Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


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tho Bri toga om cometh and th Brido, the Churchilorisied the with Christ that the severat memburs may be gathered


sss B and temptation is his lise; ut ni let u sanae urn fluctu Strongly that the windis temptatio ma increas the sire,

Οn the word of tho Ospei, ait xxv. Where the lothlal servant, homould not put oui the talent he had received is condemued.


servants ye illiso have to ear o horribi a condemnation.

On the word of the Gospei Mar viii. Where the miracle of the evenloaves is related.


SERM. his orld there are continua revolutions of Seven days. XLV

Churches Tho Apocalypse is in book of St. Volin the


Xt, a God, fratrer a mari, more deformed Van man. 367


alliave it, and i any one nox hear me lio has it not lethim, besore themaster of the hous comes and inspect Hisguests, b changed so the butier, lut him receive tho reo ingsarment, an so sit down in ali assurance. 6. For in truth, dearly Belovcd, he ho was ast orthfroin the east does no signis non mala sar rom it Theyare many And the Lord Himself Who put sortii this parabie, the Bri legi oom Himself, Who calleth together to the seast, and quichenem Whoin He calleth, Heiath Himsel explained torus, that that man oes no denote ne man, but many there in that ver place in the Same parabie. I domo go sar so this, sin the explanation there there I reali thei read, and setities ore ou t be eaten. For Heriaid Wheu he whoa ad notthe wedding sarment asias out thorice inlotuler diar ness,