장음표시 사용
wel pleasin to the Lord both objects of His lovo, both diScipies; e See, I say, and an important thiniit is hich
unt uS For eradventure, Ome time or ther Some friendout of his Way has come torus too, and we have found nothingio et bes ore him; and unde the experieuce of this neceSSity,
thou cans read, ut catast O underStati it thou art nothio, si Permittexto passiti. O the interrogator urges thee Paulhimself, O Peter, o any of the Prophet thou ari not
As by the irruption os the barbaria tribes.
liave been cautious, he I said, es assigne to them an empire Without term os years,VI introduce thei Iupiter tosa it id notitie this salsehood in Lown person, ut put upon Iupiter thoe character of untruthfulness as thegod was salse, the poet a salse For ould yeano that wellono xv the truth oscit In another place, hones didno introduce this tone, calle Iupiter, ut spoli in my