Sermons on selected lessons of the New Testament

발행: 1844년

분량: 513페이지


분류: 미분류


man tali aWay this, and wher is the combat, here the

i. I. TH miractus os ou LOrd and Saviour Iesus Chri si mulio indoed an impression oti ai Who caris, and bellei e them


M's miracles ori te bod types of suere iter miraclesin f oul. 88 Ibu on disierunt me in disserent ways. For Ome amaZed EuΜ. nimis miractos donein thoiodies of men, have no knowledgo si ' to discern the greatur Wherea sonae admire the more amplesuuilmen in the ouis os moti a the present time of those


lio does notano v and by the figlit os his eyes hesis a pressero the wota, but in his in has no comprehensio oscit;




c ODSent unto Sin is condemned the brenthe again uniosavin health and righteousness. The dea man in thehous arises, theaear revives in the secret of the thoughis. This resurrectio os a dead soli talios place Within, in theretirementis the conscience, ascit ore illiin the walis of the ouso. Other aster consent Proceed O veri et, car inglut the dea a it ere, stat that hicli a con- cealed in secret, may appen in public Are thes no , holiave alivanc ed to the utri ardisci, ast Ope t Was it notsaid to tho ouia man in the Gospe also I say unt theo, Arise Wasio not also restore i his mollier So thenhe oo ho has committod tho penici, is hapl admonishodand aroused by the wordis truth hu ris again a the Volceos Christ, is restore alive Go sociarae could peristi sore ver o could not. ut the who by oin What is ovit, involve thenaseives even in evi habit so that this ver habit


Thesburted habitura sin consent, aet, habit, deyrees in deam. 885osivi suffers them Do to se that it is evit, become defender SERM.

is added consent; no at Onee is that condemnation incuri ed. Aster the consent, progi es is ad unt the opera aci the


vnseen Aster rebulles, aster remonstrances, are uot me testalon to their Wn thoughis, O the not egi to turn ver

selves the determine to change thei lise. Such have risen again thenio hom ha the have been is displeasing have revived: ut though reviving the are Ot able to ath. These are the and of thei gulit Need the there is, stat whos has returne to lis e liould be oosed, and let go. his Mat. 18, ossice hath Hevitven to the discipies t whom Hemaid, inhat-λ' foererio hali inu on arth, shal bo ound in heaτen also. Vii. 7. et u then, dearly Beloved in Auch Wis hea thesethings, stat the who re alive ma live the Who redead ma live again. Whether ita that as et the in hasbeen conceived in the eari, an Dot come sortii into penaci let in thought e repente os, an corrected let thedoad Within thelous os conscience arise. O Whether he has actuali committed What he thought os letio even thus his casea despatre os The dea Nithin has no arisen, ethim aris Whon hecis carrie liut Letaim repent himis his deed, let him avonce return to lise; et him nodigo to tho depilios the grave, letaim no receive ille load os habit uponaim. But peradventur Dum no Speahin to ne, hocis atre adypressed doWn by this har stone Os his oWn habit, hocis Uready laden rith the weight os custom. ho has been in thegrave fur Mys atready, and who tin eth. et letio even


on the word of the Gospei, Lino vii. An belloid a Woman in the eityWhieli as a sinner, ' e. O the remission o sitis, against the Donati sis.


thou Pharisee, inviter aud et deride os the ordi Thoudos seud the Lord, et by Whom thou artrio bo sed thyset

Jolim , horosor aro the word of the Lor in his parabie spolion; and there is thisi ubi objec in them both that that invitor mighti cure together illi thos Who te at the table illi Him, ho alitie a the Lord Jesus Christ, and were alitio ignorant os Him, and that that oman might have