Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


Sinnea loves God pardoniis; ne heptironi sin, God preventing. 39l

ment an voice e have made signf that e have under-Stoo me. o then, as I thinli, the dissiculi has Hon solve d. The ne has committe many ins an soci made re deblor sor many the ther through God' guidanc has committed but 0K. Tomim to Whom the ne ascribes liat He ath sorgiven, does the me also ascribe hali hathno committed Thou has no been an adulterer in that pastiis of thino, hich was ullis ignorance, hen as et thouWast Do enlightened, as et discerne Dot good an evit,


Our Lorti's coni et to the siniter rebules herellas excluding them. 393

ioli them his, ut sussering them to abi de so a Whilo stili in ius thei forme opinion, He reali solved the question hichii ad excitod them Formo Who saxv them at tho table, eard thei thoughis, and turning to the woman He suid, 'hyiaithhath mare thoo holo. et these Wh say, hocis his thattorgivom sitis also otio thini me toto ut a maia thini me but a maia. For theo thy ait ham mado thoo oholo. '' 8. The ood Physici an no Ont cure the sicli ilion iii.

present, but providod ais for them ho ere toto hereaster. There ere to e men in aster times, ho hoid say, It is

who h ad invited the Lord, and who thought thalmo did not

Tho Donati sis, holding the validit i Tho Collatio Carthag. os Whleh


thoe and the est,hichae sp ah in the fame place sui tably

to the occaSion.


Aet 8, tiged the ossicer, that is, the eunuchis queen audace, ho

water. When the myster an sacrament os Baptism adbeen ac complished that the is of themoly hos mirat notae thought to be of men there a no ait in g, as in theother case, O the postles to come, but themoly Ghost 'cam sortii illi Thus a Simon' thought destroyed testi suci, a thoughtae might have sollOWers.

-- 2. gain another more Ondersu example Peter came Acts 10, to Cornelius the centurion to a Gentile an uncircumcised:


that this an is he had solio e Christ, ould have been


Will have no excuse rom his carnes and tempora assectionintersere. It is truo that both the law of God rescribes these uties, and the Lord Himsel reproves the JeWs, becauso the destroyed hi ver commandinent of Od.

An the postlo Paul has in his Episti laid it oren, and