici love hether iti a love os


2. The sirs destructio os man, a the ovo Os himself. i.


. . . . XLVI


over. Lolo have spolion of two orMS, tho et ortu hicli persecutes, and that Whicli it persecutos. What is ilio ortu


mari ted liso, an Other a lis os continence isto ho has chosunthe marricii liso, has adultero us lusis, he has lookod bach ho


378 Pride in man greater than in Satan: deam, iis penalty be ita cure. SER M. What is there in a da whicli asino madet the Word bu

morro boas himself spea to our Iove, rethren; proud mortes ought tot madeat usti by the devit. Forae, though proud, is yet immortat heris a spirit, though a malignant one. The las da is hept in store ora im at ille ondas his punishment nevertheles hecis no subjecto thedeath to hicli, are subject But man heard the sentence, Gen I, Thou hali uret die. et hi mali a good se os his punishment. What is that Phave said, letlim mahe a goodus os his punishments ' et im no by that stom hichii received his punishment sal into pride; et him achnowledg that hucis mortes, an let it reali down his elation. Eeolus Lot himaeis it satyto him, Wh is earl and ashes prouu 8