장음표시 사용
have compared his notes With mine, since mine mere printed. Thereis littio in common to the two seis of notes. Ι have explained many things whicli ho has not; and When We have explained the Same thing, I seo littio in his notos that Ι 8hould choose to transfer io my OWn. Wehavo had disserent objecis in vi e . There is a passage in the long letter Ad Qu. Fr. p. I 36), Whicli I have perhaps mistaken. The passage is
contained in the sentenco, Quamobrem qu simulent, ' and the Wordsto Whicli I refer are careant iis omnibus rebus, V &c. Supsse's explanation is this: Cicero says, Such provinciales, Romans, WhO for thesake of gain remain many years in the province, renounce ali thalothers cannot bear to be Withou fallierland , Dionds, in stiori, ali thenobter plensures and enjoyments, whicli the truo Roman thought thatho could only find in Rome. VΡago I 44. Vectigali Aedilicio.' When I say, it the numerias meanthat, ' Ι mean to say that we cannot bo certain What is intended by tho breviation Η-S C C, Whicli must mean more than the baro symbolsin the texi signify. A large sum is certainly meant. As the textstands, the symbols denote only 200 sestertii; Whicli is manifostly wrong. Is tho horizontal line is supposed to be placed over tho CC, the symbols, it is sald, wOuid denote ducenties. 'Ρage 144. Νobilis.' Is Cicero Was Ennobled by obtaining tho curulo aedilestiis, he was nobilis' before he was praetor.' Becker Hantauch dor Romischen Αlterthumer, 2ter Theti, p. 220, Π. 447)argues that he bocame nobilis,' When he was elected curule aedile. In Verr. v. 14: comp. De Lege Agr. ii. I.) He observes in another place p. 224 , that tho notion os Nobilitas and the Jus imaginis is connected With tho curule magistractes: the Patricii are certainlyΝobiles, but their nobilitas is independent of the magistracy ; among themsolves they are ali os equat rank by birth, and no Ρatrician, Whowas the first of his family to obtain the consul Ship, is for that reason a Novus; but tho first plebeian consul os a family is also the first novus homo. ' Τhose Who have been accustomed to study the political history of Rome, Me weli aware of the diis culty of these investigations. Though me may admit that a man became nobilis,' in a sense, onattaining any curulo Ossice, Ι am rather inclinod to think that tho curulo aedilestiis hardly placed a man among the Νobiles, in the fuit sense of the ferm. There is nothing surprising in suci, a Word liming rather a
sailing Dom Which place he was desven by the Wind to Leucopetra, in the territory of Rhegium, and Dom thetice he returned to Rome onitio 3Ist of August. So far as concerned his Voyage to Greece, he gotno farinor than Rhegium. Ρago 202. Habes.' I mirat have added that this uso of the word iseems tO be an application of the expression habet,' whicli is sald of a gladiator who has been Wounded by his opponent. Compare the use of habet' in Terenco, Andria, i. 1, 56; and LipSius, Saturn. n. c. 21. VOl. ni. p. 574, ed. 1675.
Ablativo, used in desing Dom a Place, 160 Accensus, 135 Accuratus, 79 Aeta agere, I 10 Acta publica, &c. I 74
A. D. abbreviation, 166 Ad urbem accedere, eSSe, I91
Αdeptus, passi Ve, 7 Adosse, 68 Adesso in consilio, 35 Adesse scribendo, 196 Adhuc, 192 Adscriptus, IBI Advocatus, advocatio, 135 Aedui. 186 Aemilia via, 225 Aemilianus, Io Aequales, 120 Aeque ac, 77 Aetna, o Africanus, Scipio, the y0unger, Io, 6l, 86 Ager, 20, 40 Agere cum aliquo, II 6 Alius-atque, I 60 Alyetta, 165 Amare and diligere, ΙΙ9 Ambitio, 133 Amplius, and other adverbs, with quam' omitted, 226 An, 15 AnaXagoras, 54 Andabata, l86 Animadvertere, II7 Antiquus, or Anticus, 142Anto diem-Idus, 166 Antoninus, M., 8, 54, 59, 75, I 03 Anulus, 134 Apparitor, apparitiones, I 34
Appius, 28 Aquilae, 227M sor Ad, 4I
Asia, province, under the RomanS,
Atticus, 3Αuctoritas, 12 Audire bone, male, I 28 Augurs, 68 Augustus, 42, 59, 140, 223 Aut and vel, 73Autom 69 Auxilia, l4Ι unculus, 223Bacchanali an inscription, 4l, II 5Baiae, I 78Balbus, L. Cornelius, 184 Ballos, vote by, 88Becker, l3Bene, male with est' and a dative, I 67Beneficium populi, II 5
Bona; bonis, In, IBI Boni, II 5Boni lateres, Id Britannia, 184Brotherhood, universat, I 03Brutus, Decimus, I73Brutus, Μ. Junius, I 43, I74, I93Buuer, Bp., 8, 56, 6I, Il9 Caecilius, 2 I, II 8 Caesar, C. Iulius, I 83, I 84, I92, 203, 204, 206-m der, Cicero's opinionos 222 L. Iulius, 219, 223- meus, 225 Octavianus, I77 Puer, 223
Calere, Ι 85 Callere, callum, 211 Calculos, Vocare ad , 97 Calumnia, calumniari, J44 Cadio, calvor, 144 Calx, 58, I 20 Caminus, 185 Carbo, C. Papirius, 115 Carceres, 53 Carmen, 45 Cassiope, Ι 89 Cavea, 36 CaVere, Ι52, 185 Cato, the older, 5, II the younger, I 32, I93, I95 Cedo, cede, Ι 8Celebrare, celebritas, 142, 154 Censoria Lex, 150 Censorinus, 45 Cernere hereditatem, 220
Q. , 124, 165 Circiter, 203Clava, 42 Codices accepti et expensi, 97
Cognationis, gradus, 223COgnoscere, 148Cohors praetoris, 134
Collegae, I 7ICollegium, 48COmites, I 33 Comitium, II 6
Committere ut, 123 Commodo, meo, 203 Communicare, 100 Communicatio, 76 Communis, 43, 100, 202 Commutare, 212 Concludere, I I9
Consilii, de sententia, 35 Consitiones, 40 Constituere, constitutum, 175 Consulares, 223 Consuli, consultus, 47 Contexere, I 76 Continuus, 70Contio not concio'), I 14, 22ΙContra quam, I 28 Conventus agere, 208 Convictiones, 134 Cooptatio, IIJ Copying of books, &c. 172 Corcyra, I 68 Corfinium, 204 Coruncanius, Ti. , 23 Corvus, M. Valerius, 45 Cotesto, 9 Cratippus, 20 ICredideris, 135
Date, desed, 160 Debere, Ι 88 Debi of provinciat cities, 143 Decedere, 47, I 27
Decessio, decessor, I 27 Decernere, 140
Decius, P., 33 Decreta, I 41 Decurio, Ι 8ΙDeducere, 47, 64Deferre ad , 104 Deflexit, defluxit, II 8 Deiotarus, 178 Deminutio, 213 Denuntiare, l74 Describere, I 72Despondere, Ι 80
Diis Μanibus, 7 IDiligens, 137
Diligore and amare, II 9 Diogenes Laertius, 54, 67 Dirksen, the ΤWolvo Tabies, 144 Discedere, 218 Disceptare, I 40 Discero fidibus, 22 Discribere, 3, 44, 193 Dividere agrum, 12 Docere fabulam, 37 Dolabella, Ρ. Cornelius, 178, I 80,
Dum, Willi subjunctive and indicative, 56 , enclitic, 224 Dumtaxat, 94
Eatenus, 133 Eclipso of the moon, 37 Ego, emphatic, 69Ego Vero, l63, Ι95, 2I5 Elevare, it 2 Ellus, diminutives in, 175 Emancipare, 29 Emerita stipendia, 36 Empedocles, 78 Emungere, Emunctus, 1 13 Ennius, 3 Epicureans, 59, 71 Epicurus, 32 Essedum, Ι 84
Etiamnum , 70Euripides, 6, 89 Evocati, 225
Flattery, II 8FOrum, II 6, 226 Gallorum, batile at, 225 Fraus, 112Friendship, 80 Frigere, Ι 85 Fundus, 40, 202 Future, and future perfeci, J77Gaius, 43, 66, 7l , 94, 220 Galba, S. Sulpicius, 225 Gallinaria, Silva, l77Gallus, C. Sulpicius, 36 : 216 Gellius, 42, 66, 97, 93, ΙΙ6,129, 204 Gonitive, at the beginning of a
Sentence, 56 Gorgias, 20 IGracchi, Cicero's opinions of them,
Gracchus, C., 86, 37, II 6 - , Ti. , 85, 87Gymnasium, 210 Habere, in manibus, 120
Infamia, 106 Insitiones, 40 Intercapedo , 200 Interest, nostra, Ι 82Ιnstituere, 23, 37, II 6, IolInstituta, 27 Institutiones, 24 of Justinian, 67,
Instruction, Oral, Ι 83 Inter se, colere, Ι09 Interdictum, interdicere, 20
Jura, 23Jure, in , I9Juro dicundo, iii, I 39Jurisconsulti, Jureconsulti, 23,
184Jurisdictio, 43, 139, 203Jurisprudentes, 23Jus, 23, 29Jus Augurium, 13Jus dicere, Ι 83Jussive mood, I 37Justa, 7lJustitia, 214Justus, 106, I96 Labos, 83 Labienus, Τ., I93 Lacinia, 202 Laelius, C., 64 Latini, Latinae Coloniae, 7ΙLautus, 1 13 Law, Ulpian's division os 108 Lectica, 209 Legati, I 32 Legatio libera, 170 Leges, 27 Lenitas, 14 ILentulus Spinther, Ρ. Cornelius,
Literae ad Senatum, 173Literae unae, I 27 Livius Andronicus, 37 Locatio, 210 Loci, I9ILocus, a portion of a fundus, 40
Μ xxiage, Roman notion os 76 Masinissa, 26l Mater Deum, 34l Megalesia, 34, 36
oeconomicus Of Xenophon, 43ossicium, ossiciose, 103Old age, 27, 4b, 5 Iolympia vicit, 14 oportet, 101Oppius, 204 optimates, II 5, 143 optare, 69 origines, 5, 53
Plutarch, 32, 45, 85, 95, III, II 6, 118, 132, 150Ρolla, 224Ρolybius, 26
Ρublica redimere Or conducere,
Quaestor, 133 Quapropter, 80Quam, preceded by sano' and mirum,' 210Quamquam, Ι55 Quamvis, ΙΙ3 Quartum consul, II Qui-is, 6
Qui, Willi subjunctive, 6, 46, 68,145, I92 Qui quum, d Qui si, 4 Quid enim, 7 Quid opus, o Quin, 44, 47, 102
Quin etiam, 47 Quin, non, I 36 Quincunx, 43 Quintilis, 161 Quippe quum, BIQuoad , 51, 133 Quo, quod, l63 Quo minus, 44 Quod, at the beginning os a Sentence, I 59 Quod aiunt, 18 Quod contra, 58 Quod dicitur, 102 Quod, Willi subjunctive, 5, Ι21
tive, 79-, With indicative, 15-, Willi present indicative,
Reapse, 90 Recitare, 20 Redamare, 9 IReddere literas, 162 Referre, Ι93 Receptum, I93
Refert, 80 Religiosa jura, 7 I
Rogare legem, 129 Rostra, 25 Rufus, P. Sulpicius, 65S. Ρ. Q. R. abbreviation), 174 Sacrae Res, IlSagum, Ι 85 Salutare, 47Sancire legem, GSane quam, 210Satisfacere, I 40
Scaevola, Q. Μucius, Augur, 64 Scaevola, Ρontifex, 65 Scipio Africanus, the y0HΠger, Io,
Scitum, II 3 Secundum, 209 Sed saepe enim, 98
209 Seneca, 8, 52, 58 Sepse, 90 Servilis, 110
Slaves, 209 Social contracf, 75 Societates, Ibi SOciety, origin os, 75 Socii, 129 Socii si Latini, 7Ι Socrates, 52, 55 Sodalitates, 34 Solon, 22, 52 Solum, 40 Sophocles, 5ΙStatua, I 31 Stoics, 52, 67 Suasor, 12Subjunctive, 82, 92, I 06Subi ovare, ΙΙ2Submittere, I 04
Succedere, Successor, 127SucceSSa, mihi, 200
Succidia, 42 Sui juris, 29 Sulcide, 52 Sulla, i 49, 204 Sullani homines, 140 Sulpicius, Servius, 37, I 69, 223 Sunt qui, I 38 Supplicatio, l73 Symphonia, 189Τabolla, Tabellariae Leges, 88 Tabellarius, 160 Tali, 42
Terentia, 159Τesserae, 42 Thomistocles, l0, 88 Theophrastus on friend ship, 93
Tribunal, 144 Tributum, 144 Tristitia, 101 Triumphare gaudio, 207Tubero, L. Aelius, 132 Tullia, 160, 210 Turpio Ambivius, 36
Unae literae, I 27 Universitas, 43Unus, 65 Usurpare, 68 Ut aiunt, 102 Ut in homine Romano, Ι3
Utinam, Ι 89 Utrum-an, 26 Vacare, 27 Vadimonia, I9Vanitas, I 14
Varro, 40, 42 Vas, 13IVectigal Aedilicium, 144 Vectigales, 149 Vegetius, 42 Vol and aut, 73Vel, emphatic, 74 Vellem, 22, 15 IVelia, Ι 87 Vendibilis, II 6 Venusia, 163 Viaticum, 218 Viatores, 4IVicus, 226Vidotis ut sit, 22 Videtur, 90, 129 Vietus, BVilla, 40 illicus, 40, 202
Viriue, nature os 119 Viscellinus, Sp. Cassius, 35
Visere, I 77 Visne, 213 Vita vitalis, 76 Volo, 4, 69, Ι64, 212