장음표시 사용
man died, andius carricia by the Anyols into Abraham's bosom. The rich mani o diod, and was buriod in holl. nil beino in torments he istod se his yes, and sat Lazarus est in in Abraham 's bosom. Then e criod sayiny, ather Abraham,
have mercy on me, anu seni Lazarus that he may d. his vor. 23. minger in uater, and dro fit on m tonstio, for I am tor-Ver. 24.
spirit. For tho Lord was plea sed to a mon Him the Orm Ot Phil. 2, Serrant, and hanius ahon the form os a serrant in tuo bu 7 sed by Servants by re ason os His condescension, o HiScondition. For his trul was condescension, torullo Himself
one sotii, and of ne eart heres ore, Magnis the ordi. s. s.
exceptiein many e have ne heart. 5. Good re ministrations done to the oor, and Speciali the duo services and the religious offices done to thesaints of God For the are a payment, no a gist, a the Apostle says, IV De have sown unto ou spiritual thinys, i 1 Cor.
St. Aug. is explaining the word unum opus est, hicli in themsolves might mean there is one orh, is as in the text.
416 The tot of Martha in hope of the res of Mary.
ablo that hicli is achiniis ought for that hicli is athan is ot ready and tho mini is distracted For is
o serving, appeale to the Lord, and complainud of horsistor that he did nota et her in her labour But tho Lord
sentence ans vere the appellant, defende the ther' cause. Formar Was intent on the weetnes of the Lord's Ord.